GOP babies

Don't the rest of the liberal pinheads get on your ass when you say "This is a Christian Nation" ?.....being one of them must be the reason they let
you get away with that......that typical of liberals....its the reason they worship Obama and believe he can do no deshlike.

He isn't liberal, he is just smarter than you, which I understand, in your limited view, makes him appear liberal.
Nope. As I stated before the people want to see how it works out now. The majority want it now.


Well that's truly a shame then, isn't it? Because the President unilaterally took it upon himself to unconstitutionally rewrite the law passed by the Congress and delay implementation until after the 2014 mid-term elections.

And why would that be?
I'm going to save this quote, because the other applications of it are utterly hilarious.

As for teh ACA, the largest problem (especially for those who aren't BOOMERS) is the mandate. Do you know how much they want to raise my premiums for my wife and I? 112%. I said fuck it, I'll just use the VA (which will likely kill me).

The only reason the rates are supposedly increasing is because the bill was allowed to be written by and for the insurance companies!
What did you expect, that would would aim to lower their share?

This is the entire reason single payer should have been passed, to take the 31% burden of the private insurance companies and utilize it for more coverage.

What we ended up with instead is a boondoggle.
If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.

all the provisions?.....true, if you ask if they want their kids to get free insurance till they are 27 and if they want denial of coverage blocked they say yes....but those are easy fixes......what else are you referring to that people say they want IN the bill?.......
But our focus is Corporate monetary gains and not the gains of people in need of healthcare.

My life is basically invested into two things: My home and corporations.

Hell, with interest rates so low people are basically compelled to invest in corporations to save for retirement at a rate above inflation.

If more people took the time to learn how to take care of themselves, instead of converting themselves into human veal believing that sustenance is delivered by the government, then we could really identify the truly needy and administer genuine aid.

So yeah, everyone should focus on themselves and demand full accountability for every cent spent on health care, shelter, food, etc.

I *AM* the corporations.
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YOU don't even know what the hell is in it except in the most general and basic body read the bill before it was passed...the ink on it was barely dry
when it was rammed through.....dear Nancy said "if you want to know whats in it, you have to pass it first"....that isn't a funny line....its insane.

Its only now that people are starting to study what it will and will not do.....10,000 union workers quit the AFLCIO because of it....organized labor
want exemptions, business is cutting employees and the their hours, Congress and their staffs are bitching and wanting exemptions or a little extra of
the taxpayers money to help them pay their share......some can't keep their doctors or their previous coverage that they were satisfied with.....doctors are
bitching about how little they get from medicare now and we know they will get paid even less under Obamacare.

Exactly idiots like Smegmachick read "keep your kids on your insurance til they are 26" and squeal " goodie". But they never think it through.

At 26 you are a freaking adult. You should pay for your own insurance. That you would even need to stay on your parents is a testament to how shitty OBOMBYOMAMAs economy is.

Why the GOP can't make that simple argument is beyond me. The are either inept, complicit or worse BOTH
At 26 you are a freaking adult. You should pay for your own insurance. That you would even need to stay on your parents is a testament to how shitty OBOMBYOMAMAs economy is.

Not to mention that it basically becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

With employers locked into covering employees "children" until age 26, that locks up money that could be used to expand opportunities and create new jobs for those entering the workforce. So now instead of finding employment opportunities upon graduation, all they find is themselves depending upon government-mandated largesse.
Spoken like a true Communist. "If the people control the Government then how are they supposed to exercise leadership?" REALLY! LOL!

Congress is paid little because they are supposed to represent the people kid! They aren't supposed to exercise leadership and oppose the people lol.

"they aren't supposed to exercise leadership and oppose the people"? That sounds EXACTLY like communism to me! It sounds like what you're saying is that the "people" that elected these dissenting Republicans deserve no representation! Is this how you "progressives" think the government works? "All you conservatives that don't agree with us, sit down and shut up because we won the election. (But when we lose the majorities, if you think we're going to sit on our asses and not say anything, you are sorely mistaken, because we're on a mission!) And I'm still looking for links to these polls that say most of us are curious to see how this turd is going to work.
(there are links to a lot more "polls" that support my contention, but for some reason after these three my browser crashed. I blame Obama)
It sounds like what you're saying is that the "people" that elected these dissenting Republicans deserve no representation! Is this how you "progressives" think the government works? "

Good Lord, how their tune has changed, hasn't it?

If George Bush so much as said something as simple as he's changing his dog's brand of dog food, Reid and Pelosi would be in front of their podiums screeching doom and gloom to the press.

Hypocrisy is the life blood of liberalism

And yeah, you're right. When libs are in power they do prefer the Soviet style of government. One party rule, no opposition.

Which, by the way, they pretty much had in place until.... they passed Obamacare.
Good Lord, how their tune has changed, hasn't it?

If George Bush so much as said something as simple as he's changing his dog's brand of dog food, Reid and Pelosi would be in front of their podiums screeching doom and gloom to the press.

Hypocrisy is the life blood of liberalism

And yeah, you're right. When libs are in power they do prefer the Soviet style of government. One party rule, no opposition.

Which, by the way, they pretty much had in place until.... they passed Obamacare.

You are so full of shit. For 8 years Bush ruled with an iron brain (solid cast iron). The Pugs all voted in lockstep and the stupid dems did't pull any of the dirty tricks the Pugs have been using ever since. The damage done during those 8 years of domestic terrorism may never be undone. It is entirely possible that Cheney et al fundamentally broke the system and it can't be repaired. You who cheer it so will be the last to notice your own demise, so deep is your denial of reality.
You are so full of shit. For 8 years Bush ruled with an iron brain (solid cast iron). The Pugs all voted in lockstep and the stupid dems did't pull any of the dirty tricks the Pugs have been using ever since. The damage done during those 8 years of domestic terrorism may never be undone. It is entirely possible that Cheney et al fundamentally broke the system and it can't be repaired. You who cheer it so will be the last to notice your own demise, so deep is your denial of reality.

Really? Exactly what "dirty tricks" are the Republicans using these days?

If "not voting for anything the President wants" is a "dirty trick," then I hate to break it to you, the Dems used the same "dirty trick."
Really? Exactly what "dirty tricks" are the Republicans using these days?

If "not voting for anything the President wants" is a "dirty trick," then I hate to break it to you, the Dems used the same "dirty trick."

If you have to ask, you couldn't possibly understand. Please grow up, then come back, Does your mom know you are using her internet connection?
Wrong. Republicans had enough say that single payer, the actual goal, was shelved before the discussion even started.
As usual, wrong again.

Thats bs....

0 Republican voted for the ACA in the House.....34 Dems voted against it...and it was those votes they were trying to save...
0 voted for it in the Senate....

Republicans had nothing to say about what the bill contained....they weren't needed at all to pass the bill...there was no reason to agree with what
they wanted about anything......bitching about something and actually having some kind of effect on what it contains are two different things....

So as're the one thats wrong....and too damn dumb to know it.
You are so full of shit. For 8 years Bush ruled with an iron brain (solid cast iron). The Pugs all voted in lockstep and the stupid dems did't pull any of the dirty tricks the Pugs have been using ever since. The damage done during those 8 years of domestic terrorism may never be undone. It is entirely possible that Cheney et al fundamentally broke the system and it can't be repaired. You who cheer it so will be the last to notice your own demise, so deep is your denial of reality.

The Dems OWNED the entire Congress for 2 years (causing the meltdown) and 1/2 the Congress for the first 2 again, as usual
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
The Dems OWNED the entire Congress for 2 years (causing the meltdown) and 1/2 the Congress for the first 2 again, as usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Good post, NOVA.

When the excuse-mongers blame Bush and the House GOP majority, remind them of the record of failure they established while they held the reins of power.
If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.

Really? ALL the provisions?

I think you mean a few of the provisions that were already pretty much issues most people thought needed to be addressed and were brought out early: pre-existing conditions, portability are the two most important. They threw in carrying 'children' up to 26-in school or work or not and that has been 'popular' amongst those successful parents with irresponsible 'kids.'

The ramming through of this ill thought out boondoggle, partisan-fueled and laden with pork monstrosity was a political zenith for Obama personally, I doubt right now most democrats in Congress see it that way today. While he let democrat leaders write in whatever the partisans wanted, it was he that took the credit for 'getting it done.' It's the party though that will be blamed for the wreck of failed planning for implementation, inability yo address the concerns of Americans, the millions that still won't have coverage.

What people are seeing, hearing, and living is the 'new normal' of their friends, neighbors, kids, not being able to find full time work. That hard working people are working 2-3 part time jobs, with no benefits and adding little to their experience levels-while falling further and further behind. That companies have been hiring in this direction due to built-in incentives in AHC legislation. The people have figured out that this was purported to be for them, while actually written by lobbyist for big business, big pharma, big government.
Thats bs....

0 Republican voted for the ACA in the House.....34 Dems voted against it...and it was those votes they were trying to save...
0 voted for it in the Senate....

Republicans had nothing to say about what the bill contained....they weren't needed at all to pass the bill...there was no reason to agree with what
they wanted about anything......bitching about something and actually having some kind of effect on what it contains are two different things....

So as're the one thats wrong....and too damn dumb to know it.


Maybe you're not aware of how American representative democracy works. Republicans don't have to have a "say." All that matters is that the duly elected representatives of the people have enough votes to pass something.

Like I said in the OP - you lost, get over it. I don't like Obamacare, but it passed. Now is NOT the time to try to revise history.