Goddamn LIARS!

I swear, I bet I can count 200 lies in the first 10 threads on this board, from people on the left! You people can't open your fucking mouths without spewing a goddamn lie! How the HELL anyone EVER believes a damn thing you say, is beyond me! If you will LIE about trivial insignificant bullshit, you'll certainly LIE about more important stuff. It just beats all I've ever seen, it's like you people have some kind of mental disease where you have to habitually be LYING your ass off to maintain function!


Oh man! That was some "legendary" pwnage. So much so, he's still pissed about it!

dixie - the legend.
Prissy, you DO lie, you ARE a liberal traitor, you ARE a lying communist hack, you ARE a terrorist sympathizer! You can't debate the issues, so you run off and find some "quote" I made from 3 years ago, and present it out of context to DISTRACT from the issue you can't debate! You must think this makes you some kind of Pinhead Genius, but that is an oxymoron. I would say you are a piece of dog shit, but that would be insulting to the dog and his shit. You are the lowest form of living organism on the planet, and the CDC should quarantine you to ensure you don't ever procreate. I would say you deserve to be shot in the head, but that would be a total waste of good ammo.

LMAO by "finding some quote" you mean elaborating and substantiating his claims, then well yes, most of us libs on this site are guilty as charged.

Oh...the horror......

Man, I miss this board. I forgot how easy it was to own you tools.

Oh man! That was some "legendary" pwnage. So much so, he's still pissed about it!

dixie - the legend.

I'm not pissed about anything except this mole on my back with a hair growing out of it which I can't reach. That pisses me off, you are just amusement... but to be honest, you are all getting to be very boring and predictable. Why do I need to sit here everyday and read thread after thread of liberal bullshit and lies? Why do I need to read page after page of distractions, distortions, slanderous garbage, and liberal yuck-yuck? It's almost as insanely stupid as the pinheads posting this crap!

You haven't "pwned" anything, except the Jackass of the Day Award! You routinely show what a hypocritical judgmental bigot you are, and your pinhead cohorts chime right in with you on your bigoted hate speech. You are just as big a piece of shit as Prissy, except you have that black thing going for you, so that makes you some kind of fucking goddess to the liberals, you have black pigment in your skin so it's impossible for your mind to contain racist prejudiced stereotypical thoughts. You're a black woman democrat, so that fucking makes you a foremost expert on who IS or ISN'T a racist, and your profound opinion is above reproach.

Next time you take a shit, take a sniff... I bet it stinks just like all other shit. This might come as a total shock to you, but we don't have to tell your fan club!
it's like Dixie thinks there is some statute of limitations on quotations....

does he really think that just because he said something three years ago that he is somehow not responsible for the statement?
I'm not pissed about anything except this mole on my back with a hair growing out of it which I can't reach. That pisses me off, you are just amusement... but to be honest, you are all getting to be very boring and predictable. Why do I need to sit here everyday and read thread after thread of liberal bullshit and lies? Why do I need to read page after page of distractions, distortions, slanderous garbage, and liberal yuck-yuck? It's almost as insanely stupid as the pinheads posting this crap!

You haven't "pwned" anything, except the Jackass of the Day Award! You routinely show what a hypocritical judgmental bigot you are, and your pinhead cohorts chime right in with you on your bigoted hate speech. You are just as big a piece of shit as Prissy, except you have that black thing going for you, so that makes you some kind of fucking goddess to the liberals, you have black pigment in your skin so it's impossible for your mind to contain racist prejudiced stereotypical thoughts. You're a black woman democrat, so that fucking makes you a foremost expert on who IS or ISN'T a racist, and your profound opinion is above reproach.

Next time you take a shit, take a sniff... I bet it stinks just like all other shit. This might come as a total shock to you, but we don't have to tell your fan club!

LMAO. ahhh, look at that. Dixie's becoming completely undone.:cof1:

But you bring up a good point. Why do you come here day in and day out only to contradict yourself?
it's like Dixie thinks there is some statute of limitations on quotations....

does he really think that just because he said something three years ago that he is somehow not responsible for the statement?


Well, that's what happens when you've tapped yourself into a corner. You have to arbitrarily pick out what's fair game and not. And apparently calling everyone a liar helps your cause too.
I just posted your own words, after you whined that I was lying about what you said about abortion. Everyone can see your own words, and the full context in black and white.

No, people can't see the context unless they read the entire thread and understand the point I was making. To ILLUSTRATE how we as a society often establish laws based on "the common good" as opposed to "our personal preferences" I gave an absurd example of a "personal preference" and said this would be how I would do things if I were the King. The point was, to get you to see that we don't live in a society where the INDIVIDUAL gets to decide how all the rest of society lives! The point was, it doesn't matter what MY personal preferences are, it has nothing to do with what I feel our collective society establishes as the law we must all adhere to. THAT was the context the quote was made in, and you have not once indicated that context. No, you want to take the "absurd example" I made for illustration purposes, and CLAIM that this represents my true personal viewpoint. If you read the thread the quote was made in, you will find I spent the next 4 pages explaining this in full detail to those who may have been confused by what I said. But you are a bigoted judgmental prick who didn't want to hear an explanation, and still refuse to accept the explanation, because you think you have something to bash me with. FUCK YOU!
No, people can't see the context unless they read the entire thread and understand the point I was making. To ILLUSTRATE how we as a society often establish laws based on "the common good" as opposed to "our personal preferences" I gave an absurd example of a "personal preference" and said this would be how I would do things if I were the King. The point was, to get you to see that we don't live in a society where the INDIVIDUAL gets to decide how all the rest of society lives! The point was, it doesn't matter what MY personal preferences are, it has nothing to do with what I feel our collective society establishes as the law we must all adhere to. THAT was the context the quote was made in, and you have not once indicated that context. No, you want to take the "absurd example" I made for illustration purposes, and CLAIM that this represents my true personal viewpoint. If you read the thread the quote was made in, you will find I spent the next 4 pages explaining this in full detail to those who may have been confused by what I said. But you are a bigoted judgmental prick who didn't want to hear an explanation, and still refuse to accept the explanation, because you think you have something to bash me with. FUCK YOU!

LMAO.....ummmm, isn't that what cypress said? you personally wanted to stone abortion patients? No mentioned you trying to get stonings passed through congress. you're trying to pretend this is a debate about legislation or law. Nope. we're just all marveling at how inconsistent you are.

So, you're backed into a corner you've whined, you've lashed out, you've played the race card.....I wonder what's next...
No, people can't see the context unless they read the entire thread and understand the point I was making. To ILLUSTRATE how we as a society often establish laws based on "the common good" as opposed to "our personal preferences" I gave an absurd example of a "personal preference" and said this would be how I would do things if I were the King. The point was, to get you to see that we don't live in a society where the INDIVIDUAL gets to decide how all the rest of society lives! The point was, it doesn't matter what MY personal preferences are, it has nothing to do with what I feel our collective society establishes as the law we must all adhere to. THAT was the context the quote was made in, and you have not once indicated that context. No, you want to take the "absurd example" I made for illustration purposes, and CLAIM that this represents my true personal viewpoint. If you read the thread the quote was made in, you will find I spent the next 4 pages explaining this in full detail to those who may have been confused by what I said. But you are a bigoted judgmental prick who didn't want to hear an explanation, and still refuse to accept the explanation, because you think you have something to bash me with. FUCK YOU!

You posted this same dribble in the other thread too. I have no idea why you think it helps you. You quote the context, but it doesn't change the fact that you prefer to have women who abort stoned to death. This is fucking funny as shit, but kind of tragic that you don't get it.
Dixie freaks out and tries to shove a remove up his ass after LadyT/Cypress pwns him:

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LMAO.....ummmm, isn't that what cypress said? you personally wanted to stone abortion patients? No mentioned you trying to get stonings passed through congress. you're trying to pretend this is a debate about legislation or law. Nope. we're just all marveling at how inconsistent you are.

So, you're backed into a corner you've whined, you've lashed out, you've played the race card.....I wonder what's next...

Wow, laughing about racism? What would your ancestors think? Laughing about someone wanting to personally stone abortion patients? What would your liberal scumbag women friends think? You sure do find humor in the strangest fruit, don't you? I mean, to be here laughing out loud, laughing your ass off as a matter of fact... WOW! Just WOW! I guess we can take it you personally consider racism and stoning abortion patients a big joke, since you are laughing so hard about it? Those are YOUR words, not mine! Oh well, I guess you will forever have to live with your quotes, and be constantly made a fool of, because you said it! I would have never thought a black woman would find such humor in racism and abortion stonings, but you obviously do, it's right there in black and white on the message board!

Context? Oh the only "context" I see is you being humored by racism and abortion stonings. No need to try and explain yourself, your "LMAO" speaks for itself.
Wow, laughing about racism? What would your ancestors think? Laughing about someone wanting to personally stone abortion patients? What would your liberal scumbag women friends think? You sure do find humor in the strangest fruit, don't you? I mean, to be here laughing out loud, laughing your ass off as a matter of fact... WOW! Just WOW! I guess we can take it you personally consider racism and stoning abortion patients a big joke, since you are laughing so hard about it? Those are YOUR words, not mine! Oh well, I guess you will forever have to live with your quotes, and be constantly made a fool of, because you said it! I would have never thought a black woman would find such humor in racism and abortion stonings, but you obviously do, it's right there in black and white on the message board!

Context? Oh the only "context" I see is you being humored by racism and abortion stonings. No need to try and explain yourself, your "LMAO" speaks for itself.

Wow, laughing about racism? What would your ancestors think? Laughing about someone wanting to personally stone abortion patients? What would your liberal scumbag women friends think? You sure do find humor in the strangest fruit, don't you? I mean, to be here laughing out loud, laughing your ass off as a matter of fact... WOW! Just WOW! I guess we can take it you personally consider racism and stoning abortion patients a big joke, since you are laughing so hard about it? Those are YOUR words, not mine! Oh well, I guess you will forever have to live with your quotes, and be constantly made a fool of, because you said it! I would have never thought a black woman would find such humor in racism and abortion stonings, but you obviously do, it's right there in black and white on the message board!

Context? Oh the only "context" I see is you being humored by racism and abortion stonings. No need to try and explain yourself, your "LMAO" speaks for itself.

awwww, loooky here. Dixie's trying to play the race card hard now - sorry, I'm unaffected and you will never succeed in getting me to lose my cool the way you do. You get an E effort though.

LOL, no matter how hard you try, or whatever assinine opinions you try to project on to me, YOU WORDS ARE INCONSISTENT. And guess what, we're going to throw them back in your face especially when you tolerate nazi ideals or consider something racist a valid opinion.

So, why don't you try to tell us again how my being black somehow means that what you said was consistent. I'm sure if you do it a third time it will surely work.
Dixie, the Southerners, New Schtick:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but you'e Blaaaaaaaaaaaack
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quote]You mean you're not
it's like Dixie thinks there is some statute of limitations on quotations....

does he really think that just because he said something three years ago that he is somehow not responsible for the statement?
Say what you want to about Dixie, this place would be dead with out him. He may be insane but he's never boring! :)
I'm pretty sure saying you didn't say something that you did say is LYING Dixie. Casting stones in glass houses is poor technique.
Say what you want to about Dixie, this place would be dead with out him. He may be insane but he's never boring! :)

I still stand by the fact that he's actually smarter than the latest influx of crazy right wing retards. At least he can formulate paragraphs and come up with sentences beyond "jizz", "slut", "bitch", <insert random crude insult>. They may be fundamentally contradictory to his other ideas, or be unsubstantiated, and he will more than likely change his views to fit into the latest round of 'debate', mind you, but they are a step above the stalkers, meme, bravo, et al....

And yeah you're right. Without some conservative to constantly pwn, it would get boring.

here's to you dixie, the legend....:clink: