Going out of town for the holiday's


New member
Hi all,
Just letting you all know that I'm going out of town for Christmas and won't have internet access. I hope everyone (even Baka) has a great holiday and time with your family/friends. Drive safely and don't eat too much. Cheers! :clink: I'm not sure exactly when I'm leaving town so I wanted to do this now in case I didn't get to do it later. I think we're going to be home Tuesday night however.
Hi all,
Just letting you all know that I'm going out of town for Christmas and won't have internet access. I hope everyone (even Baka) has a great holiday and time with your family/friends. Drive safely and don't eat too much. Cheers! :clink: I'm not sure exactly when I'm leaving town so I wanted to do this now in case I didn't get to do it later. I think we're going to be home Tuesday night however.


Hopefully, you're going to Cuba to enjoy the camraderie and happiness that socialism may one day bring to this country!

Mele Kalikimaka!
Not the same. Name on nation that is libertarian. Other than say, Denmark, which is libertarian socially...

so you want us to adopt an economic system that's never been tried, and has absolutely no track record in the real world of being successful? that's quite a leap of faith!
so you want us to adopt an economic system that's never been tried, and has absolutely no track record in the real world of being successful? that's quite a leap of faith!
Better than adopting one that is totally full of fail, and has consistently failed since its inception. It doesn't even take a "leap of faith" to know what history teaches us.
Not the same. Name on nation that is libertarian. Other than say, Denmark, which is libertarian socially...

Name one Communist country then.

No real difference given you analogy:

Originally Posted by uscitizen.
I do not think any true communist state has ever existed.

Reply by Damocles.
It's what they use as an excuse to show that the philosophy hasn't proved to be an immense failure.

Try and divert, you response is so far off base it is even beneath me.
Name one Communist country then.

No real difference given you analogy:

Originally Posted by uscitizen.
I do not think any true communist state has ever existed.

Reply by Damocles.
It's what they use as an excuse to show that the philosophy hasn't proved to be an immense failure.

Try and divert, you response is so far off base it is even beneath me.
That was my point. They are socialist nations that they attempt to call "communist".
Sheesh. Another Damo Crawfish alert!

damo I am not stupit enough to buy that spin.
Then you are having a bit of reading comprehension problem today. I stated, "They use 'they are communist' as an excuse to render 'socialism' as 'not failed'.

It is rubbish, they are socialist nations that failed consistently in the past.