God is 9090 times more evil than Hitler

which part, the mean, nasty and ugly or the stupid......the stupid is based on your posts.....the mean, nasty and ugly I just made up.....doesn't mean it isn't true, just means I've never met you......

So your opinion.
Which matters less than a skeeter bite to me.
I have no clue what that means.

really?.....Ole Scratch is another name for Lucifer....a literary reference I believe, though I have no idea from where....Dickens, maybe?....

ah, here it is....Irving...

The upshot of all which is, that, if I mistake not," said Tom, sturdily, "you are he commonly called Old Scratch."
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From what I know of the bible, I do not think the references to Lucifer, Satan, Etc in the bible are are referring to the same person or entity.
From what I know of the bible, I do not think the references to Lucifer, Satan, Etc in the bible are are referring to the same person or entity.

ah, and how much do you know of the bible?....for example....how many times is the word "Lucifer" used in the scriptures?....

interesting, did you know that in Isaiah 14, Lucifer is called Lightning from Heaven......fascinating, since the ancient Hebrew word for "lightning", as is the present arabic, is "barak"....so, if it isn't referring to the same person as Satan, I wonder who the prophet Isaiah could have been referring to......
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ah, and how much do you know of the bible?....for example....how many times is the word "Lucifer" used in the scriptures?....

interesting, did you know that in Isaiah 14, Lucifer is called Lightning from Heaven......fascinating, since the ancient Hebrew word for "lightning", as is the present arabic, is "barak"....so, if it isn't referring to the same person as Satan, I wonder who the prophet Isaiah could have been referring to......

As I questioned before where does superstition end and religion begin.

what about the scripture about the burning bush?
You probably thought you were treading on holy ground around Bush :)
As I questioned before where does superstition end and religion begin.

what about the scripture about the burning bush?
You probably thought you were treading on holy ground around Bush :)

no, but if the shrubbery behind the house catches on fire and it starts talking to me, I'm not going to argue with it.....