Global fry-up.

Come back when you recognize paleoclimatology and global weather stations. Until then you're a moron troll.

You have no idea what a troll is, or a moron for that matter.

"Paleoclimatology' and 'global weather station' are meaningless terms. YOU still can't define 'climate change'.
Mexico hail: Ice 1.5m thick carpets Mexico's Guadalajara


Six suburbs in the Mexican city of Guadalajara have been left carpeted in a thick layer of ice after a heavy hail storm.

The ice was up to 1.5m (5ft) thick in places, half-burying vehicles.


The authorities say 200 homes have been damaged and dozens of vehicles swept away in the city and surrounding districts.

State governor Enrique Alfaro described it as incredible, according to AFP.

"Then we ask ourselves if climate change is real. These are never-before-seen natural phenomena," he said.

Define 'climate change'.
Moron. Tell me about paleoclimatology and global weather stations before you fuck off.

There is nothing TO tell you, according to him... He has asserted that they are meaningless terms. I agree with him, as you have not defined "climate change".
There is nothing TO tell you, according to him... He has asserted that they are meaningless terms. I agree with him, as you have not defined "climate change".

Are you the left sock or the right sock ? Never mind , you're both morons who deny that global weather stations exist. Geez, you can't even understand paleoclimatology. Haw, haw............haw.
Are you the left sock or the right sock ?
No sock?

Never mind ,
Then why did you ask?

you're both morons

who deny that global weather stations exist.
Correct. There is no such thing as a "global weather station", especially since there is no such thing as "global weather".

Geez, you can't even understand paleoclimatology.
Meaningless. Define "climate change".

Haw, haw............haw.
Meaningless laughter.

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.
Oh dear, i hope the coastal areas haven't gone under water yet. This heat wave shit really has me scared for all the perverts.
'Precipitous' fall in Antarctic sea ice since 2014 revealed

Plunge is far faster than in Arctic and may lead to more global heating, say scientists

The vast expanse of sea ice around Antarctica has suffered a fall since 2014, satellite data shows, and fell at a faster rate than seen in the Arctic.

The plunge in the average annual extent means Antarctica lost as much sea ice in four years as the Arctic lost in 34 years. The cause of the sharp Antarctic losses is as yet unknown and only time will tell whether the ice recovers or continues to decline.

But researchers said it showed ice could disappear much more rapidly than previously thought. Unlike the melting of ice sheets on land, sea ice melting does not raise sea level. But losing bright white sea ice means the sun’s heat is instead absorbed by dark ocean waters, leading to a vicious circle of heating.
'Precipitous' fall in Antarctic sea ice since 2014 revealed

Plunge is far faster than in Arctic and may lead to more global heating, say scientists

The vast expanse of sea ice around Antarctica has suffered a fall since 2014, satellite data shows, and fell at a faster rate than seen in the Arctic.

The plunge in the average annual extent means Antarctica lost as much sea ice in four years as the Arctic lost in 34 years. The cause of the sharp Antarctic losses is as yet unknown and only time will tell whether the ice recovers or continues to decline.

But researchers said it showed ice could disappear much more rapidly than previously thought. Unlike the melting of ice sheets on land, sea ice melting does not raise sea level. But losing bright white sea ice means the sun’s heat is instead absorbed by dark ocean waters, leading to a vicious circle of heating.

Base rate fallacy. 2014 was a record maximum ice extent in Antarctica...the highest ever recorded.
The 2019 ice extent in Antarctica is larger than the 2018 one.