Going out of town for the holiday's

Gee let's see here: a libertarian or a socialist talking about socialism? Who should I go with? Oh I know how about the socialist's! Crazy of me I know... :rolleyes:
The reality is that no nation has ever reached "communist" therefore they have all been in that "Socialist" transition stage. No matter how much you want to disassociate with them. The socialists try to distance themselves from the failures of their past. However even those nations knew they were socialist.

U.S.S.R. = Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, the Cubans call themselves socialist. On and on...
Gee I kinda missed it when you kept saying "she" everywhere in the thread. Don't you ever claim to know everything that someone thinks etc. Again that's arrogant and ignorant. You haven't even spoken to me for very long much less know me. So get off it. And once again socialism is the transition phase to communism. Good freakin grief. How can you distant yourself from something you're transitioning to? Me with my blinders on? LOL! Now that's hilarious. You are the one who knows shit about what you're talking about. I'm an actual socialist and involved with other socialists and even other communists. :rolleyes:

I was once a socialist, SB. I was a radical libertarian for about a month. Whenever I transitioned back to believing in a welfare state, albeit with most of the rest of the philosophy I had when I was a libertarian intact, people started calling me "once again a socialist". I know the argument you're making SB because I've made them before. I understand it, it's just not historically the universal way in which socialism is thought of.

Under Marxist ideology, yes, socialism is the transition to communism. That's not so under all socialist/communist ideologies though.

I sometimes wonder, what would've become of the paris commune had it been allowed to stay that way? It wasn't given much of a chance but it worked well while it lasted.