God Bless Chuck Hagel


Will work for Scooby snacks
Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska):

The United States needs to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within the next six months, Sen. Chuck Hagel said Thursday, rather than ratcheting up its military commitment now.

With Iraq exploding in sectarian violence and "moving closer and closer to a straight-out civil war," Hagel said, the Bush administration's decision to transfer nearly 5,000 additional U.S. troops into Baghdad is "only going to make it worse for us."

In the end, he said, "feed(ing) more American troop fodder into the fight" could result in "even a worse defeat."

Asked what the United States could do, Hagel said: "Ask the president. Ask Secretary (of Defense Donald) Rumsfeld. They're the ones who got us into this."

I think it's freaking hillarious, here we have Chuck Hagel, a republican, saying something that creams the liberals panties, and he is "God Blessed" by them, while one of the most prolific liberals of our time, Joe Lieberman, is fighting for his political life because he disagreed with them on the war, and they threw him under the bus. It's just abso-fucking-loutely amazing to watch!
The war is an important issue to many Americans Dix. Being for the war is not going to be tolerated in the Democratic party. At least by the voters. But lets be real there are issues that can draw the ire of Republicans as well.

In 2004 Arlen Specter had a tough fight from challenger Pat Toomey over abortion and some other issues. He only lost by a couple points.

Nothing wrong with campaigning agains a sittling Senator. You guys do it all the time.
Dixie said:
I think it's freaking hillarious, here we have Chuck Hagel, a republican, saying something that creams the liberals panties, and he is "God Blessed" by them, while one of the most prolific liberals of our time, Joe Lieberman, is fighting for his political life because he disagreed with them on the war, and they threw him under the bus. It's just abso-fucking-loutely amazing to watch!
You know, one of the most interesting -- and I mean that in the Chinese sense, as in "may you live in interesting times" -- developments in political discourse of the modern era is the hijacking of religion by the far right. Many people just assume that any "Christian" is a conservative.

In fact, the American liberal movement(s) have been basically run out of Christian churches for at least 60 years. I've been to more protest organizing meetings and the like in churches than in any other kind of building. By far. Mostly Unitarian and Methodist but also a few storefront churches and even the odd Catholic or Episcopalian cathedral.
IHateGovernment said:
Believe it or not most liberals believe in God. There are far more liberals in this country than atheists.
It's that bunker mentality. You know what they say about atheists in foxholes . . . .
I think the Democrats are seriously misjudging the polls. Despite losing on this very issue in '04, they refuse to understand how polls are driven largely by emotion. Because people feel passionately about soldiers dying, they tend to be more vocal, they tend to participate in polls, or do whatever they can to promote their passionate viewpoints. People who understand that war is regretful but necessary, are more reluctant at going around spreading a perceived hawkish viewpoint, they are simply more reserved and don't participate in the polls, or try to be heard over all others.

Polls can be asked in any number of ways, by any number of agenda-driven people, to obtain virtually whatever result is needed. Sampling 1,000 people at any given time, is not a legitimately accurate representation of what America thinks. I have never been asked a question by a pollster in 46 years, and I doubt many of you have either, yet we are constantly hearing these people tell us what we think. And simple-minded pinheads who can't think for themselves, are weak enough to buy into it and believe the polls just don't ever lie.

I'm telling you, more people in this country believe we are heading into WWIII with Islamofascism, and Iraq was a legitimate second stop after Afghanistan, and we better start figuring out what to do about Iran and Syria, as well as Clinton's ol' buddy in NK. We are at war, and people better wake up and start realizing what is at stake, and why we simply can't afford to play these Mamby-pamby Mush-mouth Liberal Crybaby games right now. Iraq is nothing like you billed it, and when all is said and done, it will have been a most crucial strategy point in the defeat of radical Islamic terrorism.
Yet another WWIII comment. I find that kind of talk to be the crybaby kind of talk you speak about.

I ain't fuckin scared.
IHateGovernment said:
Yet another WWIII comment. I find that kind of talk to be the crybaby kind of talk you speak about.

I ain't fuckin scared.
More than that, another superstitious, science-is-bullshit comment. "I don't know how them long-haired science fellers kin think they knows what I thinks! They ain't no mind-reeters or nothin!"

The sad fact is that many people simply reject statistics out of hand.
Cypress said:
Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Nebraska):

The United States needs to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within the next six months, Sen. Chuck Hagel said Thursday, rather than ratcheting up its military commitment now.

With Iraq exploding in sectarian violence and "moving closer and closer to a straight-out civil war," Hagel said, the Bush administration's decision to transfer nearly 5,000 additional U.S. troops into Baghdad is "only going to make it worse for us."

In the end, he said, "feed(ing) more American troop fodder into the fight" could result in "even a worse defeat."

Asked what the United States could do, Hagel said: "Ask the president. Ask Secretary (of Defense Donald) Rumsfeld. They're the ones who got us into this."


Like the rest of the dems they have much to criticize but nothing to offer outside of accepting defeat and leaving.:rolleyes:
Dixie said:
I'm telling you, more people in this country believe we are heading into WWIII with Islamofascism, and Iraq was a legitimate second stop after Afghanistan, and we better start figuring out what to do about Iran and Syria, as well as Clinton's ol' buddy in NK. We are at war, and people better wake up and start realizing what is at stake, and why we simply can't afford to play these Mamby-pamby Mush-mouth Liberal Crybaby games right now. Iraq is nothing like you billed it, and when all is said and done, it will have been a most crucial strategy point in the defeat of radical Islamic terrorism.

Um, okay so according to you, "more people in this country believe.....Iraq was a legitimate second stop after Afghanistan" however most of the major polling agencies over the last year throughout this country have different view:



"More than half of Americans – 55% - think the U.S. should have stayed out of Iraq (the highest figure to date)"
"Still, 51% say the war was a mistake."

Hmmmmm, who am I going to believe: Dixie's inner feelings or findings in a numerous studies?

Unless you are going to try to play your famous word games with us and tell us that by "more" you meant more than 10 people.
Sir Evil said:
Like the rest of the dems they have much to criticize but nothing to offer outside of accepting defeat and leaving.:rolleyes:
Not "accepting defeat." Accepting the fact that we fucked up to begin with. That is not defeat, that is simply recognizing the fact that the pooch has already been screwed so trying to avoid screwing the pooch is pointless.
Like the rest of the dems they have much to criticize but nothing to offer outside of accepting defeat and leaving.:rolleyes:

I take it you are blissfully unaware that Senator Hagel is a republican .... so your "like the rest of the dems" line is as idiotic as pretty much everything else you have posted to date. Tell us again how Ollie North warned us about Osama.... :rolleyes:

wow....you sure as hell have not lived up to Damo's hype.
I think the Democrats are seriously misjudging the polls. .

you thought that Terri Schiavo was a winning issue for you guys and that Bill Frist was a genius for being able to diagnose her by watching a videotape.... so just stand by to cough up our wager
I take it you are blissfully unaware that Senator Hagel is a republican .... so your "like the rest of the dems" line is as idiotic as pretty much everything else you have posted to date. Tell us again how Ollie North warned us about Osama.... :rolleyes:

wow....you sure as hell have not lived up to Damo's hype.

You sure like to introduce the personal attacks don't you? The guy has been here for a day. Calm down.
fuck you...in one day he has posted that tired old canard that Ollie North warned us about OBL and when asked to show any evidence that we knew anything the OBL had done against America or American interests prior to may of '96, he posts some link to a bunch of crap including stuff about Richard Reid the shoebomber.... he's a hack and until he shows me otherwise, I don't play nice with bullshitting neocons.... go find a fucking tea party somewhere else
fuck you...in one day he has posted that tired old canard that Ollie North warned us about OBL and when asked to show any evidence that we knew anything the OBL had done against America or American interests prior to may of '96, he posts some link to a bunch of crap including stuff about Richard Reid the shoebomber.... he's a hack and until he shows me otherwise, I don't play nice with bullshitting neocons.... go find a fucking tea party somewhere else

I'm not looking for a tea party. I just find it curious as to how you're constantly looking to start these battles and then you get indignant when it gets ugly back at you. This post is a case in point. You would rather attack than simply counter the point.

For you, anyone who disagrees with you is automatically on your shit list. I'm just saying, and note, I'm saying it in a respectful manner, that you will reap what you sow, and personal attacks will come back around. Don't feign indignation when they do.
I take it you are blissfully unaware that Senator Hagel is a republican .... so your "like the rest of the dems" line is as idiotic as pretty much everything else you have posted to date. Tell us again how Ollie North warned us about Osama.... :rolleyes:

wow....you sure as hell have not lived up to Damo's hype.
Hype? I said he was a friend that I have known for some time. I had no hype...