Global fry-up.

Into the Night Soil;

Define 'climate change'.
Dorian is- we are reliably informed- another record-breaker.

Not in terms of its strength- but because it marks an unprecedented annual FOURTH cat.5 in a row.

This might be considered should it hit Florida.
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Climate change: Greenland's ice faces melting 'death sentence'


Greenland's massive ice sheet may have melted by a record amount this year, scientists have warned.

During this year alone, it lost enough ice to raise the average global sea level by more than a millimetre.

Researchers say they're "astounded" by the acceleration in melting and fear for the future of cities on coasts around the world.

One glacier in southern Greenland has thinned by as much as 100 metres since I last filmed on it back in 2004.

Quick ! Cue the Denier Choir ! MAKE IT GO AWAAAAAAAAAY !!
Australia launches emergency relocation of fish as largest river system faces collapse

There are doubts the Noah’s Ark plan for the Lower Darling will be enough to prevent more mass fish kills

Faced with a looming ferocious summer with little rain forecast, the New South Wales government has embarked on a Noah’s Ark type operation to move native fish from the Lower Darling – part of Australia’s most significant river system – to safe havens before high temperatures return to the already stressed river basin.

Researchers have warned of other alarming ecological signs that the Lower Darling River – part of the giant Murray-Darling Basin – is in a dire state, following last summer’s mass fish kills.

Professor Fran Sheldon, from Griffith University’s Australian Rivers Institute, said only one surviving colony of river mussels had been found along the river and there were signs that river red gums were under severe stress.

“If the river red gums die, and some are hundreds of years old, there will be a domino effect. Banks will collapse, there will be massive erosion and it will send sediments down the river.”

There will, no doubt, be a Dead Fish Denier along shortly to quell your concerns.

maggots make good fish-food, incidentally. Haw, haw............................haw.
Hurricane Dorian: thousands may still be missing as death toll hits 43

Rescuers battle to reach devastated communities as cruise ships arrive with supplies and volunteers

The devastation of the Bahamas is hard to believe. Some places were subjected to winds of up to 200mph for over 48 hours. The topography has been SHAVED of habitation.
Thousands of people are missing. Should a hurricane of this magnitude strike the US then no Denier politician will ever get a job aqain. They shouldn't NOW- but folk are lazy, complacent and stupidly stuck in their partisan grooves.
Climate change: Impacts 'accelerating' as leaders gather for UN talks

The signs and impacts of global heating are speeding up, the latest science on climate change, published ahead of key UN talks in New York, says.

The data, compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), says the five-year period from 2014 to 2019 is the warmest on record.

Sea-level rise has accelerated significantly over the same period, as CO2 emissions have hit new highs.

The WMO says carbon-cutting efforts have to be intensified immediately.
Climate SOS: Five-year period ending 2019 to be hottest on record

If greenhouse gas emissions don't soon start falling there will be 'hell to pay', researchers warn.


A damning new UN report published on Sunday said the world is falling badly behind in the race to avert climate disaster as a result of runaway warming, with the five-year period ending 2019 set to be the hottest ever.

It comes ahead of a major UN climate summit on Monday that will be attended by more than 60 world leaders, as Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pushes for countries to increase their greenhouse gas reduction targets.

The report "highlights the urgent need for the development of concrete actions that halt global warming and the worst effects of climate change", said its authors, the Science Advisory Group to the summit.

Average global temperature between 2015-2019 is on track to be the hottest of any five-year period on record, according to the report, which was compiled by the World Meteorological Organization.

Don't fret. Some self-serving, semi-educated, JPP assholes say it isn't true.
Mont Blanc: Glacier in danger of collapse, experts warn


Italian authorities have closed roads and evacuated mountain huts after experts warned that part of a glacier on Mont Blanc could collapse.

About 250,000 cubic metres of ice are in danger of breaking away from the Planpincieux glacier on the Grandes Jorasses peak, officials said.

The mayor of the nearby town of Courmayeur said global warming was changing the mountain.

The Mont Blanc massif is Western Europe's highest mountain range.

It has 11 peaks above 4,000m in France and Italy and attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

On Tuesday, Courmayeur Mayor Stefano Miserocchi signed an order closing roads in the Val Ferret on the Italian side of Mont Blanc, after experts warned that a section of the glacier was sliding at speeds of 50-60cm (16-23in) per day.

Send maggot to re-freeze it with his super-breath.