God is 9090 times more evil than Hitler

who's responsible for meaningless drivel, the poster or the God he criticizes with it.....

Now that is a good question for those who believe :clink:
I may direct one of my clone slaves to give you rep points for that.

when you criticize me are you criticizing god?
Or at least the work of god?
Guess I will have to block those right winger sites.

Ungrateful trolls. You give em life and what thanks do you get in return?
when you criticize me are you criticizing god?
Or at least the work of god?

I am criticizing your reason, which I suspect you worship, so yes, I think I am criticizing your god....unfortunately, your posts aren't a work of reason, so no, i am not criticizing the work of your god.....
I am looking at it from the perspective of a believer.

I do not believe in any gods or supreme beings. I do believe there may well be much more advanced species of life in the universe than us though.

from my perspective, you're just another idiot....so if you don't believe he exists, why should you expect him to take the blame for you?.....
A so it is de debbil's fault. That ex angel of god who god seems to be unable to control.

well, you are mean, nasty and ugly, but I would hardly call you the Devil....you just don't have the class to be ole Lucifer........no, your stupidity is no one's fault but your own.....
well, you are mean, nasty and ugly, but I would hardly call you the Devil....you just don't have the class to be ole Lucifer........no, your stupidity is no one's fault but your own.....

Silly non believer. Its GOD's fault. We were all made in his image and likeness, including the elephant man and Ed Gein.
Most liberals don't believe, that's why they always seem unhappy.

You don't have to subscribe to any form of mythology to be happy, unless you're a suggestible and infantile blowhard who cannot find happiness from within.

Allah Akbar!