Global fry-up.

Climate-driven nuclear confrontation

‘I always do what I promise’: Modi warns Pakistan he’s serious about using 100% of Indian river waters

Indian PM Narendra Modi has warned Pakistan he means what he said about not wasting a single drop of ‘Indian water’, after Islamabad stated that any attempt to divert rivers would be viewed as an ‘act of aggression.’


Indian PM Narendra Modi has warned Pakistan he means what he said about not wasting a single drop of ‘Indian water’, after Islamabad stated that any attempt to divert rivers would be viewed as an ‘act of aggression.’
“Once I decide to do something, I always accomplish that,” the PM told an election rally on Friday, slamming the opposition party for allowing a portion of India’s river water to leave the country.

However, Pakistani Foreign Minister Muhammad Faisal had accused India of not just planning to utilize its water share to the max, but plotting to actually divert the rivers, and framed the PM’s words as “another glaring example of the fact that the present government of India is bent upon making India an irresponsible and aggressive state that has no regard for human rights or international obligations.” He stated that Pakistan has “exclusive rights” over three western rivers under the Indus Water Treaty.
Melting glaciers reveal five new islands in the Arctic
Russian navy discovers yet-to-be-named islands previously hidden under glaciers

The Russian navy says it has discovered five new islands revealed by melting glaciers in the remote Arctic.

An expedition in August and September charted the islands, which have yet to be named and were previously hidden under glaciers, said the head of the northern fleet, Vice-Admiral Alexander Moiseyev.

“Mainly this is of course caused by changes to the ice situation,” Moiseyev, who headed the expedition, said at a press conference in Moscow. “Before these were glaciers; we thought they were (part of) the main glacier.Melting, collapse and temperature changes led to these islands being uncovered.”

Glacier loss in the Arctic in the period from 2015 to 2019 was more than in any other five-year period on record, a United Nations report on global warming said last month.

Russia has opened a string of military and scientific bases in the Arctic in recent years, with interest in the region growing as rising temperatures open up shipping routes and make hitherto inaccessible mineral resources easier to exploit.
Amazon rainforest 'close to irreversible tipping point'
Forecast suggests rainforest could stop producing enough rain to sustain itself by 2021

Soaring deforestation coupled with the destructive policies of Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, could push the Amazon rainforest dangerously to an irreversible “tipping point” within two years, a prominent economist has said.
Ah- the Denier trolls are vying for attention;


No, that's what YOU'RE doing... I simply enjoy providing fuel to your inane ramblings... My desire is for twits like you to make as many posts as possible. It's comical. I'm very supportive of you choosing to expose your own stupidity...
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No, that's what YOU'RE doing... I simply enjoy providing fuel to your inane ramblings... My desire is for twits like you to make as many posts as possible. It's comical.
California’s Wildfire Electricity Blackouts are a Taste of Climate Apocalypse to Come


PG&E’s rolling blackouts probably don’t eliminate fire risk, and they actually could make responding to fires harder. What they largely do is shift responsibility away from the company.

At the beginning of October, my kids’ preschool informed me that it might be closed the next day because of rolling blackouts — a radical new effort by our local power utility in Northern California to avoid sparking wildfires. The water company, faced with the shutdown of its pumps, asked us to fill our bathtubs before the cutoff. On the advice of experts, my car was backed into the driveway for a quick escape, its hatch packed with 7 gallons of water and a go-bag including leather gloves, breathing masks, spare clothes, headlamps and emergency food.

Deniers don't need any of that stuff. For ain't happening. Haw, haw...................haw.
Amazon rainforest 'close to irreversible tipping point'
Forecast suggests rainforest could stop producing enough rain to sustain itself by 2021

Soaring deforestation coupled with the destructive policies of Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, could push the Amazon rainforest dangerously to an irreversible “tipping point” within two years, a prominent economist has said.

Cabana Poon relishes the prospect. More trolling opportunities.

Heat from Kincade global warming fire loosens fault and causes earthquake.
In Northern California's Sonoma County, residents stressed by unrelenting evacuations and power outages were rocked by another slap from Mother Nature on Monday when a magnitude 3.3 earthquake rattled the area.
3.3. That's hardly noticeable. And the link says Mother Nature caused it.
Thanks for the series of apocalyptic plagues, Trump.

Cabana poon will deny the ironclad science of cause effect!

What's next, hordes of locusts and C.H.U.D. from the earth interior?
What's kinda sad is this putz may actually believe the stuff he spews.