Goddamn LIARS!

I swear, I bet I can count 200 lies in the first 10 threads on this board, from people on the left! You people can't open your fucking mouths without spewing a goddamn lie! How the HELL anyone EVER believes a damn thing you say, is beyond me! If you will LIE about trivial insignificant bullshit, you'll certainly LIE about more important stuff. It just beats all I've ever seen, it's like you people have some kind of mental disease where you have to habitually be LYING your ass off to maintain function!
speaking of liars.....you might want to check back on some threads Dix.

Whenever the neocon parrots can't logically or factually defend their rhetoric...they get real testy, and start these type of thread with just a primal scream of frustration. Truth and logic for like minded folk like Dixie are like sunlight and holy water to a vampire! Pity our confederate flag waving clown.
It must be difficult to read your own words, printed in context, and realize that you're completely insane....
I swear, I bet I can count 200 lies in the first 10 threads on this board, from people on the left! You people can't open your fucking mouths without spewing a goddamn lie! How the HELL anyone EVER believes a damn thing you say, is beyond me! If you will LIE about trivial insignificant bullshit, you'll certainly LIE about more important stuff. It just beats all I've ever seen, it's like you people have some kind of mental disease where you have to habitually be LYING your ass off to maintain function!

Wow, hon, take a chill pill! You take this board far too serious! You must feel threatened? why do people feel so threatened by the left?
I swear, I bet I can count 200 lies in the first 10 threads on this board, from people on the left! You people can't open your fucking mouths without spewing a goddamn lie! How the HELL anyone EVER believes a damn thing you say, is beyond me! If you will LIE about trivial insignificant bullshit, you'll certainly LIE about more important stuff. It just beats all I've ever seen, it's like you people have some kind of mental disease where you have to habitually be LYING your ass off to maintain function!

How many of the "lies" are people recalling your stated positions. You recently wrote me some hate speech for recalling some of your routine, filled with the word "LIES!!! LYING LIAR!!!! LIE!!!"
How many of the "lies" are people recalling your stated positions. You recently wrote me some hate speech for recalling some of your routine, filled with the word "LIES!!! LYING LIAR!!!! LIE!!!"

Oh, it's a favorite pastime of pinheads to take my words out of context and claim I've contradicted myself. Those are indeed lies, but I am mostly just talking about the positions taken by the left on any given issue... hell, it doesn't matter what it's about, I think they have to tell lies to make it through the day! Some of them probably believe if they don't tell a lie, they might be turned into Christians or something... I don't know... just saying. For some unknown reason, lefties here just want to continuously post lie after lie about anything and everything, as if they can't help but to lie with every breath. It's really quite amazing to me... but what is more astonishing is, they actually think people don't realize it! They think they remain credible and trustworthy, in spite of their incessant lying. That's really fucked in the head, if you ask me.
Oh, it's a favorite pastime of pinheads to take my words out of context and claim I've contradicted myself. Those are indeed lies, but I am mostly just talking about the positions taken by the left on any given issue... hell, it doesn't matter what it's about, I think they have to tell lies to make it through the day! Some of them probably believe if they don't tell a lie, they might be turned into Christians or something... I don't know... just saying. For some unknown reason, lefties here just want to continuously post lie after lie about anything and everything, as if they can't help but to lie with every breath. It's really quite amazing to me... but what is more astonishing is, they actually think people don't realize it! They think they remain credible and trustworthy, in spite of their incessant lying. That's really fucked in the head, if you ask me.

Politics = lies. And the worst part about it is that when someone is caught in a blatant lie, they merely start tap dancing and then change the context of the conversation or change the subject. Its all very tiresome.
Politics = lies. And the worst part about it is that when someone is caught in a blatant lie, they merely start tap dancing and then change the context of the conversation or change the subject. Its all very tiresome.

This goes WAY beyond political lying or spin, this is some sick mental problem they have. At least twice today, maybe more, some jerk pinhead has posted an absolute LIE about something I said, not in one single thread, but they posted in TWO threads! It's like, it wasn't good enough to just post the lie once, they had to post it twice, for good measure! I mean, what the fuck is up with that? Why are they so obsessed with LYING about what I've said? I can understand it frustrates them to not be able to refute my brilliant points in debate, but good grief, this is ridiculous! It doesn't "WIN" the argument to run find some obscure post I made in 2006 and start squawking about how I've contradicted myself! Pretending that I have said things I haven't ever said, or taking things way out of the context they were presented, does absolutely nothing to prove your points in a debate about abortion or racism.

I don't see people from the right doing this kind of warped twisted bullshit with people on the left. It just doesn't happen. For the most part, people on the right want a valid and legitimate discussion of the issues, without the rhetoric, and without the distractions and distortions. It's just a shame we have to wade through page after page of habitual liars and their mental delusions.

Oh, it's a favorite pastime of myself, fucked in your ass to maintain function! It's what I think about, It's really quite amazing to me... I am mostly just talking about the positions by the left, I swear, I bet I can count 200 through the day.

Some of them fuck me mouth. I just want to continuously in spite of their incessant spewing.
what was that about context?
Goddamn LIARS!

I swear, I bet I can count 200 lies in the first 10 threads on this board, from people on the left! You people can't open your fucking mouths without spewing a goddamn lie! How the HELL anyone EVER believes a damn thing you say, is beyond me! If you will LIE about trivial insignificant bullshit, you'll certainly LIE about more important stuff. It just beats all I've ever seen, it's like you people have some kind of mental disease where you have to habitually be LYING your ass off to maintain function!

Tissue? :(
∞zo;473768 said:
what was that about context?
Here's Dixie's context. I "Dixie" made an outrageous claim. Someone disputed my claim by presenting relevent facts, ergo, they are liars.

I think that's fits Dixie's context nicely.
This goes WAY beyond political lying or spin, this is some sick mental problem they have! At least twice today, maybe more, some jerk pinhead has posted an absolute LIE about something I said, not in one single thread, but they posted in TWO threads! It's like, it wasn't good enough to just post the lie once, they had to post it twice, for good measure! I mean, what the fuck is up with that? Why are they so obsessed with LYING about what I've said? ......

I don't see people from the right doing this kind of warped twisted bullshit with people on the left. It just doesn't happen.


Calm down. You are taking this message board crap too seriously. Are you suffering from excess estrogen?

I don't know how you are going to survive 8 years of Obama. I spent close to 8 years of the Bush regime being called everything from a liberal traitor, to a lying communist hack, to a terrorist sympathizer. I never had a meltdown. This is political theater, and a way to blow off steam.

I just posted your own words, after you whined that I was lying about what you said about abortion. Everyone can see your own words, and the full context in black and white. You can either choose to try to spin your way out of your own words, you can choose to own up to them, or you can whine about it. That's really you're only three choices. Whining seems, to me, to be the least palatable choice.
Prissy, you DO lie, you ARE a liberal traitor, you ARE a lying communist hack, you ARE a terrorist sympathizer! You can't debate the issues, so you run off and find some "quote" I made from 3 years ago, and present it out of context to DISTRACT from the issue you can't debate! You must think this makes you some kind of Pinhead Genius, but that is an oxymoron. I would say you are a piece of dog shit, but that would be insulting to the dog and his shit. You are the lowest form of living organism on the planet, and the CDC should quarantine you to ensure you don't ever procreate. I would say you deserve to be shot in the head, but that would be a total waste of good ammo.