Global fry-up.

June Hottest Month on Record, As Antarctica Melts: Top 3 Signs We are Cooking the Planet . . . and Ourselves

1. A European Union satellite has confirmed that June, 2019, was the hottest month on earth since scientific record-keeping began around 1850. In fact, if you take the averages of 1850-1900, June was 5.4 degrees F.warmer (3 degrees C.) Some parts of Europe were actually 10 degrees C. (18 degrees F.) warmer than normal. Germany and Spain had wildfires. The Spanish fire appears to have resulted from it being so hot that a manure field spontaneously caught on fire.

2. The climate emergency produced by our burning of fossil fuels made the heat wave about 100 times more likely, according to a climate study, though scientists are being cautious in underlining that at the very least it made the heat wave 5 times more likely.

3. Antarctica has lost more ice in the past 4 years than the Arctic has lost in 34 years, according to EuroNews. The “rapid ice loss reduced Antarctic sea ice to its lowest levels in the 40-year satellite observation record,” the news service reports.
June Hottest Month on Record, As Antarctica Melts: Top 3 Signs We are Cooking the Planet . . . and Ourselves

1. A European Union satellite has confirmed that June, 2019, was the hottest month on earth since scientific record-keeping began around 1850. In fact, if you take the averages of 1850-1900, June was 5.4 degrees F.warmer (3 degrees C.) Some parts of Europe were actually 10 degrees C. (18 degrees F.) warmer than normal. Germany and Spain had wildfires. The Spanish fire appears to have resulted from it being so hot that a manure field spontaneously caught on fire.

2. The climate emergency produced by our burning of fossil fuels made the heat wave about 100 times more likely, according to a climate study, though scientists are being cautious in underlining that at the very least it made the heat wave 5 times more likely.

3. Antarctica has lost more ice in the past 4 years than the Arctic has lost in 34 years, according to EuroNews. The “rapid ice loss reduced Antarctic sea ice to its lowest levels in the 40-year satellite observation record,” the news service reports.

Spam. Already answered in the other thread.
A giant heat dome over Alaska is set to threaten all-time temperature records


All-time heat records are at risk in Alaska in coming days as a massive and abnormally intense area of high pressure locks in and strengthens over the region.

This heat dome is expected to produce temperatures near and above the highest values ever recorded for multiple days, particularly in southern parts of the state. It’s the latest in a slew of record-shattering heat events in Alaska.

Anchorage is predicted to test or best its highest-temperature ever recorded of 85 degrees (set in 1969) on five straight days between July 4 and 8. It could even flirt with 90 degrees.

Courtesy Micawber.,54.44,313/loc=-140.926,64.392
‘Unjust and not acceptable’: Water taken from Indian villages ‘sold to malls’ amid Chennai drought

People living on the outskirts of Chennai, India are protesting the government ‘stealing’ their groundwater, amid a water crisis, which they say is being sold at malls for profit.
Chennai, the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu, is experiencing severe water shortages as a drought has gripped the city for weeks, with all four of its water reservoirs running dry.

However, villages in the Thiruvallur district say they’ve seen their groundwater being drained to supply Chennai with drinking water during its crisis. Residents are protesting in a bid to save their groundwater, warning they too will end up in a “Chennai-like situation, where we will have to beg for drinking water,” the Wire reports.

The residents are angry that the water being taken from their land is transported to shopping malls and sold off. They reportedly learned about this practice when a group of youths followed the trucks to see where the water was going.

When it's Americans begging for water- it will be deniers selling it.
Lithuania declares emergency as drought hits farmers


Lithuania declared an emergency on Wednesday as a severe drought hit the Baltic EU state, threatening to slash this year's harvest by up to half.

"Farmers believe their harvest can be slashed by 40 percent or 50 percent, while fish stocks are also endangered," environment minister Kestutis Mazeika told AFP.

Mazeika said "nobody has any doubt" that global climate change is behind the prolonged and more intensive dry spells and heatwaves in recent years.

He also appealed to neighbouring Belarus to increase the water level in the Neris river by allowing more water to flow from its reservoirs.

Last month was the hottest June ever recorded with soaring temperatures worldwide capped off by a record-breaking heatwave across Western Europe, satellite data showed Tuesday.

Lithuania also registered its hottest-ever June, with a peak of 35.7 degrees Celsius (96.2 degrees Fahrenheit) recorded on June 12.

Over the last week, firefighters have fought wildfires triggered by the heat in peat bogs in western Lithuania and neighbouring Latvia.

Elsewhere in Central Europe, Polish authorities said this week that varying degrees of drought have put grain crops at risk in 14 of the EU country's 16 regional districts.

The Czech Academy of Sciences said it expects drought to affect the entire country, with 80 percent of the territory facing "exceptional to extreme drought".

They can all drink maggot-piss, eh maggot. Bunch of foreigners anyway.
Alaska sees record temperatures in heatwave

The dramatic warming Alaska has experienced in recent years is linked partly to a decline in sea ice and Arctic Ocean warming.

Climate change link to puffin deaths
Climate change in seven charts
Warming threatens Himalayan glaciers

This has wreaked havoc on local communities, wildlife and the state's economy.

Climate change played a role in the deaths of thousands of puffins in Alaska, scientists said in May.

They said they believed the birds had starved to death when the fish they eat migrated north with rising sea temperatures.

Climate change translator

Alaska ?
One climate crisis disaster happening every week, UN warns

Developing countries must prepare now for profound impact, disaster representative says

Climate crisis disasters are happening at the rate of one a week, though most draw little international attention and work is urgently needed to prepare developing countries for the profound impacts, the UN has warned.

Catastrophes such as cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique and the drought afflicting India make headlines around the world. But large numbers of “lower impact events” that are causing death, displacement and suffering are occurring much faster than predicted, said Mami Mizutori, the UN secretary-general’s special representative on disaster risk reduction. “This is not about the future, this is about today.”

This means that adapting to the climate crisis could no longer be seen as a long-term problem, but one that needed investment now, she said. “People need to talk more about adaptation and resilience.”
Thanks you for duplicating my thread. You can be a useful idiot whenever it's productive.

Here's a Global weather station site which can be used to monitor conditions anywhere on earth covered by the weather stations and satellites.,0.00,313/loc=20.752,8.821

You, of course, deny that global weather stations exist. You should get tired of showing your ass to the forum quite soon now.

There is no global weather station.
One climate crisis disaster happening every week, UN warns
Define 'climate crisis disaster'. For that matter, define 'climate crisis'. Perhaps you had better start with defining 'climate change'.
Developing countries must prepare now for profound impact, disaster representative says
Void argument fallacy. Define 'climate crisis disaster'.
Climate crisis disasters are happening at the rate of one a week,
An undefined phrase is happening at the rate of one a week? That's low. I'd say it happens thousands of times a day.
though most draw little international attention and work is urgently needed to prepare developing countries for the profound impacts, the UN has warned.
Who cares? The UN is the source of most of the propaganda pushing the Church of Global Warming.
Catastrophes such as cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique and the drought afflicting India make headlines around the world.
Cyclones are normal. Drought in India is normal.
But large numbers of “lower impact events” that are causing death, displacement and suffering are occurring much faster than predicted, said Mami Mizutori, the UN secretary-general’s special representative on disaster risk reduction. “This is not about the future, this is about today.”
Nice. Quoting someone in charge of spreading panic. :doh:
This means that adapting to the climate crisis could no longer be seen as a long-term problem, but one that needed investment now, she said. “People need to talk more about adaptation and resilience.”
Define 'climate crisis'.
...deleted Holy Link to the UK Guardian...
The Guardian is not a valid source. You cannot use this source with me.
Glacial melting in Antarctica may become irreversible

Thwaites glacier is likely to thaw and trigger 50cm sea level rise, US study suggests

Antarctica faces a tipping point where glacial melting will accelerate and become irreversible even if global heating eases, research suggests.

A Nasa-funded study found instability in the Thwaites glacier meant there would probably come a point when it was impossible to stop it flowing into the sea and triggering a 50cm sea level rise. Other Antarctic glaciers were likely to be similarly unstable.

Recent research found the rate of ice loss from five Antarctic glaciers had doubled in six years and was five times faster than in the 1990s. Ice loss is spreading from the coast into the continent’s interior, with a reduction of more than 100 metres in thickness at some sites.
Glacial melting in Antarctica may become irreversible
No melting of any ice is irreversible, not even the ice in your drink.
Thwaites glacier is likely to thaw and trigger 50cm sea level rise, US study suggests
Not enough ice, even it did melt. (It isn't melting)
Antarctica faces a tipping point where glacial melting will accelerate and become irreversible even if global heating eases, research suggests.
There is no 'tipping point'. Unstable systems would have triggered long ago.
A Nasa-funded study found instability in the Thwaites glacier
Why is NASA studying a glacier??? Why are they even talking about a glacier???
meant there would probably come a point when it was impossible to stop it flowing into the sea
Glaciers flow into the sea dumbass.
and triggering a 50cm sea level rise.
Insufficient ice.
Other Antarctic glaciers were likely to be similarly unstable.
There is nothing 'stable' or 'unstable' about any glacier. They are simply flowing ice.
Recent research found the rate of ice loss from five Antarctic glaciers had doubled in six years
Argument from randU fallacy. It is not possible to measure the volume of ice in a glacier.
and was five times faster than in the 1990s.
Argument from randU fallacy. It is not possible to measure the volume of ice in a glacier.
Ice loss is spreading from the coast into the continent’s interior,
There is very little ice in the interior. Antarctica is one of the driest places on Earth.
with a reduction of more than 100 metres in thickness at some sites.
A single site does not indicate anything else other than that site.
...deleted Holy Link from the UK Guardian...
The UK Guardian is just a liberal rag. It is not a valid reference. It is fake news.