Going out to many of our RW posters

You've got assbackward sonny....Christians have aligned themselves with Republicans....and Christians being about 75% of general public must be voting
for a supporting the left wing Democrats...it that was not true, no D would ever be elected for shit taster let alone President.

Any moron what continues to rant about the Zimmermann trial needs to reevaluate your entire mental capacity to think with logic ... to accept the truth...
to question the shit your being fed by politicians and todays propaganda machine called the main stream media.....TO THINK....

Hey...dude....re-read my post....that's exactly what I said...that Christians have generally aligned themselves with the Republicans. The.purveyors of greed....who worship the rich and shit on the poor. In other words worshiping money and power over the Lord. That is a false religion...or as I.put it before...a false PROFIT....spelling purposefully incorrect.....meaning is not.
After viewing thread after thread of RW hate slewed on here the past couple of days....since the Zimmerman verdict...well, hell...it even goes a few.days before that...when we got a couple new.posters that conveniently showed up after a couple of bannings....

Anyway...to the point...There is no way on God's green Earth that you can call yourselves Christians. And before you even start...I know that there is stuff that comes out of our left wing posters that is vile too. But the truth is....many of our left wing posters are atheists or agnostics. The Republican party and Conservatism has aligned itself with Christian "values". But it seems to me that unless it involves gays or abortion...or people of a different religion. You don't really care about the faith at all....hell, even when you are discussing those hot topic issues...all you do is spew hate, intolerance and self righteousness.

I doubt that God is amused. You have abandoned God for a right wing agenda that is 100X more aligned with Greed, Power, hatred, bigotry and CONTROL than it is with God.

In short, I think you're worshiping a false PROFIT.

Great post.

Any Chrisitan or person that celebrated Zimmermans verdict is racist and racist alone. No matter what scenario you make up, based on the facts, Zimmerman made the mistake to exit his car and follow someone that was innocent. It ended with an innocent 17 year old dead. So it doesn't matter if you think Zimmerman was guilty of murder or not, he still caused the situation based on profiling alone. So if you see someone celebrating Zimmermans verdict, they are absolute racist.

Here is my inner conflict with your post. I am Christian and tend to lean slightly Right, but they always talk me into voting Left.

The Bible teaches so many things the Left is fighting for and teaches against so many things the Right is fighting for. I'm only going to use 2 examples because they are the most extreme, gays and "share the wealth". The Bible teaches that it is not ok to be gay and teaches to spread the wealth to those in need (not lazy). The Right teaches you to use law to oppress gays and to keep your wealth. The Bible says, "Do not judge or be judged" and it says "Let he who is without sins cast the first stone" and that is exactly what is happening with gays today. Stone casting.

The Bible teaches FREE WILL! Not FORCED religion. The Constitution teaches Freedom of Religion, not forced Religion. Judging sinners means you will be judged and you sin too, only differently. Yet the Bible also states to share your wealth with the needy. Not forcefully, like anti-gay marriage.

Our Bible has been corrupted by our politics, but this isn't new. Even Ghandi stated, "I like your Christ, but dislike your Christians."
Well...my thought is...if a sin is personal in nature....as in homosexuality, abortion, adultery, etc....I feel I am in no position to judge and I leave it in the hands of God. He knows the hearts and minds of the sinner....I don't.

But when it comes to systematic and institutional sins that affect everyone, like greed for example.... I think it's a Christian's responsibility to speak out.

I look to the parable of the Goats and Sheep for my reasoning....that parable is also known as "The Judgment of Nations".
What's personal about murder?

It's personal when it's not murder by law.

Look....I don't like it anymore than you do. I just refuse to judge them the way you do....I don't know the circumstances of their lives that push them in that direction...I'm sure economics play a huge part in it....I'm sure that just plain irresponsibility plays another part in it...

I just choose to let God deal with it...sue me.
It's personal when it's not murder by law.

Look....I don't like it anymore than you do. I just refuse to judge them the way you do....I don't know the circumstances of their lives that push them in that direction...I'm sure economics play a huge part in it....I'm sure that just plain irresponsibility plays another part in it...

I just choose to let God deal with it...sue me.

Jeremiah 2
34 On your clothes is found
the lifeblood of the innocent poor,
though you did not catch them breaking in.
Yet in spite of all this
35 you say, ‘I am innocent;
he is not angry with me.’
But I will pass judgment on you
because you say, ‘I have not sinned.’

(accusation - it's what prophets do)
Jeremiah 2
34 On your clothes is found
the lifeblood of the innocent poor,
though you did not catch them breaking in.
Yet in spite of all this
35 you say, ‘I am innocent;
he is not angry with me.’
But I will pass judgment on you
because you say, ‘I have not sinned.’

(accusation - it's what prophets do)

Well...as long as your prepared to use that in front of the Lord Almighty.....

The problem is....if you are pointing your gnarled finger at me....I have never said that I was without sin.

It's you that think certain sins take precedent over another.
Well...as long as your prepared to use that in front of the Lord Almighty.....

The problem is....if you are pointing your gnarled finger at me....I have never said that I was without sin.

It's you that think certain sins take precedent over another.

you've said you weren't guilty of killing unborn children........yet you help create a society in which we have girls making decisions who have been raised thinking its their right to kill unborn children......by promoting that you have "blood on your clothes".....
Now wait a second....reason to hate? Just because I disagree with RW ideology does not mean I hate them. Nor do I "use religion" to facilitate it.

I am merely pointing out the following...

The right has embraced Christianity as it's own. If you happen to be pro-choice...you're a baby killer...even if you've never had, encouraged, or even condone abortion...just the fact that a person believes that it should be up to the individual...Is reason enough to be labeled as such.....same with gay rights....if you claim you're pro-gay rights, many RW will say that you're not a Christian and then quote scriptures to "prove it". Finally....if one speaks of respecting and tolerating other religions, you get much of the same.

General tenor? Well fine...if I offended your sensibilities, I apologize....however, I would like to point out that many of my liberal brothers and sisters have been chastised, demonized and been called many really crappy names by our RW brothers and sisters....merely for a political viewpoint.... and I think that really isn't a CHRISTIAN way to be acting....in fact, the bible doesn't condone that behavior.

Do you read what RW posters write with the same veracity as you do LW posters? Do you see the vitriol, do you see the hate? Do you think this is acceptable, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but as a civilized people?

Yes....I've seen evil crap from LW posters too...and I've mentioned it in threads.

Excellent posts SP, all of them. :good4u:
At least some can't.

I really have problems with those that try to bait the way SP does. I respect him/her not at all as poster, less than Desh from those on left, which he/she is. At least Desh is honest on where she's coming from, even if she lies in particulars, all know it.

Real selective problems. The kind of problems where right = good, left = bad.

We think thread entitledhttp://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?53138-Any-of-you-have-an-inner-nigger "Any of you have an inner nigger?" or "Ugliest lib woman who ever lived assumes room temperature", for example, are great examples of RW baiting. Apparently you don't, since you've chosen to absent yourself from them. Physician, heal thyself.