I would disagree. The teaching seems clear that in Adam all fell and willingly remain (in their room). That it is God who through Christ call man from the room. That through faith, which is a gift, some men come.

You could be correct, but I would like to believe it is possible for unbelievers to attain salvation in the next life. Luke 3:5-6 says, "Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth; And all flesh shall see the salvation of God." Of course, there are varying interpretations of this passage, but it seems consistent with the character of God that every one of His human creations would eventually be reconciled.

That said, it wouldn't by any means be a pleasant path to take. Given the choice between putting my faith in Christ in the present life, or burning in Hell for hundreds or even thousands of years, I'll roll with the former!
You could be correct, but I would like to believe it is possible for unbelievers to attain salvation in the next life. Luke 3:5-6 says, "Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth; And all flesh shall see the salvation of God." Of course, there are varying interpretations of this passage, but it seems consistent with the character of God that every one of His human creations would eventually be reconciled.

That said, it wouldn't by any means be a pleasant path to take. Given the choice between putting my faith in Christ in the present life, or burning in Hell for hundreds or even thousands of years, I'll roll with the former!

My point was not addressing possible avenues of future salvation-It was addressing the idea that God puts us in a room and then leaves us there.

Thanks for the exchange
Well, first it is important to understand the distinction between animal sacrifice and Christ's propitiation. The blood of an animal was shed in order to cover sins on a temporary basis. The blood of Christ was shed so that sins would not merely be temporarily covered, but permanently forgiven - forgotten - blotted out, however you wish to put it.

Christ was forgotten by the Father while on the Cross (read Mark 15:34), taking upon Himself the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). This is what the scapegoat represents.

"But the goat on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the LORD, to make atonement upon it, and to let it go as the scapegoat into the wilderness." Leviticus 16:10

The Old Testament is packed with symbolism.

No problem. :)

Personally I don't think Hell will be eternal for the people who wish to be reconciled to God. As Martin Luther put it, "God forbid that I should limit the time for acquiring faith to the present life. In the depths of the divine mercy there may be opportunity to win it in the future state."

However, the process will surely be much more difficult.

Why would human sacrifice be more appropriate for sin? There are a great many passages in the OT that state that human sacrifice is abhorred by Yahweh and yet, the Christian philosophy states that a blood sacrifice was required to free humans from sin? He sent prophets to turn them from pagan ways, and yet, he then decides that his god/man son should die?

When Jesus died, did God also die? How was God able to die, I thought the concept that we were taught is that God is eternal, did just the part of God that was the son die? If God didn't die, then the only thing that died was a man and is that a perfect enough sacrifice to appease God?

The Jews rejected the idea of Jesus because it was pagan, not any different than the myths of Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Hercules and Ra.

The more I read and the more ancient writings are discovered the more questions I have about my abandoned religion.
God, you will be one of the first to be purged in the Socialist Revolution. I will take special pains to make sure I get the pleasure of carrying out the sentence myself. :)

You poor deluded child. I feel sorry for you. It is always tough when your parents are siblings. Never knowing if you should call her your Mom or your Aunt or call him your Dad or Uncle. Such a confusing childhood.

As for your efforts to purge me. Good luck with that. I am everywhere. I am a part of all things. The only way to purge the universe of me is to eliminate everything within it.

Oh.... and that knock on your door last night.... that was JC. He always goes binge drinking every year when the moronic 'christians' celebrate his birthday in December. He usually sobers up by mid February so that he can celebrate his actual birthday in March. Just wanted to apologize on his behalf. For some reason he thinks its funny to scare the shit out of little kids in Mississippi.
Why would human sacrifice be more appropriate for sin? There are a great many passages in the OT that state that human sacrifice is abhorred by Yahweh and yet, the Christian philosophy states that a blood sacrifice was required to free humans from sin? He sent prophets to turn them from pagan ways, and yet, he then decides that his god/man son should die?

When Jesus died, did God also die? How was God able to die, I thought the concept that we were taught is that God is eternal, did just the part of God that was the son die? If God didn't die, then the only thing that died was a man and is that a perfect enough sacrifice to appease God?

The Jews rejected the idea of Jesus because it was pagan, not any different than the myths of Mithra, Adonis, Dionysis, Attis, Hercules and Ra.

The more I read and the more ancient writings are discovered the more questions I have about my abandoned religion.

Bottom line is this.... every few thousand years, I send a 'son' to the world to whip the humans into line. Put the fear of....well... me .... into them. That way I can keep fucking with them and they will think it is their fault. I do so wish I could find another like Job to fuck with. THAT was fun. Good times, good times....
You poor deluded child. I feel sorry for you. It is always tough when your parents are siblings. Never knowing if you should call her your Mom or your Aunt or call him your Dad or Uncle. Such a confusing childhood.

Oh noez you say my family was incestous?!!??!?! I am so insulted?!?!?!?! What shall I do?!?!?!?!?!

As for your efforts to purge me. Good luck with that. I am everywhere. I am a part of all things. The only way to purge the universe of me is to eliminate everything within it.

IP records. Our new privacy laws shall provide complete anonymity for those of the Socialist Revolution who deserve it.

Oh.... and that knock on your door last night.... that was JC. He always goes binge drinking every year when the moronic 'christians' celebrate his birthday in December. He usually sobers up by mid February so that he can celebrate his actual birthday in March. Just wanted to apologize on his behalf. For some reason he thinks its funny to scare the shit out of little kids in Mississippi.

Bottom line is this.... every few thousand years, I send a 'son' to the world to whip the humans into line. Put the fear of....well... me .... into them. That way I can keep fucking with them and they will think it is their fault. I do so wish I could find another like Job to fuck with. THAT was fun. Good times, good times....

I thought you sent yourself?

It was such a great sacrifice you made, going down here, forcing someone to betray you, and then sending yourself back to heaven.