I'm starting to wonder about these guys. Nobody can be that obtuse. I’ve started to wonder if these guys are the Internet equivalent of Jeff Gannon (in his faux journalist mode as opposed to his gay hooker mode). How about it, you guys? Is the Shrub paying you to write stupid things in defense of his failed policies, or does that sort of idiocy come naturally to you? I guess what I'm asking is whether you are amateur or professional morons. And how do you put that in your résumé? “Composed unbelievably lame and illogical nonanswers to challenges of the president's failed social and foreign policies: 2001-2006. Reason for leaving job: President impeached and convicted.”
Yeah, that'll bring employers flocking.
Nah .. the one true professional political hack is the guy that you answered to .. the one in your quote ...
As far as you .. what the fuck is your problem ..how can someone be as miserable as you? Who the fuck do you think you are .. ?
You remind me of one of these little ass wipe punks that get slapped around and wait till they are way down the block before they get into name calling ...
Your nettiquite has to be the worse yet ....
You are the base of what I spit out on a bad sinus day ...