GOP at it again.....

Ballots were printed before your party staged a coup against Senile Joe.

Once again you're lying.

No, they were not. Mly God, the depth of your stupidity is remarkable. Ballots by law cannot be printed until after the party has selected their nominee. Learn something. I beg of you.
No, they were not. Mly God, the depth of your stupidity is remarkable. Ballots by law cannot be printed until after the party has selected their nominee.
The Democrat primary resulted in Biden.
Then the Democrat party completely ignored those votes, forced Biden out, and replaced him with Kamala, which received NO votes.

Oddly enough, ballots can be printed at any time. There is no such law.
Learn something. I beg of you.
Stop making shit up, Sybil.
The Democrat primary resulted in Biden.
Then the Democrat party completely ignored those votes, forced Biden out, and replaced him with Kamala, which received NO votes.

Oddly enough, ballots can be printed at any time. There is no such law.

Stop making shit up, Sybil.

Of course there are:

'Every state’s deadline, and the basis for that deadline, is a little bit different, but Richard Hasen, a professor of law at UCLA and the director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project, says “the official nomination” is the key trigger. The Democratic Party’s convention concludes on Aug. 22, which leaves the party with a few weeks to consider its choice.'

How often can you be wrong? Is there a limit, or can you just be wrong over and over and over again?
Concert Said "America WOULD be better off if Donald Trump was dead. He is a cancer. "

The one lying is you.
Incorrect. I am not lying. That is exactly what I said. What you claimed I said is a lie. Words have meaning. Your inability to discern their meaning is your problem, not mine. Dead and assassinated are not the same thing. There are lots of people who, if dead, or never been born, would leave the country much better off. I think the country would be much WORSE off if Trump was to be assassinated in the middle of an election campaign. Because it would have the consequence of turning Trump into a martyr. Which is why I chose the words I chose. I did not expect a fucking moron like you would understand them; you think a quarter is worth 52 cents, so how would you be expected to understand nuance? But my guess is that others did understand it. Your opinion has zero value to me. Carry on.