Global fry-up.

Canada's last fully intact Arctic ice shelf collapses

The Milne Ice Shelf is at the fringe of Ellesmere Island, in the sparsely populated northern Canadian territory of Nunavut.

“Above normal air temperatures, offshore winds and open water in front of the ice shelf are all part of the recipe for ice shelf break up,” the Canadian Ice Service said on Twitter when it announced the loss on Sunday.

“Entire cities are that size. These are big pieces of ice,” said Luke Copland, a glaciologist at the University of Ottawa who was part of the research team studying the Milne Ice Shelf.

The shelf’s area shrank by about 80 square kilometers. By comparison, the island of Manhattan in New York covers roughly 60 square kilometers.

“This was the largest remaining intact ice shelf, and it’s disintegrated, basically,” Copland said.

The Arctic has been warming at twice the global rate for the last 30 years, due to a process known as Arctic amplification. But this year, temperatures in the polar region have been intense. The polar sea ice hit its lowest extent for July in 40 years. Record heat and wildfires have scorched Siberian Russia.

Milne-Ice-Shelf.jpg least the dumbasses will be warm as the virus coughs the life out of them.

Fuck the masks and fill up the SUV ! Yahooooooooo !
Greenland ice sheet lost a record 1m tonnes of ice per minute in 2019
Climate-driven loss is likely to be the worst for centuries, and is pushing up sea levels

The Greenland ice sheet lost a record amount of ice in 2019, equivalent to a million tonnes per minute across the year, satellite data shows.

The climate crisis is heating the Arctic at double the rate in lower latitudes, and the ice cap is the biggest single contributor to sea level rise, which already imperils coasts around the world. The ice sheet shrank by 532bn tonnes last year as its surface melted and glaciers fell into the ocean and would have filled seven Olympic-sized swimming pools per second.

The satellite data has been collected since 2003. The 2019 loss was double the annual average since then of 255bn tonnes. Almost that amount was lost in July 2019 alone.

Keep a-pumpin' that oil, assholes.
America is on fire - from Mexico to Canada- and nobody even bothers to add to this thread.
Moonshi'ite is an ignorant fucker, he won't even believe NOAA ffs!!

Boston’s Fake Sea Level Scare Debunked

Boston’s National Public Radio affiliate WBUR has published a new article claiming we are facing a sea-level crisis caused by climate change. In truth, global sea level has been rising for more than 150 years at a fairly steady pace. There is no reason to think that, aided by the most advanced 21st-century technologies, humans suddenly won’t be able to adapt to modestly rising seas.

The WBUR story, titled, “28 Trillion Ton Ice Melt Spells Danger For Sea Level Rise, Climate Change,” bases its alarm on a report from UK climate alarmists claiming:

“A total of 28 trillion tons of ice has disappeared from the Earth’s surface since 1994, … [which] fulfills the worst-case scenario that was predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 30 years ago … that by the end of this century, sea level could rise by more than 3 feet.”

As detailed in Climate at a Glance: Sea Level Rise, global sea level has been rising at a relatively steady pace of just one foot per century – or less than one inch per decade – since the mid-1800s. Our transformation to modern global economy utilizing coal power plants and SUVs has led to very little increase in the pace of sea-level rise, if any increase at all. Moreover, and very importantly, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirms here has been no significant recent acceleration.

Also, as NASA reports, sea level always rises between ice ages as ice sheets retreat. During the last interglacial period between ice ages, seas were four to six meters higher than we are experiencing today.

Also, as detailed in a report by the Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC), some cities, like Ceuta, Spain, have experienced almost no sea level rise over the past century. Other cities, such as Sitka, Alaska have actually experienced falling sea levels. Still other cities, such as Atlantic City, have experienced a large, rapid increase in sea levels, mainly due to subsidence. Yet each of these locations has avoided apocalypse with less-advanced technology than we have at our disposal today.

As Bjorn Lomborg writes in his book, False Alarm:

“Humans have been adapting to nature for millennia, and with more wealth and technology we will be even better at it in the future. … For many centuries, much poorer societies have adapted as sea levels have risen. And today, we have more know-how and [better] technology than ever before: We can build dikes, surge barriers, and dams; expand beaches and construct dunes; make ecosystem-based barriers like mangrove buffers; improve building codes and construction techniques; and use land planning and hazard mapping to minimize flooding. As a result, death from storm surges have actually been declining even as sea levels have risen.”

WBUR should do its research, examining the facts about sea level rise, before scaring the public with tall tales about a looming coastal flood apocalypse.


Above is sea-level data for Boston, reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Where is the cataclysmic rise in sea level since 1994? It simply isn’t there.

The reason it isn’t there is that ice has been slowly and steadily melting – and sea level has been slowly and steadily rising – in Boston and throughout much of the world since at least the mid-1800s.

The ice melt since 1994 is nothing unusual or extraordinary.
Edit; America is on fire - from Mexico to Canada- and nobody sensible even bothers to add to this thread.
Edit; America is on fire - from Mexico to Canada- and nobody sensible even bothers to add to this thread.

Yeh you prefer to read bullshit in the Guardian from that arsehole Carrington. There has been no rate of increase in sea level since the mid 19th century.

Photographic evidence, such as with Fort Denison in Sydney Harbor, shows no visible sea level rise impact in 135 years.


Boston sea level rise snce 1920, who do you believe a hack journalist lke Carrington or NOAA?

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Are NOAA ecocidal morons as well, Moonshi'ite?

You're a twat, Comrade maggot- to think that photographs of the same site could indicate changes in sea levels. Sea water is a volume, not a level.
You're an ecocidal moron for trying to pass it off as ' scientific evidence' to forum dumbasses.
You're also a capitalist scum-sac who puts profits before people.