Gingrich may be the GOP Nominee

I saw this yesterday as well, and I agree with the Krauthammer, Newt is done. Attacking Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare was just plain stupid. Couple that with his tacit approval of Obamacare... and he is REALLY done. Newt may have set some kind of record for destruction of a potential candidacy in the shortest time ever!

Personally, I like Newt.. would have supported and voted for him in 2008 or even 2004... but I was having a hard time getting behind him this go-around, because I just think he represents too much of the Republican past, too much of a 'throwback' and I don't think that is what the mainstream TEA Party republican is wanting now. I think we're looking for new blood, new ideas, a fresh face who can't be so easily tied to the Bush era GOP. Like the Krauthammer, I only gave him a 'marginal' chance to begin with, and that would be based on his extensive knowledge of foreign policy and history... but he blew it big time with the base, and I think you will see him depart the race rather quickly.

As usual you are dead-on.
I didn't say I thought we could beat Obama, I'm saying I think he can run a very competitive race for the GOP nomination. I think given what I saw on Meet the Press that it would be foolish of other presumptive GOP nominees to underestimate Newt.
Then you under estimate the power of the left-wing liberal fair and balanced network can't come close to fighting that....
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If Gingrich is able to get in front of this somehow and control the message he can turn it around if he makes the focus on the states rather than on a Federal mandate. His problem will be that his fight against Hillarycare pretty much focused on vouchers and a mandate, since they never actually wrote one they can pretty much say that they were planning on state vouchers, etc...

Romney has a far better chance, if he wants to tell people his plan worked for Mass. he can always say he believes that different states might need to do it differently and that this should be a state run thang, one size fits all rarely "fits" all...
There is plenty that I disagree with Newt Gingrich on from a policy stand point. However, he always impresses me as having a brilliant grasp of public policy, an extraordinarly ability to communicate public policy and a demonstrated ability to work both sides of the aisle to get things done and he certainly has demonstrated his political oganizational skills.

I think, despite his obvious short commings, Newt may surprise a lot of people in the GOP primaries. I think Newt makes the most sense of any Republican candidate when he speaks on issues and I think he also understands the importance of bringing the Republican party back to a center right position. I think Newt can sell a lot of people that he knows how to get things done. As long as he stays away from socialy conservative issues and cops a mea culpa, "please forgive me for my personal failings" I think he may surprise a lot of people.

I must admit. I was impressed with his performance on Meet the Press last Sunday.

News Flash: Gingrich will not be the Republican Nominee and will drop out after the first few primaries.
I didn't say I thought we could beat Obama, I'm saying I think he can run a very competitive race for the GOP nomination. I think given what I saw on Meet the Press that it would be foolish of other presumptive GOP nominees to underestimate Newt.

Hell, Elmer Fudd should be able to beat Obama in this next election; but Elmer also has a better chance of being nominated than Newt as well.
I doubt it. People tend to think that speaking clearly = charisma in politics. I think it is very likely that the media will now focus on the fact that he slept around on his wife and continue to bring the political conversation down to lows we are tired of... That will be his problem, not a lack of charisma.

This is basically hitting the proverbial nail on the head; the media are already doing this. But don't expect this with just Newt, this will be the strategy for ALL of the Republican candidates in the Lame Stream Medias attempts to re-elect the post turtle they had to drag across the finish line in 2008.
I think your forgetting that Al Gore won.

Why do people continue postulating this gross fabrication and lie; the only thing this idiot did was attempt to steal an election based on a divination of hanging “chads” as an intent to vote.

Good lord, what is it with Liberals and their desperate desire to avoid facts and reality?

Read and become informed:

Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election.

Time to move away from this lie and stop repeating it don't you think?
I am pretty certain Newt announced his candidacy the other day.

Yes, Newt did.. That was in response to my statement that Newt would be the first prominent candidate to drop out of the race, and some pinhead chimed in that Huckabee and Trump had already dropped out... they never did announce, so how did they drop out?
Why do people continue postulating this gross fabrication and lie; the only thing this idiot did was attempt to steal an election based on a divination of hanging “chads” as an intent to vote.

Good lord, what is it with Liberals and their desperate desire to avoid facts and reality?

Read and become informed:

Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed
By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY

George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes — more than triple his official 537-vote margin — if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election.

Time to move away from this lie and stop repeating it don't you think?

Don't worry, the basis for the formal creation of the Democratic Party was that the Election of 1824 was stolen. :cof1:
If Gingrich is able to get in front of this somehow and control the message he can turn it around if he makes the focus on the states rather than on a Federal mandate. His problem will be that his fight against Hillarycare pretty much focused on vouchers and a mandate, since they never actually wrote one they can pretty much say that they were planning on state vouchers, etc...

Romney has a far better chance, if he wants to tell people his plan worked for Mass. he can always say he believes that different states might need to do it differently and that this should be a state run thang, one size fits all rarely "fits" all...

I'd have to disagree with you on this one Demo.

They both represent the problem in the eyes of potential supporters.