Global fry-up.

The hottest rain on record

Extreme heat continues to smash records in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

As the world waits to see if a new European temperature record will be set in Spain or Portugal on Saturday, another was broken in the US state of California.

Imperial, in the south of the westerm state, recorded the highest temperature at which rain has ever fallen anywhere in the world - 48.3 degrees Celsius.

It was just another in long list of temperature records that have been smashed this year on four continents.

As I sat yesterday morning, chewing my pemmican and sipping my lichen tea - I got to wondering if we are really living out the last days of Paradise Earth.
Many observers claim that the climatic changes are now irreversible. We've stalled, denied , polluted, warred, mined and manufactured ourselves to hell already.

I wonder if our governments will ever tell us that we are all totally fucked- or if they'll just encourage the likes of the Brit maggot to continue to disseminate sanctimonious trollshit.
California wildfires: Death toll to 7 as rapid spread continues

Blaze grew more than 25 percent overnight, leading more residents in danger zones to be evacuated.


I wonder how many folk were sitting around a week ago saying ' It's normal- it will all be over soon '.
Too late to do much now.

We must encourage the youth to NOT procreate and expose further generations to this increasingly unlivable planet.

The planet is fine.

Anyone who believes we are “killing the planet” is the most gullible person in the world
You can always find an expert contrarian. When 98 percent of climate scientists say it is a big problem and man is a huge contributor, I tend to lean their way. Sorry. People who do not want to accept the facts can always find an excuse. But this expert does not balance with all the rest. Temps are at highest levels recorded and have been 15 out of last 16 years.

Except 98% of climate scientists don’t agree. Can’t believe you don’t know that

The funny thing is that in your personal life you have done nothing to curb your lifestyle one bit. But you claim to care. Typical liberal. All talk no action
Australia's Turnbull: 'Now we are the land of droughts'

Although it is still winter, parts of eastern Australia are experiencing the worst drought in living memory.

Ninety-nine percent of New South Wales, which is the country's most populous state and provides around a quarter of the country's agricultural output, is currently in drought.

Mr Turnbull said: "Now we are the land of droughts and flooding rains, we recognise that.

"It's a very volatile and often capricious climate and Australian farmers are resilient, they plan for drought, they are good managers but it can become really overwhelming."

ABC News showed Mr Turnbull comforting a local charity worker, who wept as she described the "dire" situation.

"I worry every day I go to visit farming families that I'm going to get to someone and it's going to be hours too late, it's literally that bad," she said.

Yeah. " Hollis Brown, he lived on the outside of town..."

Nobody here dares light a smoke in the street.
As wildfires rage, California frets over a future of greater perils and higher costs


REDDING, Calif. — The wildfire here that has burned with speed and efficiency through neighborhoods, jumped the wide Sacramento River and killed a half-dozen residents and firefighters, has turned yet another place into a harbinger of what the future holds for this state

Well- at least we're facing up to the truth of it.
So you double as a garage attendant . Makes a change from supplying Izrael with aid, does it ?