GOP at it again.....

When you democrats burn, rape, murder, and loot?

You're welcome.

Because again the "authorities" will support you as you burn, rape, murder, and loot? They did last time. But then that would make them nothing more than criminals - just like you.

No one burned, raped, murdered and looted. Anyone who engages in that behavior should be arrested and jailed. And many of them were. I think you watched 'The Purge' and thought it was real. How sad for you.
Here moron do some real reading and learn something for a change.
And going after your political opponents is what Dictators do NOT US Presidents.

Well, you didn't link to anything specific, just a Yahoo search - but given your limited intellect, I suppose we can't expect APA format.

So Trump vowing to investigate the illegal Lawfare the Communist party has engaged in is somehow "bad?"

No one burned, raped, murdered and looted.


You wouldn't be lying through your fucking teeth again, would you?

Of course you would - You're a Communist, lying is what you do.

Anyone who engages in that behavior should be arrested and jailed.

democrat Brown Shirt terrorists are not subject to laws. C'mon - this guy wasn't even arrested after 11 shot, 8 dead during the 10 week insurrection. Because he was acting on orders from the party.


And many of them were. I think you watched 'The Purge' and thought it was real. How sad for you.

Nah, I just thought you were a fucking liar - which you are.
Well, you didn't link to anything specific, just a Yahoo search - but given your limited intellect, I suppose we can't expect APA format.

So Trump vowing to investigate the illegal Lawfare the Communist party has engaged in is somehow "bad?"

And IF you had the IQ of a Nat you would have gone on that search site and you would have seen a lot of articles showing where Trump did say he was going on a revenge tour if he got reelected putting people in jail , taking their guns away, shutting down MAS outlets , some having talk shows and call in shows .
Those are things DICTATORS do NOT the President of the USA
Have a nice day you fucking LIAR
And IF you had the IQ of a Nat you would have gone on that search site and you would have seen a lot of articles showing where Trump did say he was going on a revenge tour if he got reelected putting people in jail , taking their guns away, shutting down MAS outlets , some having talk shows and call in shows .
Those are things DICTATORS do NOT the President of the USA
Have a nice day you fucking LIAR

No, I saw articles that said Trump would appoint a legitimate and honest DOJ who would investigate and prosecute the illegal and unAmerican lawfare the Harris/Biden Junta has used to subvert our elections and the peaceful transition of power.

Biden/Garland/Merchan all should face prosecution for their party in this. They have destroyed American Jurisprudence and subverted the rule of law.

We will return to the norm where no one is above the law - where democrats are no longer immune. This Soviet style thugocracy of the Harris/Biden Junta comes to an end - and equal justice returns to America.

You wouldn't be lying through your fucking teeth again, would you?

Of course you would - You're a Communist, lying is what you do.

democrat Brown Shirt terrorists are not subject to laws. C'mon - this guy wasn't even arrested after 11 shot, 8 dead during the 10 week insurrection. Because he was acting on orders from the party.

View attachment 32384

Nah, I just thought you were a fucking liar - which you are.

Did you think that pictures somehow proved your point? They didn't.
He thinks Kam wants to round up all her enemies like Trump HAS said he WILL do .
MAGAS like him aren't smart enough to really listen to what Trump has been saying he wants to do.
They can't see Trump HAS said he wants to take a lot of Americans CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them.
He wants to shut down a lot of left leaning MSM outlets , these outlets have talk shows and call in shows . where people can say what they want and think, taking away peoples First Amendment rights.
He has said he would take some peoples guns away and deal with their due process of law later.
Again when is later?
Who decides when later comes ?
Trump ?
when does later come ? Isn't it like tomorrow it never comes?
All that is taking their second Amendment rights away.
Trump HAS said these things and the MAGA just laugh it off.
Well again I asked them what are they going to do when trump is done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and starts coming after theirs?
The are so stupid they HAVE to wake up SOON before it is too late for everybody in the USA.
Have a nice day
Yeap dictator on day one

On day two he’s king for life

A dictator for one day never goes back to a democracy on day two