Get The Super Greeedy Wealth Extractors Out Of Health Care. We Need Single Payer NOW!


Diversity Makes Greatness
End the wealth extraction.

The rich are more than rich enough.

They don't need any more of our money.

It is reprehensible for them to work us over for part of every single health care transaction.

They completely control the entire market. They wrote the PPACA for their own benefit.

It is time for We The People to stand together against the power junkies.

We need to tell Big Insurance: "You're Fired."

We need to tell Big Pharma: "You're Fired, Too!"

Big Insurance and Big Pharma = Big RIP OFF.
Ayn Rand. Lived in public housing, recieved both medicare and social security in her lifetime.

Socialism is fine for the aristocracy, it's only "bad" for the people.
Hello Fentoine Lum,

Ayn Rand. Lived in public housing, recieved both medicare and social security in her lifetime.

Socialism is fine for the aristocracy, it's only "bad" for the people.

No wonder Atlas shrugged.

They told him Rand was a hypocrite.
Rand has done a lot of damage to America. One of her disciples was Alan Greenspan who advocating leaving the wealthy alone and they would end up doing the right thing. Get rid of laws and regulation, at their base, the wealthy are fair and honest citizens. This claptrap of the Randians only crashed the economy of most of the world. Trump is a believer in that crap too. Truth is many of the rich, never have enough of our money. Trump claims to be a billionaire, never proved it by releasing his taxes, but because of his wealth he could be trusted. So he has monotized the presidency. He is making money off taxpayers over and over. The prick and his daughter are still making their high priced crap in china and 3rd world countries too. The greedy fuck could not even make his shit here for 4 years ,just for looks. And it has not hurt him with the rightys.
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Hello Nordberg,

Rand has done a lot of damage to America. One of her disciples was Alan Greenspan who advocating leaving the wealthy alone and they would end up doing the right thing. Get rid of laws and regulation, at their base, the wealthy are fair and honest citizens. This claptrap of the Randians only crashed the economy of most of the world. Trump is a believer in that crap too. Truth is many of the rich, never have enough of our money. Trump claims to be a billionaire, never proved it by releasing his taxes, but because of his wealth he could be trusted. So he has monotized the presidency. He is making money off taxpayers over and over. The prick and his daughter are still maing their high priced crap in china and 3rd world countries too. The greedy fuck could not even make his shit here for 4 years ,just for looks. And it has not hurt him with the rightys.

OK, you're right, but it would come across better without the edge. I know it's frustrating to watch a beautiful nation go down the drain, but what happened to your usual composure? You come across much better when you keep your cool. We have a lot of work to do. Merit based arguments are far more effective. You always shut them down. You're one of the greatest fact-slappers here. You don't have to slide into the gutter to be effective. Just use your gifts of thinking and knowledge.

It is helpful to remember that JPP is not very representative of the nation. JPP is comprised of those who have the time and inclination to visit and chat politics, and whom also can tolerate the roughness of the place. Also included are some anti-social people who don't really get along well with others. Anybody who fits that description can freely come here. And they do. People who would not be welcome in polite conversations. Also, the frequent use of nastiness tends to drive off people who don't care for that.

I've invited several good people to participate here. Liberals and conservatives. Most who actually did come and check it out promptly left. They all said the same thing. They were turned off by how nasty it was. They don't want the hassle nor stigma of maintaining a large Ignore List. Of course, the stigma concern is absurd. Most whom have downtalked that have never tried that style of posting for long enough to really understand what it is like. (Stress goes way down, clearer issue-based thinking ensues.) Talking to potty mouths is bad for the karma.

So really, the breakdown of JPP is: nasty people, and those who can put up with them.

The funny thing is I have found that most people, if you talk to them like they matter, will treat you the same way.

You get back what you put out.

Those who just want to be nasty claim they are only doing it because everybody else does it. Go figure! No wonder some of them get mad (defensive) if you don't, and you refuse to lower yourself. Combination of envy (for those actually able to remain above it,) and embarrassment (for not being able to.)
We pay more than other nation by more than double. we get worse care and leave millions uncovered. it is a national shame. We could go single payer and save billions of dollars and make poor people, those getting into accidents and those who get a serious illness, live or die with dignity. The fact that we don't, says a lot about Americans.
The Democrats are the ones that have been trying since the 90's to force every one into a giant supergreedy HMO.

The Democrats are trying to provide health care to all, something Republicans don't care about. What we have right now let's super-greedy insurance companies earn billions in profit by charging too much. And it still doesn't cover everybody. ER costs are still too high because the uninsured just walk in and never pay. Medicare spends 97% of it's budget on health care. Private insurers are only required to spend 80% under the law they essentially wrote. They are in business to make money, not cover people.
The Democrats are trying to provide health care to all, something Republicans don't care about. What we have right now let's super-greedy insurance companies earn billions in profit by charging too much. And it still doesn't cover everybody. ER costs are still too high because the uninsured just walk in and never pay. Medicare spends 97% of it's budget on health care. Private insurers are only required to spend 80% under the law they essentially wrote. They are in business to make money, not cover people.

They'd better try a lot harder, the faking ain't gonna cut it anymore.
It is time for We The People to stand together against the power junkies.

We need to tell Big Insurance: "You're Fired."

We need to tell Big Pharma: "You're Fired, Too!"

Big Insurance and Big Pharma = Big RIP OFF.

Those to whom you refer, PoliTalker, need to wake up one morning to discover
that every aspect of the health care industry,
from pre-natal to hospice and everything in between,
is now nationalized and firmly in the not-for-profit public sector.

Med school should be like the services academies.
The tax payers will pay your tuition, but then you work for them.
At minimum twelve years.
You can hang your shingle after that if you want to give face lifts to the wealthy
who seek private care despite still having to pay their share of the taxes for public care.
I'm guessing Queen Liz doesn't use the NHS.

Let the capitalist corporate oligarchs make trucks, burgers, and hair spray in the private sector
to their hearts' content, as long as they adhere to the labor, safety, and environmental regulations.
The Democrats are trying to provide health care to all, something Republicans don't care about. What we have right now let's super-greedy insurance companies earn billions in profit by charging too much. And it still doesn't cover everybody. ER costs are still too high because the uninsured just walk in and never pay. Medicare spends 97% of it's budget on health care. Private insurers are only required to spend 80% under the law they essentially wrote. They are in business to make money, not cover people.

The democrats are trying to provide a giant corporate subsidy to health insurance companies that earn billions in profits even with Obamacare that added billions in overhead costs to the industry. There is no realistic democratic proposal out there that isn't another Wall Street payoff. The democrats aren't trying to take patents away from big pharma. The democrats are peddling health insurance coverage with such huge out of pocket expenses they are effectively catastrophic only policies that would still bankrupt people just to be able to move people into the "Insured" column for statistical brownie points.
The Democrats are the ones that have been trying since the 90's to force every one into a giant supergreedy HMO.

Any talk of single-payer comes from the left. The Dems realize that our system is unsustainable. We all work within the confinements of lobbying and medical company financial power. The Repubs are their inside lobbying firm.
The democrats are trying to provide a giant corporate subsidy to health insurance companies that earn billions in profits even with Obamacare that added billions in overhead costs to the industry. There is no realistic democratic proposal out there that isn't another Wall Street payoff. The democrats aren't trying to take patents away from big pharma. The democrats are peddling health insurance coverage with such huge out of pocket expenses they are effectively catastrophic only policies that would still bankrupt people just to be able to move people into the "Insured" column for statistical brownie points.

The ACA was starter program toward a better healthcare system. The rightys went after it after the health insurance companies sicced them on it. The ACA should have been slowly modified toward universalhealthcare. That was the plan. Both parties know our system is unsustainable. TheRepubs want to fix it by taking healthcare away from millions to support those on top. At least admit it.
Universal coverage is the only answer. But insurance companies, hospitals, and drug companies will fight for their bloated profits made off the mysery of others. Want to see what salaries the leaders of those companies are getting? Insurnance companies are in the denial of care business. That is how they max profits. They make you fight to get the coverage you paid for. Get sick and see how much time you spend on phone calls, letters and forms. They pay doctors to find loopholes to justify rejecting your care. It is as bad a system as can be imagined;. They created rescission. What a crime that is.
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The ACA was starter program toward a better healthcare system. The rightys went after it after the health insurance companies sicced them on it. The ACA should have been slowly modified toward universalhealthcare. That was the plan. Both parties know our system is unsustainable. TheRepubs want to fix it by taking healthcare away from millions to support those on top. At least admit it.
Universal coverage is the only answer. But insurance companies, hospitals, and drug companies will fight for their bloated profits made off the mysery of others. Want to see what salaries the leaders of those companies are? Insurnace companies are in the denial of care business. That is how they max profits. They make you fight to get the coverage you paid for. Get sick and see how much time you spend on phone calls, letters and forms. They pay doctors to find loopholes to justify rejecting your care. It is as bad a system as can be imagined;. They created rescission. What a crime that is.

The democrats with a majority in the Senate and the House couldn't even enact a public option as part of Obamacare. There is no support for it. Taxes would go through the roof. Everything everybody pays in health insurance off government book and then some would have to be brought in as new taxes. The entire industry would be completely disrupted. The other countries largely own their comparatively small number of hospitals to the US. US drugs get to market much faster; US wait times are much shorter. US health care workers are much better paid. Nobody is going to give any of that up.
The democrats with a majority in the Senate and the House couldn't even enact a public option as part of Obamacare. There is no support for it. Taxes would go through the roof. Everything everybody pays in health insurance off government book and then some would have to be brought in as new taxes. The entire industry would be completely disrupted. The other countries largely own their comparatively small number of hospitals to the US. US drugs get to market much faster; US wait times are much shorter. US health care workers are much better paid. Nobody is going to give any of that up.

They knew that they could not get the votes in the house and senate. They had to break in. American drugs do not get to market faster. But we do have worse care and double the price.
However , since both parties have said for generations, which party actually opened the door? Which one is closing it again? Our healthcare system is rated at the bottom of idustrial countries. Nothing to defend in that. Ours is just the most expensive.
I know many Canadians. They laugh when asked if they would give up our systemfor ours. Tommy Douglas who started it is the number one rated politician in Canadian history.
The democrats with a majority in the Senate and the House couldn't even enact a public option as part of Obamacare. There is no support for it. Taxes would go through the roof. Everything everybody pays in health insurance off government book and then some would have to be brought in as new taxes. The entire industry would be completely disrupted. The other countries largely own their comparatively small number of hospitals to the US. US drugs get to market much faster; US wait times are much shorter. US health care workers are much better paid. Nobody is going to give any of that up.

Fact is healthcare could use the VA, Medicare and Medicaid money. That would pay for it. We would not use them anymore. Vets could go to any doctor or hospital .That would be a great benefit. Truth is most veterans really like the care at the VA. But for many. it is very inconvenient to get to the VA. Many Rural vets don't have access.
I always wonder about the wait times. When I call for an appointment, I have to pick a date 2 weeks or more in the future.
A big savings is eliminating health care insurance companies. They could just handle bookwork for the national healthcare. Thay are a big part of what makes our system cruel and unusable for the poor.
You boys need to educate yourselves on the realities of health care.

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Because you do not know how corporations can hide profits does not show our lack of education. Want to know how much they pay execs? That goes to salaries and lowers the profits. They can make them whatever they want. We pay double per patient of anyother country yet have the lowest rated healthcare of industrial countries. We don't cover millions of our citizens . Our system is a mess.
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End the wealth extraction.

The rich are more than rich enough.

They don't need any more of our money.

It is reprehensible for them to work us over for part of every single health care transaction.

They completely control the entire market. They wrote the PPACA for their own benefit.

It is time for We The People to stand together against the power junkies.

We need to tell Big Insurance: "You're Fired."

We need to tell Big Pharma: "You're Fired, Too!"

Big Insurance and Big Pharma = Big RIP OFF.

You are a dumb motherfucker. Who do you think wanted Obamacare? Insurance companies maybe? You are really a special level of stupid.