Going out to many of our RW posters

Because I'm unaccustomed to seeing it? I mostly just see your interactions with Grind, PMP, SF, and Billy, but I guess you are occassionally civil even to them. But, if you actually see yourself as capable of this civility thing, I'm all for addressing you in a more upbeat fashion.

Zappa is a great guy, it is just after years of the likes of USF and posters like him, the jerk in all of us comes out. Zapoa's engages them, I IA them because I am a bit more emotional and I usually end up lowering myself to their level and then I feel bad about it.
Because I'm unaccustomed to seeing it? I mostly just see your interactions with Grind, PMP, SF, and Billy, but I guess you are occassionally civil even to them. But, if you actually see yourself as capable of this civility thing, I'm all for addressing you in a more upbeat fashion.

Zappa is a great guy, it is just after years of the likes of USF and posters like him, the jerk in all of us comes out. Zappa's engages them, I IA them because I am a bit more emotional and I usually end up lowering myself to their level and then I feel bad about it.
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Yeah, I can buy that. People like USF have been douching all over this site for a long time. I've spent my share of time sparring with Asshate and the southern contingent.
Well, I def am not a christian. :)

I have not personally attacked any poster on here, even though this is an issue I am insanely passionate about. I might have called people "dumb" or "Stupid" .. something along those lines, but that's basically as far as it goes, and those terms are as we know very tame around these parts.

I am not interested in pretending to believe something I don't in order to pacify others. I believe (... actually, KNOW) too many people on here that truly never paid attention to this case. Anyone that actually watched the case would not be able to say the prosecution did a good job. There was no real evidence presented against zimmerman. The majority of states witnesses either backed up his story or had to admit that his story was consistent with the evidence. The state actually changed their narrative 2 weeks into the trial. They were a joke.

The bottom line is, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Many have gotten this case dead wrong, and keep either saying things that have nothing to do with the law, or they say things that have nothing to do with the case.

I have never said one thing that was untrue about this case.

I hope everyone on this board can come to a better understanding. Both with regards to this case and to those that they disagree with.

Well said! While no one may speak for 'all RW posters' as addressed in OP, also impossible to equate all RW with the box SP wishes them to argue out of.

SP is likely an atheist him/herself trying to prove the 'idiocy' of believers. Major fail.

Some certainly fall into his/her box, pontificating ijits. Most however could make a decent argument for their positions if given half a chance. That's not going to happen in these parts. Indeed, the only effective conservative posts here are original posts that the vast majority of the board chooses to ignore, as if in lockstep. No conspiracy, they truly move as one without communication. Idiot posts are jumped on, good posts are ignored and go to archives.
Well said! While no one may speak for 'all RW posters' as addressed in OP, also impossible to equate all RW with the box SP wishes them to argue out of.

SP is likely an atheist him/herself trying to prove the 'idiocy' of believers. Major fail.

Some certainly fall into his/her box, pontificating ijits. Most however could make a decent argument for their positions if given half a chance. That's not going to happen in these parts. Indeed, the only effective conservative posts here are original posts that the vast majority of the board chooses to ignore, as if in lockstep. No conspiracy, they truly move as one without communication. Idiot posts are jumped on, good posts are ignored and go to archives.

Re-read the title of the thread and get back to me.
Re-read the title of the thread and get back to me.

I apologize, it wasn't the OP, but your general tenor throughout, starting with http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...-many-of-our-RW-posters&p=1262821#post1262821

I don't mind your hating on the right, most here do. I do find your using religious reasons to hate pretty lame. I get where you wish the willing followers of your thinking to go, but they really don't need a pied piper, they're already there.

Funny thing, I'm pretty close to atheist myself and yes, I've thought that through.
I apologize, it wasn't the OP, but your general tenor throughout, starting with http://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...-many-of-our-RW-posters&p=1262821#post1262821

I don't mind your hating on the right, most here do. I do find your using religious reasons to hate pretty lame. I get where you wish the willing followers of your thinking to go, but they really don't need a pied piper, they're already there.

Funny thing, I'm pretty close to atheist myself and yes, I've thought that through.

Now wait a second....reason to hate? Just because I disagree with RW ideology does not mean I hate them. Nor do I "use religion" to facilitate it.

I am merely pointing out the following...

The right has embraced Christianity as it's own. If you happen to be pro-choice...you're a baby killer...even if you've never had, encouraged, or even condone abortion...just the fact that a person believes that it should be up to the individual...Is reason enough to be labeled as such.....same with gay rights....if you claim you're pro-gay rights, many RW will say that you're not a Christian and then quote scriptures to "prove it". Finally....if one speaks of respecting and tolerating other religions, you get much of the same.

General tenor? Well fine...if I offended your sensibilities, I apologize....however, I would like to point out that many of my liberal brothers and sisters have been chastised, demonized and been called many really crappy names by our RW brothers and sisters....merely for a political viewpoint.... and I think that really isn't a CHRISTIAN way to be acting....in fact, the bible doesn't condone that behavior.

Do you read what RW posters write with the same veracity as you do LW posters? Do you see the vitriol, do you see the hate? Do you think this is acceptable, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but as a civilized people?

Yes....I've seen evil crap from LW posters too...and I've mentioned it in threads.
OK...revisited the post that you linked Annie.... what parts did you disagree with? Have you seen how much energy the RW is expending on beating up a dead kid and how hateful they are at doing it? Tell me you don't see it.

And God forbid if one feels that there's more to the story than could be proven in that courtroom.
Now wait a second....reason to hate? Just because I disagree with RW ideology does not mean I hate them. Nor do I "use religion" to facilitate it.

I am merely pointing out the following...

The right has embraced Christianity as it's own. If you happen to be pro-choice...you're a baby killer...even if you've never had, encouraged, or even condone abortion...just the fact that a person believes that it should be up to the individual...Is reason enough to be labeled as such.....same with gay rights....if you claim you're pro-gay rights, many RW will say that you're not a Christian and then quote scriptures to "prove it". Finally....if one speaks of respecting and tolerating other religions, you get much of the same.

General tenor? Well fine...if I offended your sensibilities, I apologize....however, I would like to point out that many of my liberal brothers and sisters have been chastised, demonized and been called many really crappy names by our RW brothers and sisters....merely for a political viewpoint.... and I think that really isn't a CHRISTIAN way to be acting....in fact, the bible doesn't condone that behavior.

Do you read what RW posters write with the same veracity as you do LW posters? Do you see the vitriol, do you see the hate? Do you think this is acceptable, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but as a civilized people?

Yes....I've seen evil crap from LW posters too...and I've mentioned it in threads.

Try flipping your labels. Then we'll talk. Or not.
??? Flip my labels???

Looks like not. I've already said that I've seen evil posts from LW...I don't know what you're getting at.

Did you even READ the post you just quoted?
Yes. Also have read your 'equivalencies' of the left. Somehow the details go missing.
Yes. Also have read your 'equivalencies' of the left. Somehow the details go missing.

Details? Why should I provide details for you? You know the stuff that gets said. What do you want me to say that I haven't already? I don't think Zimmerman is a monster and I've spoken out to that effect numerous times. I don't agree with the angry mob mentality that the left is showing right now...and I've mentioned that too....
idiocy like this is why we can't have nice things.....

Tell me where I'm wrong? The right wants to interject Christian doctrine into our government and force it onto people who don't want to hear it....school prayer, abortion, gays...local and state.laws banning Sharia....which is stupid, because it's unconstitutional...How many times have we heard the TP candidates bring up God and Christianity and demonize anyone who doesn't tow that line? God gave us free will for a reason.

Now...I have been assuming all along that you are a godly man...you seem to know your scriptures well and I was also going by your board name....but yet I've seen such vitriol and venom come from you and other Christians on here, that I am dumbfounded. ILA got this ball rolling when he claimed he was going to turn over a new leaf....and I committed to it too.

This isn't about me being a "better Christian" than anyone else....this is me trying to walk a better path. If you are finding it judgmental....I'm sorry... that's not my intent.
Details? Why should I provide details for you? You know the stuff that gets said. What do you want me to say that I haven't already? I don't think Zimmerman is a monster and I've spoken out to that effect numerous times. I don't agree with the angry mob mentality that the left is showing right now...and I've mentioned that too....

Angry mob mentality, that is just plain wrong and insulting.
Angry mob mentality, that is just plain wrong and insulting.

Too bad....I've seen the posts after the verdict was given, and I spoke up about it...just as I have about the hateful gloating and "thug" stuff that the right has spewed.

Hate is not good for either side.
Too bad....I've seen the posts after the verdict was given, and I spoke up about it...just as I have about the hateful gloating and "thug" stuff that the right has spewed.

Hate is not good for either side.

You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine and the process of bringing a change to the laws that allow a young black boy to be killed in the fashion he was is behind what you call the angry mob mentality.

I am sorry, there were some people who called those marching for civil rights an angry mob, too.

We shall overcome.
Too bad....I've seen the posts after the verdict was given, and I spoke up about it...just as I have about the hateful gloating and "thug" stuff that the right has spewed.

Hate is not good for either side.

I will never stop hating racism.

that is a good hate