Global fry-up.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of France. The BBC doesn't realize this, like usual.
That said, there are probably a few thermometers that showed 45.1 degC, While is might be a record for that thermometer, hot weather isn't unusual in France this time of year.

The record is defined by the highest temperature recorded in France. An idiot- such as yourself- might think that all of France is the same temperature and think that such a moronic concept is worth mentioning- as you have.
You are a moron.
The record is defined by the highest temperature recorded in France. An idiot- such as yourself- might think that all of France is the same temperature and think that such a moronic concept is worth mentioning- as you have.
You are a moron.

Fuck France. And you goat fucker.
How many Palestinian kids did you save today Goon? That would bring your total record up to, ah, what? Zero?

Unzip your goat-skin a little more next time you PM me pics, bath-tub Billy. I won't circulate them- honest. Haw, haw........haw.
Unzip your goat-skin a little more next time you PM me pics, bath-tub Billy. I won't circulate them- honest. Haw, haw........haw.

This is supposed to be a HAMAS spokesman looking out for Palestinians. Championing their "cause". The only thing worse than that lie is the people (well, one) that thank you for lying about it.
This is supposed to be a HAMAS spokesman looking out for Palestinians. Championing their "cause". The only thing worse than that lie is the people (well, one) that thank you for lying about it.

What's happened to your goat fetish, bath-tub Billy ? I hardly recognized you.

All rubbed out, are you ?
The record is defined by the highest temperature recorded in France.
I can think of a lot higher temperatures in France, inside the oven of one of their famous restaurants, for example.
An idiot- such as yourself- might think that all of France is the same temperature and think that such a moronic concept is worth mentioning- as you have.
Inversion fallacy. This is what YOU are doing. I am pointing out quite the opposite.
You are a moron.
Insult fallacy. You are not paying attention again.
I can think of a lot higher temperatures in France, inside the oven of one of their famous restaurants, for example.

Inversion fallacy. This is what YOU are doing. I am pointing out quite the opposite.

Insult fallacy. You are not paying attention again.

Come back when you recognize paleoclimatology and global weather stations. Until then you're a moron troll.
Mexico hail: Ice 1.5m thick carpets Mexico's Guadalajara


Six suburbs in the Mexican city of Guadalajara have been left carpeted in a thick layer of ice after a heavy hail storm.

The ice was up to 1.5m (5ft) thick in places, half-burying vehicles.


The authorities say 200 homes have been damaged and dozens of vehicles swept away in the city and surrounding districts.

State governor Enrique Alfaro described it as incredible, according to AFP.

"Then we ask ourselves if climate change is real. These are never-before-seen natural phenomena," he said.
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