Global fry-up.

Global heating: London to have similar climate to Barcelona by 2050

Nearly 80% of cities to undergo dramatic and potentially disastrous changes, study finds

London will have a similar climate in three decades’ time to that of Barcelona today, according to new research – but if that seems enticing, a warning: the change could be accompanied by severe drought.

Madrid will feel like present-day Marrakech by 2050, and Stockholm like Budapest, according to a report on the likely impacts of the climate crisis. Around the world, cities that are currently in temperate or cold zones in the northern hemisphere will resemble cities more than 600 miles (1,000km) closer to the equator, with damaging effects on health and infrastructure.

Among other analogues, the study suggests Moscow will resemble Sofia, Seattle will feel like San Francisco and New York will be comparable to Virginia Beach. The researchers have created an interactive map showing hundreds of cities and their 2050 counterparts.

It won't really matter if climatic disasters and massive population migrations result in WW3. There won't be any cities to inhabit nor people to inhabit them.
Dangerous heatwave starts hitting US

Extremely hot weather has started to hit most of the United States, with temperatures set to peak over the weekend, meteorologists say.

The heatwave could affect about 200 million people in major cities like New York, Washington and Boston in the East Coast, and the Midwest region too.

In some places, temperatures could be close to or exceed 100F (38C).

Experts say heatwaves are becoming more frequent, a phenomenon that is linked to climate change.

Dangerous heatwave starts hitting US

Extremely hot weather has started to hit most of the United States, with temperatures set to peak over the weekend, meteorologists say.

The heatwave could affect about 200 million people in major cities like New York, Washington and Boston in the East Coast, and the Midwest region too.

In some places, temperatures could be close to or exceed 100F (38C).
It's called 'summer'. Perhaps you may have heard of it.

Dangerous heatwave starts hitting US
Experts say heatwaves are becoming more frequent, a phenomenon that is linked to climate change.
Define 'climate change'. Define 'expert'.
Here is a detailed map proving your point that global weather stations do not exist. If you look closely you can see that there aren't any.

Haw, haw...............................haw


Just how foolish must you be depicted before you fuck off ?

You are correct. There aren't any. You map shows a bunch of weather stations, each measuring the temperature, rainfall, etc. at their own individual location. NONE of them are measuring the temperature of the Earth.
You are correct. There aren't any. You map shows a bunch of weather stations, each measuring the temperature, rainfall, etc. at their own individual location. NONE of them are measuring the temperature of the Earth.

You have cells in your brain- not as many as an intelligent person, evidently- but NONE of them constitutes a brain. Collectively they do- albeit rather small in your case.
Extreme Events
Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world — including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa.
The number of record high temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing numbers of intense rainfall events.12

Who to believe ? NASA or maggot ? Hang on................. I'm thinking. Haw, haw............................haw.

Icelandic memorial warns future: ‘Only you know if we saved glaciers’

Plaque marking Okjökull, the first glacier lost to climate crisis, to be unveiled in August

The first of Iceland’s 400 glaciers to be lost to the climate crisis will be remembered with a memorial plaque – and a sombre warning for the future – to be unveiled by scientists and local people next month.

The former Okjökull glacier, which a century ago covered 15 sq km (5.8 sq miles) of mountainside in western Iceland and measured 50 metres thick, has shrunk to barely 1 sq km of ice less than 15 metres deep and lost its status as a glacier.

Researchers from Rice University in Houston, Texas, a leading Icelandic author, Andri Snær Magnason, and the geologist Oddur Sigurðsson will lead the unveiling ceremony at the site in Borgarfjörður on 18 August, local media said.

“In the next 200 years, all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path,” the plaque reads, in Icelandic and English. “This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it.”

The memorial is dated August 2019 and also carries the words “415ppm CO2”, referring to the record-breaking level of 415 parts per million of carbon dioxide recorded in the atmosphere in May this year.

Where did it go, do you think ?
Who to believe ? NASA or maggot ? Hang on................. I'm thinking. Haw, haw............................haw.

Guess they are ignoring the advancing glaciers around the world. Neither low temperature no rainfall is 'an event'. No one is counting them.
You're a fool, maggot. Your own article confirms the reduction of glacial ice- even as it reports an unexpected anomaly.

Iclandics ? maggot ? Hang on...................I'm thinking. Haw, haw.....................haw.
Guess they are ignoring the advancing glaciers around the world. Neither low temperature no rainfall is 'an event'. No one is counting them.

You're a very predictable troll.

Extreme Events
Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world — including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa.
The number of record high temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing numbers of intense rainfall events.12