Loyal to the end
I saw this yesterday as well, and I agree with the Krauthammer, Newt is done. Attacking Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare was just plain stupid. Couple that with his tacit approval of Obamacare... and he is REALLY done. Newt may have set some kind of record for destruction of a potential candidacy in the shortest time ever!
Personally, I like Newt.. would have supported and voted for him in 2008 or even 2004... but I was having a hard time getting behind him this go-around, because I just think he represents too much of the Republican past, too much of a 'throwback' and I don't think that is what the mainstream TEA Party republican is wanting now. I think we're looking for new blood, new ideas, a fresh face who can't be so easily tied to the Bush era GOP. Like the Krauthammer, I only gave him a 'marginal' chance to begin with, and that would be based on his extensive knowledge of foreign policy and history... but he blew it big time with the base, and I think you will see him depart the race rather quickly.
As usual you are dead-on.