God is 9090 times more evil than Hitler

not relevant....the question was whether God thought a child (though the original text was young men) deserved to be mauled....my answer is, apparently yes.......

I'm not asking what your god thought about it, I'm asking how you personally feel about forty children being mauled by a bear for calling someone a name.
I'm not asking what your god thought about it, I'm asking how you personally feel about forty children being mauled by a bear for calling someone a name.

I suspect that if they have dark skin and are not Christians he is all for it.

After all only christians have a right to live on this earth.
My fantasies in that area are about Priests buring in eternal torment in hell.

Just a fantasy though since hell only exists if we make it here while we are alive.
Something the cons seem to be pretty good at.

I don't know....I've only been around here a month and I can think of a dozen times you've brought up priests and alter boys.....it seems to me you spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about them....some might consider it unhealthy....others, merely suspicious.....
I suspect that if they have dark skin and are not Christians he is all for it.

really?....can you identify a single post of mine that would give you adequate basis upon which to "suspect" that?.....let's be honest....that statement tells the world far more about YOUR bigotry than it ever could mine.....
I don't know....I've only been around here a month and I can think of a dozen times you've brought up priests and alter boys.....it seems to me you spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about them....some might consider it unhealthy....others, merely suspicious.....

3 maybe as many as 6 times in the last month I would say. times I have brought it up now not individual multiple posts regarding bring it up once.

I cahllenge you to prove me wrong.
You don't care? You don't find it outrageous?

You disgust me. Why don't you go write love letters to Manson or some other evil person next?

I don't agree that your, or my views of morality are superior to the creator's.....and quite frankly, I don't value your opinion enough to worry about whether I disgust you....
3 maybe as many as 6 times in the last month I would say. times I have brought it up now not individual multiple posts regarding bring it up once.

I cahllenge you to prove me wrong.

I don't even know how many of the people on the board you really are?.....can I count them all and assume they all are you?.....
I don't agree that your, or my views of morality are superior to the creator's

I don't value your opinion that the imaginary "creators" morals are in any way superior to anyone's. Clearly, they are inferior. Your are worshiping an imaginary personification of evil, and you disgust me. Your are a vile subhuman, and I am literally about to have to take a bath after talking to someone who worships an imaginary being as evil as god is.