Global fry-up.

A record-breaking heat wave changed Antarctica in 9 days
NASA released images showing widespread melting of snow on Antarctica’s Eagle Island.


Fake news. Bad science. Political hoax.

Haw, haw.................................................haw.
You've shrunk, maggot. You're not the authority you promote yourself as.
Keep a bag packed.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
Climate change: Warm winter ruins German ice wine harvest


Germany's harvest of ice wine - a dessert wine produced from grapes that have frozen while still on the vine - has failed for the first time because the winter has been too warm.

It isn't just the catastrophic events which are affecting our lives- it's also the little things. Hundreds of thousands of them.
Paper That Blames The Sun For Climate Change Was Just Retracted From Major Journal
5 MAR 2020

A paper published last year that claimed global warming was all to do with the Sun has been retracted. Nature Publishing Group-owned Scientific Reports has found that the paper's conclusion was based on a flawed assumption.

The decision comes after sharp criticism from the scientific community prompted the journal's editors to undertake a further review of the study.

Having nailed their piss-weak colors to the mast' sun spots '...maggot and his limp droogs will now address the forum with their sincere apologies.

Haw,haw,haw,haw,haw,haw,haw,haw.........................haw, haw..................................haw.
Greenland and Antarctica ice loss accelerating

Earth's great ice sheets, Greenland and Antarctica, are now losing mass six times faster than they were in the 1990s thanks to warming conditions.

A comprehensive review of satellite data acquired at both poles is unequivocal in its assessment of accelerating trends, say scientists.

Between them, Greenland and Antarctica lost 6.4 trillion tonnes of ice in the period from 1992 to 2017.

This was sufficient to push up global sea-levels by 17.8mm.

Denier morons welcome to roll up in denier mode.

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
It appears that the Deniers have finally conceded. Now for the contraries , trolls and egotists.

Greenland's melting ice raised global sea level by 2.2mm in two months
Analysis of satellite date reveals astounding loss of 600bn tons of ice last summer as Arctic experienced hottest year on record

Last year’s summer was so warm that it helped trigger the loss of 600bn tons of ice from Greenland – enough to raise global sea levels by 2.2mm in just two months, new research has found.

The analysis of satellite data has revealed the astounding loss of ice in just a few months of abnormally high temperatures around the northern pole. Last year was the hottest on record for the Arctic, with the annual minimum extent of sea ice in the region its second-lowest on record.

Antarctica logs hottest temperature on record with a reading of 18.3C
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Unlike the retreat of sea ice, the loss of land-based glaciers directly causes the seas to rise, imperiling coastal cities and towns around the world.
Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads

Levels of air pollutants and warming gases over some cities and regions are showing significant drops as coronavirus impacts work and travel.

Researchers in New York told the BBC their early results showed carbon monoxide mainly from cars had been reduced by nearly 50% compared with last year.

Emissions of the planet-heating gas CO2 have also fallen sharply.

But there are warnings levels could rise rapidly after the pandemic.

Now then- how to stop the pollution coming back ? First up- NO BAILOUTS FOR POLLUTING INDUSTRIES.
Steep fall in emissions during coronavirus is no cause for celebration

Brief hiatus will make little difference to catastrophic levels of global heating, experts say

The sudden sharp fall in greenhouse gas emissions recorded in the early part of this year may seem like an environmental blessing, a breathing space as the world fights climate breakdown. Skies clear of aeroplanes and streets free of cars have encouraged the return of nature and brought visions of a cleaner world.

Carbon dioxide emissions had fallen by 17% on average by early April, according to a definitive study published in Nature Climate Change on Tuesday, as a result of the lockdown measures put in place around the world to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

In fact, the unprecedented decline is “nothing to celebrate”, according to leading experts. It will be temporary and will make little difference to the world’s ability to meet the goals of the Paris agreement and stave off catastrophic levels of global heating. The causes of the steep fall, the economic convulsions and the possibility of lasting economic damage also mean urgent work must be done to repair the economy.

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“This decline in emissions, the biggest in history, is the result of economic trauma,” said Fatih Birol, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, whose own analysis backs up the Nature paper in showing this is the biggest drop in carbon in history. “It is nothing to celebrate. It is not the result of policy. This decline will be easily erased if the right policy measures are not put in place.”

'A summer unlike any other': heatwaves and Covid-19 are a deadly combination
As underserved populations face hotter neighborhoods and limited access to air conditioning, the pandemic threatens the malls and libraries where they typically find relief

Temperatures in some California cities this week broke decades-old records. The heatwave that cooked Las Vegas over the past few days brought temperatures over 100F. And in Phoenix, highs this weekend are expected to approach or exceed 110F.

This year is on track to be one of the hottest on record, and public health officials worry that in cities across the US, summer heatwaves will collide with the coronavirus pandemic, with deadly consequences for poor, minority, and older populations.

As if global warming isn't bad enough.
‘Collapse of civilisation is the most likely outcome’: top climate scientists

‘This is an existential threat to civilization’
Steffen, along with some of the world’s most eminent climate scientists, laid out our predicament in the starkest possible terms in a piece for the journal Nature at the end of last year.

They found that 9 of the 15 known Earth tipping elements that regulate the state of the planet had been activated, and there was now scientific support for declaring a state of planetary emergency. These tipping points can trigger abrupt carbon release back into the atmosphere, such as the release of carbon dioxide and methane caused by the irreversible thawing of the Arctic permafrost.

Siberian Arctic experiences record high temperatures
Temperatures rise to a record average for June amid a heat wave that is stoking some of the worst wildfires in Siberia.


Temperatures in Arctic Siberia soared to a record average for June amid a heatwave that is stoking some of the worst wildfires the region has ever known, European Union data showed.
New South Wales erosion: Huge swells leave homes at risk of collapse


Huge waves have pummelled the Australian state of New South Wales, eroding some coastal areas and putting homes at risk of collapse.

In its 2018 State of the Climate report, the Bom said that sea levels had been rising around Australia due to warming ocean temperatures.

It noted climate change had also led to an increase in extreme weather events such higher-than-normal rainfall and powerful storm surges.

"As climate change continues, the combination of increases in heavy rainfall and rising sea levels means that coastal and estuarine environments may have an increase in flood risk from multiple causes," the bureau said in its report.

A second virus wave ain't the only wave you've got to be worried about, chummies.

Siberian Arctic experiences record high temperatures
Temperatures rise to a record average for June amid a heat wave that is stoking some of the worst wildfires in Siberia.


Temperatures in Arctic Siberia soared to a record average for June amid a heatwave that is stoking some of the worst wildfires the region has ever known, European Union data showed.

And your point is?