God is 9090 times more evil than Hitler

The promise of reward after death only chepanes the only life we are absolutely certain to have.

If you are so certain are you eager to die and go to heaven?
Or will you spend your last dine and more on healthcare to keep from dying?
No, you're betting your ass, because you're wasting your life. I don't have to take a bet that god exists, or that we're living in the matrix.

odd....and how do you believe I am wasting my life?.....do you think your quality of life is somehow better than mine?.....am I missing out on some great experience because I believe in a deity?.....please expound, O Superior Life Experiencer!.....inquiring minds want to know.....
3 myself, demwit, and whomever.

Now you know so go and prove your statement.

lol.....six is close enough, and you've already admitted to those.....I'd feel unclean if I actually had to read all those posts in the threads where people spend pages arguing about who used to be who and how much they hated them last year and who's more sexually perverted than who.....so, I'll admit I can't prove twelve....
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The promise of reward after death only chepanes the only life we are absolutely certain to have.

If you are so certain are you eager to die and go to heaven?
Or will you spend your last dine and more on healthcare to keep from dying?

when counseling clients on writing wills I often use the line that the ideal estate plan is to spend your last nickel about five minutes before you pass away, but it's the hardest one to plan for.....'

I've had a grandparent waste away in a nursing home for eleven years.....I've had a grandparent out picking strawberries in his garden one week and dead from cancer a week later.....I have a father who's made it to 95 living in his own home.....from what I have seen of life, I would rather die before I had a chance to think about how I'm going to die....spending millions to live longer in a nursing home is not my cup of tea.....
"The Family began with this idea that God does not work through churches but rather through those whom The Family calls the “New Chosen.” They believe they’re chosen by God. They can’t be expected to pray with the rest of us. They need to pray in private with people of equal status."

"Doug Coe, David Coe’s father and leader of The Family fellowship going back to the mid ’60s, likes to call The Family 'The Christian Mafia.' I knew Coe when I was part of The Family. He explained what it means to be a chosen politician.

Talking to another man, he said, 'Let me explain to you the concept of ‘chosen.’ Suppose I hear you raped three little girls. What would I think of you?'

The man says, 'You would think I was awful, a monster.'

And Doug Coe said, 'No, I would not, because you’re chosen, and when you’re chosen, the normal rules don’t apply.' "

"[The Family is] a group that regularly invokes as leadership models Hitler, Stalin and Mao, whom Doug Coe said are three men who understood the New Testament best in the 20th century.

[David Coe] means that they are evil men, but what they understood is that the New Testament is not about love, mercy, justice, forgiveness. It’s about power."

"Doug Coe in one presentation talked about Nazi Germany and the allegiance many Germans had to the Nazis. He said it was something of a role model for the approach that Family members need to have to their organization."

"The [Family] began during the Great Depression because the founder thought that God came to him and revealed a vision that the New Deal was satanically inspired and that Christianity was getting it wrong for 2000 years by focusing on the poor, the weak, the suffering.

He said God came one night in April 1935 and said, 'I want you to be a minister to not the down and out, but the up and out,' he called them, the powerful. And God’s going to choose a few powerful people, he’ll work through those people, and those people will distribute the blessings to the rest of us."

The virus of elitist oligarchical totalitarianism comes in many guises, true.
when counseling clients on writing wills I often use the line that the ideal estate plan is to spend your last nickel about five minutes before you pass away, but it's the hardest one to plan for.....'

I've had a grandparent waste away in a nursing home for eleven years.....I've had a grandparent out picking strawberries in his garden one week and dead from cancer a week later.....I have a father who's made it to 95 living in his own home.....from what I have seen of life, I would rather die before I had a chance to think about how I'm going to die....spending millions to live longer in a nursing home is not my cup of tea.....

so we are supposed to spend all we have made during our lives?
That is a good way to keep the working poor the working poor.
The promise of reward after death only chepanes the only life we are absolutely certain to have.

If you are so certain are you eager to die and go to heaven?
Or will you spend your last dine and more on healthcare to keep from dying?

Its only a reward if you look at it from such a perspective. Is is a reward to be able to spend time with your friends and the people you love? Or is it just good quality time?
Its only a reward if you look at it from such a perspective. Is is a reward to be able to spend time with your friends and the people you love? Or is it just good quality time?

We should do that now, not putr it off till ehaven time.

Also without beer and dogs and sports will heaven be heaven?
We should do that now, not putr it off till ehaven time.

Also without beer and dogs and sports will heaven be heaven?

Yes we should, but I would prefer to spend a bit more time with the people I love. I could care less about dogs, and sports there shall surely be, but I'm working on a deal with God to get beer into heaven as we speak.

obviously Demwit will spend Uscitizen's hard earned wealth like a wastrel....at least that's what happens on the national level.....