If I had created the ant hill in my image (spiritual image) out of nothing- for the intended purpose to have said ant hill grow in my love ...I think it would garner great interest...and this conclusion is from a completely anthropomorphic ability as I cannot completely relate to the idea as God.

Love is only a valid emotion from a human perspective. It's an instinct that nature put in you specifically so that you would protect your progeny, which is important because your progeny have most of your genes (one child has 50% of your genes, two have 75%, etc... etc..., love is essentially a selfish emotion), and those genes need to be protected, just as you'd protect yourself. Practically all of human behavior.

From a universal perspective, all human emotions and instincts are meaningless. That includes love.
There's suffering in the world due to sin, which is the invention of man, not of God...

Interesting point!

The floods, earthquakes, famine are a result of humans? I can see other things being the result of humans, but natural disasters???? Humans invented sin? I thought it was God that declared what was right and what was wrong.
Religion confuses me. I can find twenty different answers to the same question. God sure doesn't make it easy and he could, he is God.
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An ant hill isn't a good example. If you are infinite, then anything else would literally be nothing compared to you. It wouldn't only be minutely small, it would literally be zero.

Imagine how big the earth is. It takes 11,000 Earth's to go from here to the sun. That unit - about 11k earths - is known as the Astronomical Unit. Now, there are 96 of these astronomical units between the sun and the most distant dwarf planet, Eris. And there are 268,000 between here and the nearest star. At this point, even this huge, unimaginably large distance becomes almost pointlessly small at an astronomical level. 268,000 of these units equals about 4 light years, so the nearest star is about 4 light years away. The galaxy itself is about 100,000 light years across, and we're just on some random part of it. The next closest galaxy is 2 billion light years away. The universe itself is 46 billion light years across.

And here we are, sitting here and thinking, my, this universe was created just for us. Aren't we so important?

Look at us there. Our loving God created all of this just for us.
It doesn't say that God Created the universe for us. Where in the Bible does it say that? God created "us" in his own "image", it says that, but it doesn't say that we were the reason he created the Universe. That's just an imaginary straw man, easy to "knock over" with "logic".... The problem is Logic begins with actual facts either given or proven. That one is neither, you made it up out of your own imagination.

If I create something for my own pleasure, and I love it therefore, it wouldn't mean "nothing" to me, even if it was incredibly small.
Love is only a valid emotion from a human perspective. It's an instinct that nature put in you specifically so that you would protect your progeny, which is important because your progeny have most of your genes (one child has 50% of your genes, two have 75%, etc... etc..., love is essentially a selfish emotion), and those genes need to be protected, just as you'd protect yourself. Practically all of human behavior.

From a universal perspective, all human emotions and instincts are meaningless. That includes love.

Not so. Love is only selfish because we are imperfect. The closest we come is in our salf sacrifice for children. This is God's love; a sacrificial love. Again the tendency to project our human ideas or emotions of God expressed from a human perspective is a very poor example.
Not so. Love is only selfish because we are imperfect.

What does imperfect even mean in a universal sense? If we all die, does that make us less perfect? If we spread to the farthest reaches of the universe and become paragons of absolute virtue, are we more perfect? Perfect in relation to what?

Genes aren't even "selfish" in a serious sense. It's just that the ones that are more successful are the ones that are going to continue existing. Doesn't mean they're "better" in any objective sense, things just turn out that way.

The closest we come is in our salf sacrifice for children.

Which is predicted by evolution. It's just an instinct. Being amazed that we sacrifice for our children is like being amazed that we eat.

This is God's love; a sacrificial love.

God doesn't sacrifice anything. He's infinitely powerful.

Again the tendency to project our human ideas or emotions of God expressed from a human perspective is a very poor example.

And that's one of the problems with religion. God acts exactly like you'd expect a primitive human being to act. He's acts like fiction.
What does imperfect even mean in a universal sense? If we all die, does that make us less perfect? If we spread to the farthest reaches of the universe and become paragons of absolute virtue, are we more perfect? Perfect in relation to what?

Genes aren't even "selfish" in a serious sense. It's just that the ones that are more successful are the ones that are going to continue existing. Doesn't mean they're "better" in any objective sense, things just turn out that way.

Which is predicted by evolution. It's just an instinct. Being amazed that we sacrifice for our children is like being amazed that we eat.

God doesn't sacrifice anything. He's infinitely powerful.

And that's one of the problems with religion. God acts exactly like you'd expect a primitive human being to act. He's acts like fiction.

Yes it does. We are speaking I presume still about the christian God? Death is the result of our fall from perfection.

I am not amazed-that's your spin! I said the closest we can come to understanding the love of God is in our sacrificial love towards our children.

In salvation God must provide a way (propitiation) for our sin. The sacrifice must come from something/someone without sin- God is without sin. The sacrifice was in his taking on our punishment so that we can have a relationship with him.

God has never acted primitive-God has merely met man where man needed to be met.


This is offered in way of explanation of your misconstrued impositions of biblical teaching/understanding...not as an attempt to proselytize.
What does imperfect even mean in a universal sense? If we all die, does that make us less perfect? If we spread to the farthest reaches of the universe and become paragons of absolute virtue, are we more perfect? Perfect in relation to what?

Ok. In your case I did approve of abortion. Told your parents that, but they just couldn't bring themselves to kill their nephew/son

Which is predicted by evolution. It's just an instinct. Being amazed that we sacrifice for our children is like being amazed that we eat.

What is truly amazing is that no one has put you in a coma for spouting off so much nonsense.

God doesn't sacrifice anything. He's infinitely powerful.

This is true.... which further proves the adage that even a blind squirrel can find a nut from time to time. Fetus/emo boy got something right. I must say, even though I knew it would happen, it still does shock me a bit.

And that's one of the problems with religion. God acts exactly like you'd expect a primitive human being to act. He's acts like fiction.

LOL... you haven't even begun to see me go primitive on your ass... but don't worry, that day is fast approaching.
Ok. In your case I did approve of abortion. Told your parents that, but they just couldn't bring themselves to kill their nephew/son

What is truly amazing is that no one has put you in a coma for spouting off so much nonsense.

This is true.... which further proves the adage that even a blind squirrel can find a nut from time to time. Fetus/emo boy got something right. I must say, even though I knew it would happen, it still does shock me a bit.

LOL... you haven't even begun to see me go primitive on your ass... but don't worry, that day is fast approaching.

God, you will be one of the first to be purged in the Socialist Revolution. I will take special pains to make sure I get the pleasure of carrying out the sentence myself. :)
Funny, but not Biblically accurate.

Genesis 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

Regardless of whether the story of Adam and Eve is allegorical or literal (I lean toward the former), the distinction between following God's law vs. human rebellion is obvious. In ch. 3 Eve repeated God's commandment to Satan. Although she did not grasp evil, she was clearly aware that to partake of the fruit was to disobey the creator.

One could argue that the fall was ultimately God's plan, at least passively speaking. Without sin, death, pain, etc., we would never understand the profoundness of redemption - God becoming a man to take upon Himself the sins of the world, offering forgiveness freely to those who believe.

Not trying to be dogmatic, but that's the other side of the story, anyway.


Why was Jesus sacrificed if the Jewish practice was to let the scapegoat live?

thanks for your reply
I would never send my children to their rooms forever just because they broke one of my rules, this is something I don't understand about Christianity.

Why was Jesus sacrificed if the Jewish practice was to let the scapegoat live?

Well, first it is important to understand the distinction between animal sacrifice and Christ's propitiation. The blood of an animal was shed in order to cover sins on a temporary basis. The blood of Christ was shed so that sins would not merely be temporarily covered, but permanently forgiven - forgotten - blotted out, however you wish to put it.

Christ was forgotten by the Father while on the Cross (read Mark 15:34), taking upon Himself the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). This is what the scapegoat represents.

"But the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make atonement upon it, and to let it go as the scapegoat into the wilderness." Leviticus 16:10

The Old Testament is packed with symbolism.

thanks for your reply

No problem. :)

I would never send my children to their rooms forever just because they broke one of my rules, this is something I don't understand about Christianity.

Personally I don't think Hell will be eternal for the people who wish to be reconciled to God. As Martin Luther put it, "God forbid that I should limit the time for acquiring faith to the present life. In the depths of the divine mercy there may be opportunity to win it in the future state."

However, the process will surely be much more difficult.
Personally I don't think Hell will be eternal for the people who wish to be reconciled to God. As Martin Luther put it, "God forbid that I should limit the time for acquiring faith to the present life. In the depths of the divine mercy there may be opportunity to win it in the future state."

However, the process will surely be much more difficult.

I would disagree. The teaching seems clear that in Adam all fell and willingly remain (in their room). That it is God who through Christ call man from the room. That through faith, which is a gift, some men come.