Global fry-up.

India suffers hottest decade on record

National weather office calls impact of global warming 'unmistakable' with more than 1,500 people killed last year.


The last decade was India's hottest on record with the national weather office calling the impact of global warming "unmistakable" and extreme weather killing more than 1,500 people last year.

India, home to 1.3 billion people, is at the forefront of climate change suffering devastating floods, dire water shortages and baking temperatures. The southern city of Chennai last year declared "day zero" as taps ran dry.

Yes, my liitle JPP dumbkins- India HAS suffered from a ' hottest ever decade ' before. This is a different one though.

( It used to be called ' satire '. Now it's fucking educational material )

Haw, haw......................................haw.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..............................haw, haw................................haw.
1.9 billion people at risk from mountain water shortages, study shows

Rising demand and climate crisis threaten entire mountain ecosystem, say scientists

A quarter of the world’s population are at risk of water supply problems as mountain glaciers, snow-packs and alpine lakes are run down by global heating and rising demand, according to an international study.

The first inventory of high-altitude sources finds the Indus is the most important and vulnerable “water tower” due to run-off from the Karakoram, Hindu Kush, Ladakh, and Himalayan mountain ranges, which flow downstream to a densely populated and intensively irrigated basin in Pakistan, India, China and Afghanistan.

Keep on doing what you do. You're one of the other three-quarters of the world's population.
Australia fires: Smoke to make 'full circuit' around globe, Nasa says


Smoke from the massive bushfires in Australia will soon circle the Earth back to the nation, says Nasa.

Massive infernos have raged along the nation's east coast for months, pushing smoke across the Pacific.

Nasa said plumes from blazes around New Year's Day had crossed South America, turning skies there hazy, and moved "halfway around Earth" by 8 January.

"The smoke is expected to make at least one full circuit around the globe," the US space agency said.

Suck it up, you Denier Choir bastards.

Radiation will take the same routes.
Storm Ciara: Disruption continues with snow and ice set to hit

So far, the storm has resulted in a month and a half's worth of rainfall falling within 24 hours for some parts of the UK, resulting in flooding and power cuts for more than half a million households.


This huge storm damage will cost the UK billions of dollars to repair. Some areas will be abandoned- already uninsurable. At the same time the Tory government is set to spend well in excess of 200 billion dollars on a railway to get rich people between London and Birmingham 20 minutes ' faster ' - thereby further destroying the environment- and their insane and dangerous leader wants to build a traffic bridge over the Irish sea to a country that wants England to fuck off. It seems fitting that the British empire should end in poverty and ridicule. It's what it imposed upon its colonies.
It is 65° F. in Antarctica and if the Thwaites Glacier Plops in, Expect 4 ft. of Sea Level Rise



And it isn’t just the low-lying coastal areas that will be flooded. An average sea level rise of 3 feet won’t be distributed evenly in the ocean. Some parts will be higher. And the higher the sea level, the higher the storm surges will be. Hurricane Sandy hit lower Manhattan because it only had a 3 to 8 foot high storm wall, and the surge was 9 to 14 ft. high. After Thwaites and its cousins fall in and melt, a similar storm surge could be as much as 18 feet high, which is not what New York City is planning for.

The Trump administration is actively encouraging the burning of more and more fossil fuels and has removed restrictions on CO2 production enacted by the Obama administration.

Partial solution ? Get rid of Trump. Get rid of ALL Deniers and climate profiteers.
India, Pakistan should brace for ‘TWIN INVASION’ of locusts from Horn of Africa & Iran, UN warns


Giant swarms of locusts may descend on both sides of the India-Pakistani border around spring-summer this year, a UN locust monitor said, amid an unprecedented plague already affecting the black continent.
Gargantuan tribes of desert locusts have been terrifying the residents of Yemen and Saudi Arabia and laying waste to countries in the Horn of Africa. UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calls the outbreak worst in 25 years for the Eastern Africa and worst Kenia in particular faces in 70 years.

After multiplying in the Horn of Africa, the swarms may migrate to Hindustan, where they may deliver a twin strike together with freshly hatched locust from southern Iran, FAO's Senior Locust Forecasting Officer Keith Cressman told IANS news agency on Monday.
UK must prepare for more intense storms, climate scientists say

Government urged to create more natural drainage systems to cope with impact of crisis

They've been told that FOR YEARS. They ignored the warnings- for their own profits. Maggots.

Boris Johnson will not visit areas of UK hit by flooding, says No 10

Self-serving scum-sac.
Gigantic hurricanes, unprecedented floods, locust plagues, wildfires, droughts, high temperatures and STILL the maggots bleat ' Hoax, hoax '

It's because they are profiting from environmental destruction. Wakey, wakey. Start arresting them.

Another load of alarmist bullshit from the Guardian, they never fail. Naturally Moonshi'ite laps that shit up, can't get enough.

In Germany there have been rumors that the alleged Antarctic Seymour Island “all-time Antarctic record high” of 20.75°C set on February 9th is a hoax – originating by the AFP news agency and then spread by The Guardian.

The alleged 20.75°C was supposedly logged by Brazilian scientists and was supposedly almost a full degree higher than the previous record of 19.8C, taken on Signy Island in January 1982, The Guardian blared with much alarm, citing its own rush job chart.

Currently the WMO is seeking to obtain the actual temperature data for Seymour Island, part of a chain of islands off the Antarctic peninsula.

WMO cites media as source!

The WMO website itself is citing the media as its source, writing: “Media reports say that researchers logged a temperature of 20.75°C. Mr Cerveny cautioned that it is premature to say that Antarctica has exceeded 20°C for the first time.”

Thermometer data show only 16°C!
maggot refuses to acknowledge that his country is drowning and 'led ' by a self-serving fool. maggot is a charlatan.

UK weather: warning of further rain for areas already hit by flooding
More than 100 flood alerts in England as Jeremy Corbyn criticises government response

maggot also claims that the coronavirus outbreak is welcomed by the political Left and that the Boing 737MAX is a safe aircraft. Is maggot simply a deluded moron or a troll ?
UK weather: Parts of UK could see a month's rain in 24 hours amid floods


And eight rivers have reached record levels in recent days, the Environment Agency (EA) added.

Nearly 120 flood warnings remain in place across the country.

Unprecedented floods, maggot. Unprecedented rainfall. The UK winter did not happen. Your mouth-flapping has become a danger to life.
UK weather: heavy rain brings further flooding with more forecast

The damage wreaked by Storm Dennis last weekend and Storm Ciara the week before is projected to run into the billions to repair.

The agency said river levels had exceeded existing records with the Colne, Ribble, Calder, Aire, Trent, Severn, Wye, Lugg and Derwent among the many rivers where records have been broken.

Caroline Douglass, the director of incident management at the Environment Agency, said: “This will be the third weekend of exceptional river levels and stormy weather. With the effects of climate change, we need to prepare for more frequent periods of extreme weather like this.

From your Thai retreat, maggot- tell your countrymen that all is normal and global warming is a Leftist hoax.

Haw, haw.................................................haw.