Global fry-up.

You're looking rather more stupid than usual, maggot. A Daily Mail trumpet criticising the BBC and the Guardian really is in the realms of Lewis Carrol.
You're looking rather more stupid than usual, maggot. A Daily Mail trumpet criticising the BBC and the Guardian really is in the realms of Lewis Carrol.

I don't blame him for attacking the BBC and the Guardian. They are both very liberal and constantly spew fake news.

At least when Lewis Carol wrote is works, he openly declared it fiction.
Be Afraid, Very Afraid: Greenland Ice Sheets Cascading into Ocean 50 Years Ahead of Schedule

Amid the European heat wave, Ruth Mottram of the Danish Meteorological Institute set off a panic this week when she observed that Greenland lost 11 billion tons of ice on August 1, the most in recorded history, and half the ice sheet was experiencing some level of melting. She added that through the month of July, as Climate Wire / Scientific American recounts, it lost 197 billion metric tons of ice.

We should be afraid, very afraid. The UN’s IPCC did not predict this rate of snow melt on Greenland until 2070, and Eric Holthaus at Rolling Stone quotes frantic scientist Xavier Fettweis at Belgium Liege University concluding that the IPCC climate estimates have been consistently and extensively way too conservative about how fast the climate crisis is worsening.
Stop abusing land, scientists warn


Indonesian forest being cleared for palm oil plantations

Scientists are to deliver a stark condemnation of the damage being done to the land surface of the planet.

Human activities have led to the degrading of soils, expanded deserts, felled forests, driven out wildlife, and drained peatlands, they will say.

In the process, land has been turned from an asset that combats climate change into a major source of carbon.

The scientists will say this land abuse must be stopped to avoid catastrophic climate heating.

UK's 10 warmest years all occurred since 2002

Climate change: Where we are in seven charts

What is climate change?

How can the land protect us from climate change?

Uncultivated land covered with vegetation protects us from overheating because the plants absorb the warming gas CO2 from the air and fix it in the soil.

But the scientists meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, will say the way we farm and grow timber often actually increases emissions of carbon dioxide.

Between a quarter and a third of all greenhouse gas emissions are now estimated to come from land use.
July confirmed as hottest month on record


July this year was the warmest month ever recorded worldwide, satellite data has confirmed.

The assessment was carried out by researchers at the EU's Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Scientists say it's the latest sign that Earth is experiencing unprecedented warming.

Scorching heatwaves saw records tumble across Europe last month, with unusually high temperatures within the Arctic Circle as well.

Globally, July 2019 was marginally warmer - by 0.04 degrees Celsius (0.072 Fahrenheit) - than the previous hottest month on record, July 2016.

Spare us the follow on with your contrived Denier Choir horseshit, maggot. You're done.
Be Afraid, Very Afraid: Greenland Ice Sheets Cascading into Ocean 50 Years Ahead of Schedule

Amid the European heat wave, Ruth Mottram of the Danish Meteorological Institute set off a panic this week when she observed that Greenland lost 11 billion tons of ice on August 1, the most in recorded history, and half the ice sheet was experiencing some level of melting. She added that through the month of July, as Climate Wire / Scientific American recounts, it lost 197 billion metric tons of ice.

We should be afraid, very afraid. The UN’s IPCC did not predict this rate of snow melt on Greenland until 2070, and Eric Holthaus at Rolling Stone quotes frantic scientist Xavier Fettweis at Belgium Liege University concluding that the IPCC climate estimates have been consistently and extensively way too conservative about how fast the climate crisis is worsening.

Lie. Greenland's ice sheets are still right where they are. They aren't melting either.
Stop abusing land, scientists warn


Indonesian forest being cleared for palm oil plantations

Scientists are to deliver a stark condemnation of the damage being done to the land surface of the planet.

Human activities have led to the degrading of soils, expanded deserts, felled forests, driven out wildlife, and drained peatlands, they will say.

In the process, land has been turned from an asset that combats climate change into a major source of carbon.

The scientists will say this land abuse must be stopped to avoid catastrophic climate heating.

UK's 10 warmest years all occurred since 2002

Climate change: Where we are in seven charts

What is climate change?

How can the land protect us from climate change?

Uncultivated land covered with vegetation protects us from overheating because the plants absorb the warming gas CO2 from the air and fix it in the soil.

But the scientists meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, will say the way we farm and grow timber often actually increases emissions of carbon dioxide.

Between a quarter and a third of all greenhouse gas emissions are now estimated to come from land use.

Define 'climate change'.
Clean energy dream fuels a dirty mineral rush


A future of environment-friendly energy, where dirty engines and power plants rust in history’s scrapyard, is an idyllic vision. In the cynical real world, the rush for green batteries is fueling a harmful mining boom.
By 2030, there will be 140 million electric cars on Earth, and by 2040 every third vehicle will be powered by green electricity instead of the fossil fuels that have been slowly choking the environment for the past couple centuries. That’s according to assessments by Glencore Plc and BloombergNEF.

Sounds like we’re on the right track and Greta Thunberg’s zero-emission dream could be achieved within her lifetime. Humanity is finally coming to its senses.

Get digging
Not quite. All those cars will need batteries, and all those batteries will need to be built with a small periodic table of minerals. And all those minerals need to be mined – in some cases strip-mining the rest of the planet’s explored deposits.

The rush is already on. The world’s top mining corporations are starting to carve up the growing market for lithium, nickel, cobalt, copper, platinum and palladium – all key materials in making electric vehicle (EV) batteries.

And they will have to start digging if they want to keep up. It’s estimated that 3 million more tons of copper will have to be mined per year to feed the production of 140 million EVs by 2030 – and that’s copper, the most recycled metal on Earth. Nickel mining will have to increase by 1.3 million tons per year, and cobalt by 263,000 tons.

Those are just batteries. Electric cars also need engines, and solar and wind generators – without which a green future is unimaginable – will also gobble up those materials, including more obscure ones like tellurium and neodymium.

Demand is set to exceed supply – which is why those mining giants are rushing to increase theirs (and make a good buck along the way). In some cases, demand will exceed the supply offered by the planet – at least the feasibly-minable reserves we have discovered so far.


And there we have it. Electric cars are simply the industrialists' parachute for their auto industry. THEY know they're just as unsustainable as combustion engines. The manufacture of electric cars just keeps the profits rolling in before the day that the public at large realises that it's been duped.

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Climate crisis may be increasing jet stream turbulence, study finds

Potential impacts of rise in vertical shear include longer, bumpier and dearer flights

Researchers say previous studies of the speed and location of the fastest part of the north Atlantic jet stream have found only small changes over time, although there are signs it is slowly shifting northward. Experts say the lack of dramatic alterations is because climate change produces competing effects at different altitudes.

The latest study, however, took a different approach. “Just because the speed isn’t changing, doesn’t mean the jet stream isn’t changing in other ways,” said Prof Paul Williams of the University of Reading, the lead author of the research.

Weatherwatch: Britain battered as jet stream meanders
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His study, published in the journal Nature, looked at the change in wind speed with height, known as vertical shear. “The higher up you go, the windier it gets,” he said.

“The winds and the temperatures are in a certain kind of balance in the atmosphere,” said Williams. “The consequence is that it is impossible to change the temperature patterns without having an effect on the wind patterns.”

The increase in vertical shear has important consequences for aircraft. “If that wind shear effect gets too strong and moving from one layer [of air] up to the next there is a big jump in speed, that is what causes turbulence,” said Williams.

In other words, large changes in wind speeds with height can result in a breakdown, or disruption of layers of air.

The impact goes beyond passengers having to keep their seatbelts on and forgo a plastic cup of wine. More patches of turbulence are likely to mean more diversions as planes try to avoid them, which in will increase journey times, emissions and fuel costs.

It will be a nuisance to have to give up airline flights, won't it.

On the other hand- it's airline flights which contribute so much to global warming.
Bolsonaro has blessed ‘brutal' assault on Amazon, sacked scientist warns

In interview with the Guardian, Ricardo Galvão says if the far-right leader doesn’t change tack the Amazon will be ruined

Illegal loggers are ramping up a “brutal, fast” assault on the Brazilian Amazon with the blessing of the far-right president Jair Bolsonaro, the sacked head of the government agency tasked with monitoring deforestation has warned.

Speaking to the Guardian five days after his dismissal, Ricardo Galvão said he was “praying to the heavens” the far-right leader would change tack before the Amazon – and Brazil’s international reputation as an environmental leader – were ruined.

“What is happening is that this government has sent a clear message that there will not be any more punishment [for environmental crimes] like before … This government is sending a very clear message that the control of deforestation will not be like it was in the past …. And when the loggers hear this message that they will no longer be supervised as they were in the past, they penetrate [the rainforest],” Galvão said, claiming “enormous” damage had already been done since Bolsonaro took power in January.

Amazon deforestation: Bolsonaro government accused of seeking to sow doubt over data
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“It is a question of brutal, fast economic exploitation.”

Galvão, an internationally respected scientist, was director of Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) until last week when a public clash with Bolsonaro cost him his job.

Put extremist Deniers in charge- Bolsonaro, Trump or whoever- and they're going to kill you. And your kids.

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.

Your "pretty picture" is BULLSHIT.

26 states hot temp records were set in the 1930's and two more BEFORE THAT, and still stand.

The ONLY STATES whose high temp records have been set in this millennium are SOUTH DAKOTA and SOUTH CAROLINA.

Arctic wildfires spew soot and smoke cloud bigger than EU

Plume from unprecedented blazes forecast to reach Alaska as fires rage for third month

A cloud of smoke and soot bigger than the European Union is billowing across Siberia as wildfires in the Arctic Circle rage into an unprecedented third month.

The normally frozen region, which is a crucial part of the planet’s cooling system, is spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and worsening the manmade climate disruption that created the tinderbox conditions.
Arctic wildfires spew soot and smoke cloud bigger than EU

Plume from unprecedented blazes forecast to reach Alaska as fires rage for third month

A cloud of smoke and soot bigger than the European Union is billowing across Siberia as wildfires in the Arctic Circle rage into an unprecedented third month.

The normally frozen region, which is a crucial part of the planet’s cooling system, is spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and worsening the manmade climate disruption that created the tinderbox conditions.

Wildfires happen during this time of year... Nothing to worry about...