Gog and Magog: The Biblical prophecy


Black Kitty Ain't Happy


Though many world leaders expressed surprise, it should have been easy to predict that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. After all, Western intelligence agencies had been outing the Kremlin’s war plans for weeks.

It also was quite predictable that many Christians would instantly start connecting this conflict to the “War of Gog and Magog,” the last days’ global confrontation described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. As my colleague Malcolm Hedding once observed, the speculation about Gog and Magog seems to ramp up “every time Vladimir Putin sneezes.”

Indeed, I have witnessed endless speculation about the onset of this prophesied battle throughout my entire 50 years of walking with the Lord. And to the world, as well as to the Israeli media, the sudden excitement among Christians about Bible prophecy being fulfilled amid an ongoing calamity like Ukraine can come over as odd and, even worse, quite scary.
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Most of the speculation about Gog and Magog has centered around Russia, or the former Soviet Union, and their allies coming against tiny Israel. Some view it as an imminent war which could be triggered any day now. Others conflate the war of Gog and Magog with the Battle of Armageddon, insisting they are the same conflict. Yet others place it at the end of the Millennium, relying on additional prophetic passages found in the New Testament.

More at: https://www.jpost.com/christianworld/article-701004
Speaking in Tongues and handling snakes doesn't give me a lot of confidence in these people.

The horrors in Ku Kluxery communism of Christiananality pedophilia for their not so master race "man is God" Klues Klucks duh Klans tautology following in that Islam medical pseudoscience human reproduction fabricated virgin Mary misnomer immaculate son of Allah diatribe Jesus the Christ conception in suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming behavior forgiving themselves has no equivalents in preying on civilization.


Though many world leaders expressed surprise, it should have been easy to predict that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. After all, Western intelligence agencies had been outing the Kremlin’s war plans for weeks.

It also was quite predictable that many Christians would instantly start connecting this conflict to the “War of Gog and Magog,” the last days’ global confrontation described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. As my colleague Malcolm Hedding once observed, the speculation about Gog and Magog seems to ramp up “every time Vladimir Putin sneezes.”

Indeed, I have witnessed endless speculation about the onset of this prophesied battle throughout my entire 50 years of walking with the Lord. And to the world, as well as to the Israeli media, the sudden excitement among Christians about Bible prophecy being fulfilled amid an ongoing calamity like Ukraine can come over as odd and, even worse, quite scary.
Top Articles By JPost

Most of the speculation about Gog and Magog has centered around Russia, or the former Soviet Union, and their allies coming against tiny Israel. Some view it as an imminent war which could be triggered any day now. Others conflate the war of Gog and Magog with the Battle of Armageddon, insisting they are the same conflict. Yet others place it at the end of the Millennium, relying on additional prophetic passages found in the New Testament.

More at: https://www.jpost.com/christianworld/article-701004

:rolleyes: GMAFB! This POS has been connecting literally every global event to his myopic "christianity". Yeah, and when he and his minions were nailed with blood diamonds, the amount of BS they spewed should have been enough for them to burst into flames.

The 700 Club is a pure example of the old adage, "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

Though many world leaders expressed surprise, it should have been easy to predict that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. After all, Western intelligence agencies had been outing the Kremlin’s war plans for weeks.

It also was quite predictable that many Christians would instantly start connecting this conflict to the “War of Gog and Magog,” the last days’ global confrontation described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. As my colleague Malcolm Hedding once observed, the speculation about Gog and Magog seems to ramp up “every time Vladimir Putin sneezes.”

Indeed, I have witnessed endless speculation about the onset of this prophesied battle throughout my entire 50 years of walking with the Lord. And to the world, as well as to the Israeli media, the sudden excitement among Christians about Bible prophecy being fulfilled amid an ongoing calamity like Ukraine can come over as odd and, even worse, quite scary.
Top Articles By JPost

Most of the speculation about Gog and Magog has centered around Russia, or the former Soviet Union, and their allies coming against tiny Israel. Some view it as an imminent war which could be triggered any day now. Others conflate the war of Gog and Magog with the Battle of Armageddon, insisting they are the same conflict. Yet others place it at the end of the Millennium, relying on additional prophetic passages found in the New Testament.

More at: https://www.jpost.com/christianworld/article-701004

Every hundred years someone in the Western world is claiming "the End is near!".

We should be so lucky to be alive to see it when so many others never got the chance. LOL

Whatcha talking about? This one gave me a lot of confidence. Begone you heretic!


How much money is she worth now?

TBH, fleecing RWNJs isn't such a bad gig.
Keep in mind that May 1948,when Israel came back into existence again.
We returned to Old Testament times.

Nope! there were specific divine occurrences that were to predate that.....didn't happen. That's why you have sects of Hasidic Jews that don't recognize the state of Israel.
Nope! there were specific divine occurrences that were to predate that.....didn't happen. That's why you have sects of Hasidic Jews that don't recognize the state of Israel.

Any pov,you'll always find someone with the opposite pov!
Usually one side or the others timeline is off.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Nope! there were specific divine occurrences that were to predate that.....didn't happen. That's why you have sects of Hasidic Jews that don't recognize the state of Israel.

Any pov,you'll always find someone with the opposite pov!
Usually one side or the others timeline is off.

No, you can gray area this one! There are SPECIFIC precursors detailed that require divine (Jehovah) actions BEFORE the Jews return to Israel and thus Israel becomes a recognized country among men.

That physically didn't happen. Period. Look it up.
No, you can gray area this one! There are SPECIFIC precursors detailed that require divine (Jehovah) actions BEFORE the Jews return to Israel and thus Israel becomes a recognized country among men.

That physically didn't happen. Period. Look it up.

May 1948 Israel became a Jewish State
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
No, you can gray area this one! There are SPECIFIC precursors detailed that require divine (Jehovah) actions BEFORE the Jews return to Israel and thus Israel becomes a recognized country among men.

That physically didn't happen. Period. Look it up.

May 1948 Israel became a Jewish State

How does that change what I've stated? Please do some honest homework on the subject.