Global fry-up.

Australia bushfires: Record number of emergencies in New South Wales

Australian authorities say an "unprecedented" number of emergency-level bushfires are threatening the state of New South Wales (NSW).

More than 80 blazes were raging across the state on Friday.

Gusty winds and up to 35C heat have exacerbated the fires, many of which are in drought-affected areas.

There are reports of people trapped in their homes in several places, with crew unable to reach them due to the strength of the fires.


Authorities have deployed more than 1,000 firefighters and 70 aircraft to save "as many people as possible", Mr Fitzsimmons said.

Sure doesn't look 'unprecedented' to me.

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.

:rofl2: Record cold temps this week.
Indeed, and naturally the climate doomsayers are claiming that they predicted all along that global warming meant colder winters.

Global warming brings ' record ' everything, you dumb British cluck, record heat, record cold, record wet, record dry.

Now go wave your infamous cut-and-pastes from your certifiable mushroom-farmer. Haw, haw............................haw.
I'm hoping that the Earl of Havana drowned in the hugely abnormal floods we're getting. He certainly deserves too, but he may have devolved to fish level!
I'm hoping that the Earl of Havana drowned in the hugely abnormal floods we're getting. He certainly deserves too, but he may have devolved to fish level!

Aye to that. He can go wave his miniscule cod-piece in Atlantis.

Where are your floods ? Midlands again ? Insurers are abandoning the weather-threatened everywhere. Fucking parasites. I dare say maggot will try to defend his insurance portfolio.
Aye to that. He can go wave his miniscule cod-piece in Atlantis.

Where are your floods ? Midlands again ? Insurers are abandoning the weather-threatened everywhere. Fucking parasites. I dare say maggot will try to defend his insurance portfolio.
And Yorkshire. We had 'em here a while back, and now we've got snow. Anyone who still believes this is 'normal' has a mind heavily affected by global overheating, if you ask me, though Havana, of course, doesn't really have one of those things
I see- I thought that Yorkshire was in the Midlands. I remember seeing pictures of those previous floods- wooden pallets left stranded halfway up mature trees in the town of Saltaire and roads cut clean in two. Sure looked a tad ' abnormal ' to me.
Weather insurance will become history.

How long ago did they build the Thames Flood Barrier ? Now there's an indicator of the lie-sodden British Denier Choir if ever there was one.
Australia bushfires: Three dead and thousands forced from homes


At least three people are dead and four missing in "unprecedented" bushfires in Australia.

Gusty winds and up to 35C heat have exacerbated the fires, many of which are in drought-affected areas.

On Saturday, NSW Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said there would be little reprieve in fire conditions over the next week, or throughout the summer months of December, January and February.

"The forecast for the balance of the season continues to be driven by above-normal temperatures (and) below-average rainfall to dominate over the coming months," he told Reuters news agency.

Last week, Sydney was blanketed by smoke for days by fires in Port Macquarie - a region 380km away.

The poor air quality prompted health warnings for those with asthma and other respiratory problems.

Is this linked to climate change?

Australia's fire season risks growing longer and more intense due to climate change, according to scientists.

Authorities said they were concerned about the severity of the fires ahead of its hottest months, a year after the nation experienced its warmest summer on record.

Officials have confirmed that 2018 and 2017 were Australia's third and fourth-hottest years on record respectively.

The bureau's State of the Climate 2018 report said climate change had led to an increase in extreme heat events and increased the severity of other natural disasters, such as drought.

Even if global temperatures are contained to a 2C rise above pre-industrial levels - a limit set out in the landmark Paris accord, agreed by 188 nations in 2015 - scientists believe the country is facing a dangerous new normal.

Last year, a UN report said Australia was falling short in efforts to cut its CO2 emissions.
Global warming brings ' record ' everything, you dumb British cluck, record heat, record cold, record wet, record dry.

Now go wave your infamous cut-and-pastes from your certifiable mushroom-farmer. Haw, haw............................haw.

I want everyone to read the bolded very carefully... for a good laugh at the zealotry of the AGW religion...
So no matter the weather it's GW....

That's right. The global climate is changing. Try thinking of these concepts separately; 1) Globe. 2) Climate 3) Change.
See how easy it is without trolls and their socks farting their contrarian gas ?

Now- you don't come across as a self-serving, attention-seeking troll of the obnoxious kind- so here's a list of terms that you can expect to see turning up in weather descriptions from all over the world from here on in which might help your focus;











Enjoy them while you may- because the conditions they describe will soon become the new ' normal '. It will be open season on climate deniers at that point.
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That's right. The global climate is changing. Try thinking of these concepts separately; 1) Globe. 2) Climate 3) Change.
See how easy it is without trolls and their socks farting their contrarian gas ?

Now- you don't come across as a self-serving, attention-seeking troll of the obnoxious kind- so here's a list of terms that you can expect to see turning up in weather descriptions from all over the world from here on in which might help your focus;











Enjoy them while you may- because the conditions they describe will soon become the new ' normal '. It will be open season on climate deniers at that point.

Gosh you're so smart., I wish I was like you!
I was just foolin'. I knowed you was a dumbass troll all along. Haw, haw............................haw.