Global fry-up.

Record monsoon & floods kill nearly 150 across India (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Five days of torrential downpour in India have left at least 148 people dead, as record monsoon rains create the worst flooding conditions the country has seen in decades.

Dubbed the “Hikka cyclone,” the storm is India’s largest monsoon since 1994, and has produced record-breaking rainfall, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said – with the city of Mumbai seeing more precipitation than it had in 61 seasons prior.


Remember when it just rained all over world without setting new records ?
Norway's largest pension fund, KLP, ditches oil sands investments

Adding five companies to its exclusion list, Norwegian manager hopes to speed up shift from fossil fuels to renewables.

UK: National Theatre to end Shell link in 'climate emergency'

Theatre made announcement as part of larger initiative to lessen negative effect on environment.
Conservative MPs are almost five times more likely to vote against climate action than legislators from other parties, a Guardian analysis of 16 indicative parliamentary divisions over the past decade has revealed.

The Tories also registered many more donations, shares, salaries, gifts and tickets to sporting events from fossil fuel companies, petrostates, aviation companies and climate sceptics, according to declarations made in the parliamentary record of MPs’ interests between 2008 and 2019.

OK - so this is an analysis based upon UK politicians - not the sort of scrutiny that the media are permitted to engage in elsewhere- but I dare say that it's relevant world-wide.
Moral; If you care for your environment and its climate DON'T VOTE CONSERVATIVE. Anywhere. Ever.