Global fry-up.

Human blood temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

WRONG. Human blood goes through a range of temperatures in a healthy person. In the heart, it may reach 100 deg F, out on the fingers or exposed earlobes, it may drop to 92 deg F.

This article is discussing a temperature reading in Cambridge, not the entire UK. Enjoy your summer!
You might find a handful of ego-damaged Deniers still posting contrived climate tripe- but, in the main, people now KNOW that we've fucked up and that we have to act immediately, everywhere, for the sake of our civilizations.
We need legislation so that active environmental vandals can be jailed- not fined- jailed. They've trashed the planet- so cut off their access to it.

Define 'climate change'.
Repetitious troll. Fuck off. You're done anyway;

'No doubt left' about scientific consensus on global warming, say experts

Extensive historical data shows recent extreme warming is unprecedented in past 2,000 years

The scientific consensus that humans are causing global warming is likely to have passed 99%, according to the lead author of the most authoritative study on the subject, and could rise further after separate research that clears up some of the remaining doubts.

Three studies published in Nature and Nature Geoscience use extensive historical data to show there has never been a period in the last 2,000 years when temperature changes have been as fast and extensive as in recent decades.

It had previously been thought that similarly dramatic peaks and troughs might have occurred in the past, including in periods dubbed the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. But the three studies use reconstructions based on 700 proxy records of temperature change, such as trees, ice and sediment, from all continents that indicate none of these shifts took place in more than half the globe at any one time.
UK weather: rail travel disrupted after extreme heat causes chaos

Many services affected across Britain as people advised against all but essential travel

Rail commuters are facing disruption across the UK after the extreme heat caused chaos on the rail network.

The Met Office said a new record temperature for the month was set at 38.1C in Cambridge on Thursday afternoon, beating the previous record of 36.7C set in Heathrow in 2015.

The government’s advisory Committee on Climate Change has warned the UK is not prepared for the increase in heatwaves that is expected with global warming.

An entire rail network rendered useless- in a country that wants to throw away $100 billion on a ' high-speed ' train line.

Why isn't the UK prepared for climate change ? Because of Denier Choir assholes like the Brit maggot, that's why.

When the judiciary is allowed to make the connection his ilk should be jail material.
It’s been the general trend here for the past few summers. There for a while it wasn’t unusual to have many 100+ degree days during July and August. Not so much the last three years.

These pics are from 5 years ago. Temps like this were the norm for us.

We’ve been getting a reprieve the past few summers and for that I am grateful. Now if you’re wanting me to deny that the climate is changing, I won’t. There’s no doubt things are different from when I was much younger.
No- I'm not wanting that. Conditions in individual localities are all corelated to give the global picture- and no doubt yours are included. You've probably already seen fools posting who claim that there is no global warming because their football game got frozen off.
An entire rail network rendered useless-
Actually, it's still running just fine. Only a few lines were affected, and only during the heat of the day.
in a country that wants to throw away $100 billion on a ' high-speed ' train line.
Which one? The UK already has high speed trains. You can take one from London to Edinburgh right now. Head on up there, climb Ben Nevis, and cool off for awhile.
Why isn't the UK prepared for climate change ?
Define 'climate change'.
Because of Denier Choir assholes like the Brit maggot, that's why.
Define 'climate change'.
When the judiciary is allowed to make the connection his ilk should be jail material.
Define 'climate change'.
It’s been the general trend here for the past few summers. There for a while it wasn’t unusual to have many 100+ degree days during July and August. Not so much the last three years.

These pics are from 5 years ago. Temps like this were the norm for us.

We’ve been getting a reprieve the past few summers and for that I am grateful. Now if you’re wanting me to deny that the climate is changing, I won’t. There’s no doubt things are different from when I was much younger.

Define 'climate change'.
It’s been the general trend here for the past few summers. There for a while it wasn’t unusual to have many 100+ degree days during July and August. Not so much the last three years.

These pics are from 5 years ago. Temps like this were the norm for us.

We’ve been getting a reprieve the past few summers and for that I am grateful. Now if you’re wanting me to deny that the climate is changing, I won’t. There’s no doubt things are different from when I was much younger.

We had a hot one here in Seattle last year, this year, not so much.
Chicken Little doesn't even buy climate alarmism anymore. Too many failed predictions. The doomsday goalposts get moved every couple of years. I'm working on a free energy device to harness the constant moving of the goalposts by alarmists. Hopefully it will save the planet.