Global fry-up.

Bushfires burn down to the beach at Darawang, NSW Australia

Bush fires never happened before? Dumb. :rolleyes:

Below is the composition of air in percent by volume, at sea level at 15 C and 101325 Pa.

Nitrogen -- N2 -- 78.084%
Oxygen -- O2 -- 20.9476%
Argon -- Ar -- 0.934%
Carbon Dioxide -- CO2 -- 0.0314%
Neon -- Ne -- 0.001818%
Methane -- CH4 -- 0.0002%
Helium -- He -- 0.000524%
Krypton -- Kr -- 0.000114%
Hydrogen -- H2 -- 0.00005%
Xenon -- Xe -- 0.0000087%
Ozone -- O3 -- 0.000007%
Nitrogen Dioxide -- NO2 -- 0.000002%
Iodine -- I2 -- 0.000001%
Carbon Monoxide -- CO -- trace
Ammonia -- NH3 -- trace

29% of Earth is land mass. Of that 29% humans occupy less than 1% of that area. Of the remaining 28% about 40% is pure wilderness. 14% is true desert and 15% has desert like characteristics. 9% is Antarctica. Most of the remaining 22% are agricultural areas. There may be other areas with a human footprint of some kind.

The notion that man is causing the planet to heat up based on CO2 that amounts to less than 1% of the gas in oxygen can only be believed by morons. :rolleyes:
Cameroon: Death toll in Bafoussam landslide rises
Children and pregnant women among dead as rescue teams scour for bodies under rubble after heavy rains in Bafoussam.


The death toll from a landslide caused by heavy rains in western Cameroon has risen to at least 42 people, including more than two dozen children, according to officials and state media.

Authorities on Wednesday called on the population to leave the affected area due to fears of additional landslides as rains continue.

Heavy rainfall has continued beyond the end of Central Africa's rainy season, causing severe flooding that has displaced nearly 30,000 people in Cameroon's neighbour, the Central African Republic.
Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Define "climate change".

...deleted government website because government is not science...

Carbon dioxide is the most important of Earth’s long-lived greenhouse gases. It absorbs less heat per molecule than the greenhouse gases methane or nitrous oxide, but it’s more abundant and it stays in the atmosphere much longer. And while carbon dioxide is less abundant and less powerful than water vapor on a molecule per molecule basis, it absorbs wavelengths of thermal energy that water vapor does not, which means it adds to the greenhouse effect in a unique way. Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are responsible for about two-thirds of the total energy imbalance that is causing Earth's temperature to rise.
** There is no such thing as a 'greenhouse gas'.
** There is no 'greenhouse effect'.
** What "energy imbalance"? You should really just accept science instead of continuously denying it...
Bushfires burn down to the beach at Darawang, NSW Australia


The Denier Choir think it's a good idea to let the sea level rise to put out all the fires.

Haw, haw................................................haw.

Fires happen.

It is not possible to measure global sea levels.
Cameroon: Death toll in Bafoussam landslide rises
Children and pregnant women among dead as rescue teams scour for bodies under rubble after heavy rains in Bafoussam.


The death toll from a landslide caused by heavy rains in western Cameroon has risen to at least 42 people, including more than two dozen children, according to officials and state media.

Authorities on Wednesday called on the population to leave the affected area due to fears of additional landslides as rains continue.

Heavy rainfall has continued beyond the end of Central Africa's rainy season, causing severe flooding that has displaced nearly 30,000 people in Cameroon's neighbour, the Central African Republic.

Landslides happen.

Heavy rains happen.
You've been sussed. Nobody likes socks- except socks. Socks that actually TALK to other on the forum are plain nuts. Fuck off.

Into The Night came up with it. It stands for "Yet Another Lame Sock Accusation".

Ah- your sock came up with it. Do you realize how crazy you are, referring to yourself in the third person ? Or are you so far gone that you actually believe your sock is real ?

Haw, haw, haw, haw...............................................haw. There are plenty of nuts on JPP- but you're a classic schizophrenic .
Ah- your sock came up with it. Do you realize how crazy you are, referring to yourself in the third person ? Or are you so far gone that you actually believe your sock is real ?

Haw, haw, haw, haw...............................................haw. There are plenty of nuts on JPP- but you're a classic schizophrenic .