GOP at it again.....

I'm betting you will die in jail first.

What were you in for this last time, 60
Depends on how fast Wray and his thugs can round up the Trump voters. That is if you are successful in your fraud efforts.

Yeah, that will make it a LOT harder for you to "suicide" your victims.
You know full well some will blow their heads off

Trump and you told them they will have their lives destroyed if Harris wins

Lots of people kill themselves when they have no hope and a gun
I wonder how many maga suicides will take place

Too bad they ALL have guns

It’s going to be a mess
Well If they use those guns against Honest real Americans then it will be a bad thing, but if they use them on themselves it might be a good thing.
The more MAGAS we can get rid of the better this country will be.
Have a nice day
Are you suggesting your trumpers will kill people when he loses?
He thinks Kam wants to round up all her enemies like Trump HAS said he WILL do .
MAGAS like him aren't smart enough to really listen to what Trump has been saying he wants to do.
They can't see Trump HAS said he wants to take a lot of Americans CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them.
He wants to shut down a lot of left leaning MSM outlets , these outlets have talk shows and call in shows . where people can say what they want and think, taking away peoples First Amendment rights.
He has said he would take some peoples guns away and deal with their due process of law later.
Again when is later?
Who decides when later comes ?
Trump ?
when does later come ? Isn't it like tomorrow it never comes?
All that is taking their second Amendment rights away.
Trump HAS said these things and the MAGA just laugh it off.
Well again I asked them what are they going to do when trump is done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and starts coming after theirs?
The are so stupid they HAVE to wake up SOON before it is too late for everybody in the USA.
Have a nice day
You know full well some will blow their heads off

That some STASI agents (formerly FBI) will blow the heads off of people because they voted for Trump?

At this point that corrupt organization is more STASI than Cheka - but that could change.

Trump and you told them they will have their lives destroyed if Harris wins

The disaster of the last 4 years will continue. Inflation, the continued loss of civil rights

Lots of people kill themselves when they have no hope and a gun

So you don't have a gun? I mean, as a felon and a drug addict you can't legally purchase one - but I'm surprised you don't go to one of Hariss/Biden's Cartel allies and buy one. Nearly all homicides with a firearm involve a gun obtained illegally - it makes it likely that would be what you would go for.
Are you suggesting your trumpers will kill people when he loses?

No, that the democrat Brown Shirts will when he wins. Massive riots - just like last time. Remember the insurrection in 2016-17 when Communists rose up because you refused to accept free and fair elections?

The "Rittenhouse Solution" awaits the democrats who cross the line this time around.
He thinks Kam wants to round up all her enemies like Trump HAS said he WILL do .
MAGAS like him aren't smart enough to really listen to what Trump has been saying he wants to do.
They can't see Trump HAS said he wants to take a lot of Americans CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS away from them.
He wants to shut down a lot of left leaning MSM outlets , these outlets have talk shows and call in shows . where people can say what they want and think, taking away peoples First Amendment rights.
He has said he would take some peoples guns away and deal with their due process of law later.
Again when is later?
Who decides when later comes ?
Trump ?
when does later come ? Isn't it like tomorrow it never comes?
All that is taking their second Amendment rights away.
Trump HAS said these things and the MAGA just laugh it off.
Well again I asked them what are they going to do when trump is done taking left leaning peoples Constitutional rights away and starts coming after theirs?
The are so stupid they HAVE to wake up SOON before it is too late for everybody in the USA.
Have a nice day

You sure lie a lot.

You're stupid as all fuck - but you do lie...
You sure lie a lot.

You're stupid as all fuck - but you do lie...
I see you are another FUCKING MORON that doesn't listen to what Trump actually says, you just take the FOX talking points and run with them.
AGAIN Trump is the one that came right out and said he wants to go on a revenge tour throwing a lot of people in jail NOT Harris.
Have a nice day you fucking moron
I see you are another FUCKING MORON that doesn't listen to what Trump actually says, you just take the FOX talking points and run with them.
AGAIN Trump is the one that came right out and said he wants to go on a revenge tour throwing a lot of people in jail NOT Harris.
Have a nice day you fucking moron

You tell the most absurd lies. You have never supported anything you've ever posted.

Clearly you are an evince sock.
No, that the democrat Brown Shirts will when he wins. Massive riots - just like last time. Remember the insurrection in 2016-17 when Communists rose up because you refused to accept free and fair elections?

The "Rittenhouse Solution" awaits the democrats who cross the line this time around.

Thanks for finally admitting what you intend to do. We will make sure the authorities are aware of your intent.
You tell the most absurd lies. You have never supported anything you've ever posted.

Clearly you are an evince sock.
AND YOU apparently don't OR CAN'T read.
I have already posted links that show he said he wants to go on a revenge tour and jail people he thinks said things about him and he doesn't like.
And where he has said he wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL Rights, take their guns away AND shut down the MSM outlets HE doesn't like, these outlets have talk shows some of them are call in shows taking peoples Rights away.
Trump is the one who wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights NOBODY else.
All you have to do moron is read OR listen to what he has ACTUALLY said.
It is that simple moron.
AND YOU apparently don't OR CAN'T read.
I have already posted links that show he said he wants to go on a revenge tour and jail people he thinks said things about him and he doesn't like.
And where he has said he wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL Rights, take their guns away AND shut down the MSM outlets HE doesn't like, these outlets have talk shows some of them are call in shows taking peoples Rights away.
Trump is the one who wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights NOBODY else.
All you have to do moron is read OR listen to what he has ACTUALLY said.
It is that simple moron.

Uh no, you never post links. You hear shit on radical hate sources and spew your interpretation - using your 30 IQ points, here.