Gingrich may be the GOP Nominee

Good thing it was, too, because it delayed the Jackson presidency by four years, and placed a man who was good natured and not evil into the office.
I'd have to disagree with you on this one Demo.

They both represent the problem in the eyes of potential supporters.

Well, that's basically true, but that doesn't change that I'm getting the feeling that the "end of Newt" that I thought had happened may not be realistic. I don't think any of the early-ins are going to win the nomination. Newt and Romney won't be there. It will be the later entries that will likely get the nod... somebody who is "forced" in by grass roots, etc.
Well, that's basically true, but that doesn't change that I'm getting the feeling that the "end of Newt" that I thought had happened may not be realistic. I don't think any of the early-ins are going to win the nomination. Newt and Romney won't be there. It will be the later entries that will likely get the nod... somebody who is "forced" in by grass roots, etc.

I think we have traditionally had to wait until Iowa and New Hampshire to see who the favorite would be.. but I think this election may be a little different. I am thinking it will be back and forth between several prominent candidates, and may come down to last second delegate shuffling to determine who ultimately gets the nod. If that is the case, it will likely be Romney. He is the GOP establishment pick, and if they can come into the convention with any chance of pulling out a last second win, they will.... and we'll get who they picked from the start. But there is a chance that some charismatic new face will emerge...ahemm..[hermancain]*cough* ...and change the dynamic completely. There is also the possibility a combination of an unenthusiastic liberal base will not turn out for Obama this time, and the TEA Party will shock everyone. Keep in mind, this will be the first presidential election for the TEA Party, we saw what happened in 2010, and I don't think that was a fluke or will be any less impressive in Nov 2012. There is an argument to be made, it could actually be much much worse for Democrats and Obama than anyone can even imagine.
Newt won't drop out as fast as Cain, but one of the 12 bitches he owes the 500,000 for is going to come forward and after he raises a bunch of money from widestancers like Dixie and Bravo Newt will be out with the Cash.
Boy I tell you the difference a week makes. Newt hit if right on the fucking head but couldn't handle the heat from the wing nut faction of the party and ended up making a gigantic fool out of himself.

I think it's all over but the fat lady singing. There's no one on the Repelican side who can beat Romney. Hey may not have the heart and soul or love of the Repelican faithful but he's got the money and he's got the machine.
Newt won't drop out as fast as Cain, but one of the 12 bitches he owes the 500,000 for is going to come forward and after he raises a bunch of money from widestancers like Dixie and Bravo Newt will be out with the Cash.
Newt screwed the pooch. What Paul Ryan is proposing for medicare is right wing social engineering and is wildly unpopular with seniors and older boomers and if Repelicans continue to push Ryans refoms there willl be a substantial backlash on Republicans in the next national election. If Newt would have just stood his ground he could have built a powerful coalition with the senior vote but nope, he didn't have the cajones and he folded like a cardboard picnick table and made an ass of himself in the process by back tracking and spinning instead of sticking to his guns.
If I was Pawlenty or Huntsman I would work real, real hard to come up with a serious budget plan as an alternative to Ryans. It's the only way I can see of triangulating primary success against Romney into electoral success in a general election in 2012. Those Republican candidates who support Ryans plan are in very perilous grounds politically in a national election, unfortunately, those who don't have a very serious alternative to Ryan's plan will have a big problem in the primary elections if they don't give their whole hearted devotion to Ryan's plan. The political lesson to be learned from Newt is that if you're going to criticize Ryans plan you'd by golly better have a serious plan of your own.

I personaly give Ryan a half thumbs up on the budget. I disagree with him on a lot of points in his budgest but he is giving a half assed effort to lead, and though is is unquestionably half assed (He'd get my sincerest compliment if he was truly leading and addressed the revenue issue, but he doesn't so he isn't really leading) at least he has the balls to put forwards something to reform entitlements. That alone took courage.....even if it is half assed partial courage.
LOL TopGay the pussy gets butt-hurt so attacks my family, just as predicted. Thanks for the ten or so groans in the last hour you fat slob. :)
Well, that's basically true, but that doesn't change that I'm getting the feeling that the "end of Newt" that I thought had happened may not be realistic. I don't think any of the early-ins are going to win the nomination. Newt and Romney won't be there. It will be the later entries that will likely get the nod... somebody who is "forced" in by grass roots, etc.

You're probably right.

I'm sending my money to Paul who has another money bomb coming up in June.
He is finish before even getting started
