Going out to many of our RW posters

You are entitled to your opinion as I am mine and the process of bringing a change to the laws that allow a young black boy to be killed in the fashion he was is behind what you call the angry mob mentality.

I am sorry, there were some people who called those marching for civil rights an angry mob, too.

We shall overcome.

Oh....I understand the anger...and I agree...but I disagree on calling for Zimmerman's death. Nor did I agree with those that were looking forward to him being sexually abused in prison before the verdict came out. That kind of stuff is uncalled for, and does nothing to change people's attitudes.
I don't remember anyone calling for his death

right.....those that said the left should take justice into their own hands were just referring to helping him move back home when he left jail.....

and the folks who've said he's going to have to spend the rest of his life worrying about who's coming up behind him were only thinking about people pinning notes to his back saying "Kick me! I killed Travon!"........
idiocy like this is why we can't have nice things.....

At least some can't.

I really have problems with those that try to bait the way SP does. I respect him/her not at all as poster, less than Desh from those on left, which he/she is. At least Desh is honest on where she's coming from, even if she lies in particulars, all know it.
At least some can't.

I really have problems with those that try to bait the way SP does. I respect him/her not at all as poster, less than Desh from those on left, which he/she is. At least Desh is honest on where she's coming from, even if she lies in particulars, all know it.

OK twatwaffle go get one lie of mine
I didn't mention anyone specifically...

well my name was in discussion earlier.

I think is was for insulting people.

there comes a time when your opponent is so fact adverse only comedy will fit the bill.

Im an adult and don't consider words a bad.

I use comedy to express the deep deep feelings I have when people lie.

I hate fucking liars.

I also hate racists.

I use a range of words to express it.

and make my self laugh at it.
After viewing thread after thread of RW hate slewed on here the past couple of days....since the Zimmerman verdict...well, hell...it even goes a few.days before that...when we got a couple new.posters that conveniently showed up after a couple of bannings....

Anyway...to the point...There is no way on God's green Earth that you can call yourselves Christians. And before you even start...I know that there is stuff that comes out of our left wing posters that is vile too. But the truth is....many of our left wing posters are atheists or agnostics. The Republican party and Conservatism has aligned itself with Christian "values". But it seems to me that unless it involves gays or abortion...or people of a different religion. You don't really care about the faith at all....hell, even when you are discussing those hot topic issues...all you do is spew hate, intolerance and self righteousness.

I doubt that God is amused. You have abandoned God for a right wing agenda that is 100X more aligned with Greed, Power, hatred, bigotry and CONTROL than it is with God.

In short, I think you're worshiping a false PROFIT.

You've got assbackward sonny....Christians have aligned themselves with Republicans....and Christians being about 75% of general public must be voting
for a supporting the left wing Democrats...it that was not true, no D would ever be elected for shit taster let alone President.

Any moron what continues to rant about the Zimmermann trial needs to reevaluate your entire mental capacity to think with logic ... to accept the truth...
to question the shit your being fed by politicians and todays propaganda machine called the main stream media.....TO THINK....
You've got assbackward sonny....Christians have aligned themselves with Republicans....and Christians being about 75% of general public must be voting
for a supporting the left wing Democrats...it that was not true, no D would ever be elected for shit taster let alone President.

Any moron what continues to rant about the Zimmermann trial needs to reevaluate your entire mental capacity to think with logic ... to accept the truth...
to question the shit your being fed by politicians and todays propaganda machine called the main stream media.....TO THINK....

Nice rant....what in the heck are you talking about? Care to try again? Only this time....pretend you are speaking to another person instead of whatever is going on inside your mind.