Global fry-up.

Into the Night Soil
You can't create energy out of nothing.

So where did it come from ?
Bear in mind- we are getting the catastrophic local conditions that ' they ' told us we might expect in 50 years time.

Are they dumb or did they lie ?
New Zealand floods could take years to clean up, with 1,200 people displaced

Torrential downpours that have battered New Zealand for four days straight have caused floods that could take years to clean up and displaced at least 1,200 people from their homes in the top of the South Island.

Friday’s rain comes on top of weeks of wet weather and is worsening conditions in New Zealand’s already sodden landscape. Experts have attributed the unseasonably wet weather to a narrow stream of water vapour, or “atmospheric river”, sitting above the country.

Evacuated residents in Nelson, a city with a population of more than 50,000 that has been particularly hard hit, were told they were unlikely to be able to return home on Friday, leaving 1,200 people from 411 households displaced. Nelson’s mayor, Rachel Reese, told media it would take years to recover from the flooding, which has badly damaged roads and homes.

More than 40 locations have had record, or near-record rainfall totals this winter, said Dr Daniel Kingston, a senior geography lecturer at the University of Otago.

“That is linked to a higher than usual number of atmospheric rivers occurring. Normally, atmospheric rivers are relatively rare during the winter months.”

Climate change is likely playing a role, and warming air and sea surface temperatures are likely playing a role he said.

“As the atmosphere warms it can hold more moisture, increasing the likelihood for extreme heavy rainfall events such as this.”

They lied.
We can bemoan the destruction of the atmosphere due to human activity, but what's really destroying the world is excessive human existence.

The world is simply not capable of adequately sustaining seven billion people.
Nobody worries about how just anybody is allowed to procreate.
That, however, is what's bringing this world to the state of uninhabitability.
We're over the tipping point. How do you get seven billion people down to maybe two or three?
Guess what--you can't do it. Maybe with a nuclear holocaust, perhaps, but that won't leave much of a world for any who survive.

Live for now, finish with a bang, but don't bring any new souls into this world knowing that they're all fated for a horrific end.
Anybody with a functioning brain knows that they are.

Even partition, the very best thing that we can do in America, won't save the planet now.
We can bemoan the destruction of the atmosphere due to human activity, but what's really destroying the world is excessive human existence.

The world is simply not capable of adequately sustaining seven billion people.
Nobody worries about how just anybody is allowed to procreate.
That, however, is what's bringing this world to the state of uninhabitability.
We're over the tipping point. How do you get seven billion people down to maybe two or three?
Guess what--you can't do it. Maybe with a nuclear holocaust, perhaps, but that won't leave much of a world for any who survive.

Live for now, finish with a bang, but don't bring any new souls into this world knowing that they're all fated for a horrific end.
Anybody with a functioning brain knows that they are.

Even partition, the very best thing that we can do in America, won't save the planet now.

Make abortions illegal.. That ought to fix it.

Haw, haw.....................haw.
Pakistan declares emergency as devastating floods affect millions


“I have never seen such huge flooding because of rains in my life,” an octogenarian farmer, Rahim Bakhsh Brohi, told AFP near Sukkur, in the southern Sindh province.

The office of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said in a statement on Friday that 33 million people had been affected by the floods, while the country’s natural disaster agency said nearly 220,000 homes had been destroyed and another half a million seriously damaged.
Pakistan floods: Desperation and displacement in Sindh province


The Prime Minister of Pakistan has said the "magnitude of the calamity" is bigger than expected, after visiting flood-hit areas.

Shehbaz Sharif was speaking from Sindh province - which has had nearly eight times its average August rainfall.

The floods have killed nearly 1,000 people across Pakistan since June, while thousands have been displaced - and millions more affected.

As the BBC drove through Sindh, there were displaced people in every village.

The full scale of the devastation in the province is yet to be fully understood - but the people described it as the worst disaster they've survived.

Floods are not uncommon in Pakistan, but people here said these rains were different - more than anything that's ever been seen. One local official called them "floods of biblical proportions".

Near the city of Larkana, thousands of mud homes have sunk under water. For miles all that's visible is treetops. Where the water level is slightly lower, thatched roofs creep out from underneath the water.

In one village, the people are desperate for food. In another, many children have developed waterborne diseases.

When a mobile truck pulled over, scores of people immediately ran towards it. Children carrying other children made their way to the long queue.

One 12-year-old girl said she and her baby sister had not eaten for a day.

"No food has come here, but my sister is sick, she has been vomiting," the girl said. "I hope they can help."

The desperation was evident in every community. People ran towards car windows to ask for help - anything.

Send the Brit maggot.
We can bemoan the destruction of the atmosphere due to human activity, but what's really destroying the world is excessive human existence.

The world is simply not capable of adequately sustaining seven billion people.
Nobody worries about how just anybody is allowed to procreate.
That, however, is what's bringing this world to the state of uninhabitability.
We're over the tipping point. How do you get seven billion people down to maybe two or three?
Guess what--you can't do it. Maybe with a nuclear holocaust, perhaps, but that won't leave much of a world for any who survive.

Live for now, finish with a bang, but don't bring any new souls into this world knowing that they're all fated for a horrific end.
Anybody with a functioning brain knows that they are.

Even partition, the very best thing that we can do in America, won't save the planet now.

You're out of date, the true figure is just shy of 8 billion!!!!
No, but I'm a life-long vegetarian. You ?
I'll leave this here to maybe give you some 'food' for thought, because you're halfway there:

How many trees have you planted ?
Quite a few, actually, I worked in the forest service for a decade.

Are you a lawn-man or a wildlife supporter ?

I don't have a lawn, full natural wildscape outside of my house (thankfully never lived in an hoa), with local native plants and local food garden.
I'll leave this here to maybe give you some 'food' for thought, because you're halfway there:

You should start an awareness thread of your own- for those that are still destroying the environment unknowingly- rather than trying to preach to the converted. I look forward to seeing it.

Quite a few, actually, I worked in the forest service for a decade.

I don't have a lawn, full natural wildscape outside of my house (thankfully never lived in an hoa), with local native plants and local food garden.

Laudible. The brainwashed idiot, above, thinks you're a brainwashed idiot.
You should start an awareness thread of your own- for those that are still destroying the environment unknowingly- rather than trying to preach to the converted. I look forward to seeing it.

Laudible. The brainwashed idiot, above, thinks you're a brainwashed idiot.


Could you possibly be bothered to put in a pinch of effort?

Could you possibly be bothered to put in a pinch of effort?

Says the angst-ridden moron who has not added one constructive word to the 1,500 + posts in this thread.

Begone, Porkeye.

Haw, haw.................................haw.