Gingrich may be the GOP Nominee

he certainly has a history of balancing the budget.....even if liberals try to give Clinton credit for it........I can still hear Clinton complaining that if we approved the Republican budget proposal it would bankrupt the it's apparently the best thing Clinton ever thought up......
I don't think he needs to. I think Newt can use this opportunity to ask forgiveness from these value voters while communicating his larger politcal agenda but in essence you are correct, the usual "divide and conquer" social wedge issues are a poison apple for Newt. Fortunately for him there's a whole lot of other areas he can build a constituency on.

I think Newt has an opportunity to rebuild a constituency in the Republican party. I think many people who lean conservative are sick to death of the far rights grasp on the party. His comments about the Ryan plan for Medicare hit a positive nerve with a lot of people when he said that We don't need right wing social engineering anymore then we do left wing social engineering. I certainly agreed with that comment.

When you make a comment like 'I cheated because I cared so much about my country' you aren't winning people over to your side. Newt does have name recognition but that's it. That dude isn't getting anywhere near the nomination.

And yes when he is actually a smart guy and can show well discussing policy issues. But he does not have what it takes to become P.O.T.U.S.
When you make a comment like 'I cheated because I cared so much about my country' you aren't winning people over to your side. Newt does have name recognition but that's it. That dude isn't getting anywhere near the nomination.

And yes when he is actually a smart guy and can show well discussing policy issues. But he does not have what it takes to become P.O.T.U.S.

We'll find out. Does he have the discipline to not say something stupid like that while out on campaign? Newt certainly has a lot of baggage but hey, so did Reagan.
Yea well so was I and you are.

President Clinton used his weekly radio address to issue his harshest attack yet on proposed Republican cuts to balance the budget. Clinton called the Republican plan to balance the budget in seven years "a cynical assault on American values." He said the GOP plan would make it harder for some citizens to achieve the "American dream."

Lott said Clinton had threatened to veto virtually all Republican reform efforts, including appropriations bills because they did not spend enough.
Are you sure you're not confusing poor Al with Prince Charles? ;)


Prince Charles (left), Newt Gingrich (centre) and Al Gores (right) discuss charisma.
then again....maybe not:

Gingrich under fire from Republicans over comments

(CNN) – Newt Gingrich has been an official presidential candidate for only a week, but the former House Speaker is already under siege from fellow Republicans over recent comments that disparaged a House GOP budget proposal and appeared to endorse some form of a health care mandate that conservatives have long derided.

"This is a big deal," said Charles Krauthammer, the conservative Washington Post columnist. "He's done. He didn't have a big chance from the beginning but now it's over."
I remember Reagan doing that pretty much the same way. Reagan was percieved as a B-rated actor, Hollywood elite, former Union Presidents who turned Repbulican and made some pretty big screw ups as Governor of CA. Then around 1979 I heard people really ought to be open minded and listen to what this guy Reagan is saying. If Newt can convince the values voters who now dominate the Republican party that his is sincere in his regrets about his personal failings then he can win them over.....and hopefully move the GOP back towards the center and rationality. If he can do that, then he can undo a lot of the damage that Bush and the Tea Party wackos ahve done to the GOP.

Newt opened the doors that Bush walked through. What is your point with this?
then again....maybe not:

Gingrich under fire from Republicans over comments

(CNN) – Newt Gingrich has been an official presidential candidate for only a week, but the former House Speaker is already under siege from fellow Republicans over recent comments that disparaged a House GOP budget proposal and appeared to endorse some form of a health care mandate that conservatives have long derided.

"This is a big deal," said Charles Krauthammer, the conservative Washington Post columnist. "He's done. He didn't have a big chance from the beginning but now it's over."

I saw this yesterday as well, and I agree with the Krauthammer, Newt is done. Attacking Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare was just plain stupid. Couple that with his tacit approval of Obamacare... and he is REALLY done. Newt may have set some kind of record for destruction of a potential candidacy in the shortest time ever!

Personally, I like Newt.. would have supported and voted for him in 2008 or even 2004... but I was having a hard time getting behind him this go-around, because I just think he represents too much of the Republican past, too much of a 'throwback' and I don't think that is what the mainstream TEA Party republican is wanting now. I think we're looking for new blood, new ideas, a fresh face who can't be so easily tied to the Bush era GOP. Like the Krauthammer, I only gave him a 'marginal' chance to begin with, and that would be based on his extensive knowledge of foreign policy and history... but he blew it big time with the base, and I think you will see him depart the race rather quickly.
I saw this yesterday as well, and I agree with the Krauthammer, Newt is done. Attacking Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare was just plain stupid. Couple that with his tacit approval of Obamacare... and he is REALLY done. Newt may have set some kind of record for destruction of a potential candidacy in the shortest time ever!

Personally, I like Newt.. would have supported and voted for him in 2008 or even 2004... but I was having a hard time getting behind him this go-around, because I just think he represents too much of the Republican past, too much of a 'throwback' and I don't think that is what the mainstream TEA Party republican is wanting now. I think we're looking for new blood, new ideas, a fresh face who can't be so easily tied to the Bush era GOP. Like the Krauthammer, I only gave him a 'marginal' chance to begin with, and that would be based on his extensive knowledge of foreign policy and history... but he blew it big time with the base, and I think you will see him depart the race rather quickly.

Dixie. Krauthammer is one of the very worst political pundits. He's been wrong more times then you have.
Ohio beer? ....Hmm... never heard of any, but I figure they must have some really good shit there.. I have SEEN Ohio women! :D
It is and you're right. Ever hear of Little Kings? It's a cream ale with a 5.5% ABV made by the Schoenling Brewing Co of Cincinnati. It not only taste good but makes sure that Ohio women get some lovin too! :)

And Dixie...don't knock Ohio of these days your tractor may break down in the back 40 and by God you'll wish to hell you had an Ohio woman too!!
Too Much Baggage!


Newt must know he's got no chance of winning.
I think he's running so from now on, before
David Gregory starts kissing his Fascist ass,
he'll introduce Newt as "former presidential contender..."

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It is and you're right. Ever hear of Little Kings? It's a cream ale with a 5.5% ABV made by the Schoenling Brewing Co of Cincinnati. It not only taste good but makes sure that Ohio women get some lovin too! :)

And Dixie...don't knock Ohio of these days your tractor may break down in the back 40 and by God you'll wish to hell you had an Ohio woman too!!

What? So maybe I could ride her back to the house? lmao