Global fry-up.

WATCH plane enter ‘hellish’ BRIGHT ORANGE skies as it battles massive wildfires on Greek island


Air tankers and helicopters were deployed to drop water over devastating wildfires raging on Eubea, Greece’s second largest island.
The authorities declared a state of emergency in the region, evacuating four villages and hundreds of locals. The disaster prompted Greece to appeal to fellow EU countries for help.

More heat= more fires= more heat+smoke= more global warming= more heat= more fires=more heat +smoke=more global warming = .................................................................................


Fire's not new. No it isn't doesn't it.

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.

What a pretty, computer-generated illustration of BULLSHIT, ALTERED DATA.

What a pretty, computer-generated illustration of BULLSHIT, ALTERED DATA.

More heat= more fires= more heat+smoke= more global warming= more heat= more fires=more heat +smoke=more global warming = .................................................. ...............................
'The Sea Will Get as Hot as a Jacuzzi': What Life in Israel Will Be Like in 2100

By the end of the century Israeli winter will get much shorter and even nighttime won't offer respite from the heat

Winter will get much shorter and even nighttime won't offer respite from the heat. Israel is warming up, and by the end of the century we simply won’t be able to exist without air conditioning

Hmmmmmm. Divine intervention.
Death, blackouts, melting asphalt: ways the climate crisis will change how we live

From power cuts to infrastructure failure, the impact of climate change on US cities will be huge – but many are already innovating to adapt

Between record heat and rain, this summer’s weather patterns have indicated, once again, that the climate is changing.

US cities, where more than 80% of the nation’s population lives, are disproportionately hit by these changes, not only because of their huge populations but because of their existing – often inadequate – infrastructure.

In urban areas, heatwaves are exacerbated by vehicles, industrial processes and the presence of heat-retaining concrete and asphalt. And it is in cities – especially in low-lying poorer areas – where record rainfall often accumulates.

“People are coming into urban areas and they cannot be stopped,” says Chandana Mitra, an associate professor of geosciences at Auburn University, who studies the impact of heat on cities. Mitra has experienced the impact of climate change in her hometown of Kolkata, India, and is now observing it in Auburn, Alabama, and nearby Birmingham. “Everyone aspires to be in an urban area and there is chaos.”

While the impacts of climate change are fundamentally local, experts say heat is one of the most concerning, especially in cities.
Arctic wildfires spew soot and smoke cloud bigger than EU

Plume from unprecedented blazes forecast to reach Alaska as fires rage for third month

A cloud of smoke and soot bigger than the European Union is billowing across Siberia as wildfires in the Arctic Circle rage into an unprecedented third month.

The normally frozen region, which is a crucial part of the planet’s cooling system, is spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and worsening the manmade climate disruption that created the tinderbox conditions.

Maybe they should have cut back their brush.
Climate Crisis: Panic as 74,000 Amazon Wildfires Plunge Sao Paulo into Darkness, Can be Seen from Space


The thousands of Amazon rain forest wildfires now burning over a wide swathe of South America can be seen from space. Some 74,000 fires have been tracked so far this year Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE). That is up 84% over last year.

The country’s far right wing president Jair Bolsonaro has actually called for a vast increase in deforestation of the Amazon.

Many of the fires are started by would-be cattle ranchers who want to clear the land and drive away native populations so that they can establish big ranches and sell beef.

The fires are also being caused by human beings burning coal, gas and petroleum, putting greenhouse gases into the air. The greenhouse gases cause the earth to retain the sun’s heat, more and more as we put more CO2 up there. This global heating is drying out the Amazon rain forest.
Climate Crisis: Panic as 74,000 Amazon Wildfires Plunge Sao Paulo into Darkness, Can be Seen from Space


The thousands of Amazon rain forest wildfires now burning over a wide swathe of South America can be seen from space. Some 74,000 fires have been tracked so far this year Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE). That is up 84% over last year.

The country’s far right wing president Jair Bolsonaro has actually called for a vast increase in deforestation of the Amazon.

Many of the fires are started by would-be cattle ranchers who want to clear the land and drive away native populations so that they can establish big ranches and sell beef.

The fires are also being caused by human beings burning coal, gas and petroleum, putting greenhouse gases into the air. The greenhouse gases cause the earth to retain the sun’s heat, more and more as we put more CO2 up there. This global heating is drying out the Amazon rain forest.

Another day of normalcy.

CO2 has no capability to warm the Earth. You are again ignoring the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.

Define 'climate change'.

* It is not possible to trap heat. (1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics)
* Is it not possible to trap thermal energy. There is always heat. (2nd law of thermodynamics)
* It is not possible to trap light. (Planck's law)
* It is not possible heat the surface using a colder gas. (2nd law of thermodynamics)
* It is not possible to create energy out of nothing. (1st law of thermodynamics)
* It is not possible to destroy energy into nothing. (1st law of thermodynamics)
* It is not possible to reduce the radiance of Earth and increase its temperature at the same time. (Stefan-Boltzmann law)

No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
Australia lowers outlook for Great Barrier Reef to 'very poor'

Window of opportunity to safeguard Great Barrier Reef is 'now', government agency warns amid mass coral die-off.


The long-term outlook for Australia's Great Barrier Reef has been downgraded to "very poor" for the first time by the official agency charged with managing the World Heritage Site.

In its latest five-yearly report on the health of the world's largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on Friday singled out rising sea temperatures due to climate change as the biggest threat to the giant organism.

The reef has suffered extensive damage in recent years, with rising water temperatures killing off large swaths of coral.

"The significant and large-scale impacts from record-breaking sea surface temperatures have resulted in coral reef habitat transitioning from poor to very poor condition," the government agency said.

Contrary to the ass-crawling lies of the Brit maggot.
Australia lowers outlook for Great Barrier Reef to 'very poor'

Window of opportunity to safeguard Great Barrier Reef is 'now', government agency warns amid mass coral die-off.


The long-term outlook for Australia's Great Barrier Reef has been downgraded to "very poor" for the first time by the official agency charged with managing the World Heritage Site.

In its latest five-yearly report on the health of the world's largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority on Friday singled out rising sea temperatures due to climate change as the biggest threat to the giant organism.

The reef has suffered extensive damage in recent years, with rising water temperatures killing off large swaths of coral.

"The significant and large-scale impacts from record-breaking sea surface temperatures have resulted in coral reef habitat transitioning from poor to very poor condition," the government agency said.

Time to get rid of Ridd then, maggot.

Dr. Peter Ridd: The Great Barrier Reef has about the same amount of coral as in 1985