Goddamn LIARS!

Aww... I didn't attack her for being black, I attacked her for being a nitwit retard like you.

Dixie sarcastically mocking my race like the true southern conservative he is in repsonse to his inconsistencies said:
.....except you have that black thing going for you, so that makes you some kind of fucking goddess to the liberals, you have black pigment in your skin so it's impossible for your mind to contain racist prejudiced stereotypical thoughts. You're a black woman democrat, so that fucking makes you a foremost expert on who IS or ISN'T a racist, and your profound opinion is above reproach.....

But Dixie isn't racist. Its not racist to make assumptions about someone based on their race.
But Dixie isn't racist. Its not racist to make assumptions about someone based on their race.


Dixie is a legend in his own mind.

As I have said before Dixie is handy to have around. Read his advise or stance and turn it 180 and you will likely be correct.
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Ooooooooooo... I said "BLACK" so that must mean I am a card carrying member of the Aryan Nation! Yep, I am their only German/Japanese/Cherokee/African/Italian/Spanish/English/Irish member in good standing! .......They call me "MUTT!"

- Hyperbolic Strawman......check

Originally Posted by Dixie
Ooooooooooo... I said "BLACK" so that must mean I am a card carrying member of the Aryan Nation! Yep, I am their only German/Japanese/Cherokee/African/Italian/Spanish/English/Irish member in good standing! .......They call me "MUTT

- Hyperbolic Strawman......check


Classic! This guy is so full of it he must have brown eyes! So he's a human UN who waves the Confederate Flag and justifies racism/bigotry so long as it's part of a religious text....yeah, and there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.

You've got him so frustrated at not being able to BS past you that he doesn't know which way is up. Keep it up as long as you can before your sides split with laughter or you get bored.
You are just as big a piece of shit as Prissy, except you have that black thing going for you, so that makes you some kind of fucking goddess to the liberals, you have black pigment in your skin so it's impossible for your mind to contain racist prejudiced stereotypical thoughts. You're a black woman democrat, so that fucking makes you a foremost expert on who IS or ISN'T a racist, and your profound opinion is above reproach.

Next time you take a shit, take a sniff... I bet it stinks just like all other shit. This might come as a total shock to you, but we don't have to tell your fan club!

LOL, oh man this is great! Dixie, I think I'm inching you closer to outing yourself as a full fledged klansman.

You are the lowest form of living organism on the planet, and the CDC should quarantine you to ensure you don't ever procreate. I would say you deserve to be shot in the head, but that would be a total waste of good ammo.

:lolup:, oh man the ownage must have been bad to get a death wish. Yo Dixie, you're like the second con in the last few days who said they wished I was dead. Cheer up man, all I did was use your exact quote, the full context, and gave the link. Why would that piss you off?

Man, when the eff did some of the Cons on this board get all Jefferey Dahlmer?
Classic! This guy is so full of it he must have brown eyes! So he's a human UN who waves the Confederate Flag and justifies racism/bigotry so long as it's part of a religious text....yeah, and there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.

You've got him so frustrated at not being able to BS past you that he doesn't know which way is up. Keep it up as long as you can before your sides split with laughter or you get bored.

LOL, what's really funny is he's trying to get me in the angry place that he's in. The problem for him is that its not goiing to happen. This thread is going to continue to be about him and not any strawman he tries to construct.

He can call me a bigot, call me a liar, or he can blame his fustrations on my race - however it doesn't detract from that fact that the only ammo we've presented have been his own words. I simply wanted to find out if his views extended to other religious beliefs or did he only support the racist views.

Well, I guess I got my answer. :) Thanks Dicksie.
How old you figure this kid is? (The one where he is freaking out because his mom canceled his WOW account.)