GOP babies


Maybe you're not aware of how American representative democracy works. Republicans don't have to have a "say." All that matters is that the duly elected representatives of the people have enough votes to pass something.

Like I said in the OP - you lost, get over it. I don't like Obamacare, but it passed. Now is NOT the time to try to revise history.

No shit Charlie Chan....thats why I said pRunes claim that " Republicans had enough say that single payer, the actual goal, was shelved before the discussion even started."

implying it was the R's doing.....

What R's wanted, said, or bitched about had zero affect on what the bill says.....they had no input and no influence....

Try to keep up Thingy.....
Good post, NOVA.

When the excuse-mongers blame Bush and the House GOP majority, remind them of the record of failure they established while they held the reins of power.

This pinhead thinks its fair to blame Bush for his term in office and then blame Bush for Obama's terms in office hes trying to blame
R's for what was passed in Obama's ACA even though NOT ONE of them voted for it.........

You know, it could be that pRune is actually not as smart as sad is that.
I'm going to save this quote, because the other applications of it are utterly hilarious.

As for teh ACA, the largest problem (especially for those who aren't BOOMERS) is the mandate. Do you know how much they want to raise my premiums for my wife and I? 112%. I said fuck it, I'll just use the VA (which will likely kill me).

Could you go into more detail?
I asked him to explain this further.

Someone got on Dungheap over this before but the debate was if you vote for someone does that mean you support 100% of what they stand for or the platform they are running on?

If a person's answer to that is no then it's possible to say I voted for Obama but I didn't/don't support his health care plan.
Someone got on Dungheap over this before but the debate was if you vote for someone does that mean you support 100% of what they stand for or the platform they are running on?

If a person's answer to that is no then it's possible to say I voted for Obama but I didn't/don't support his health care plan.

Okay. Guess that's a good thing to not be a single-issue voter.
You know, it could be that pRune is actually not as smart as sad is that.

Yes, but there's really no need to explore that theory, is there?

I could lift my garbage can and consider the relative intellectual merits of the slug vs. the water bug that live beneath it.

But is that really worth my time?
If you ask people do they want "Obamacare" the majority probably still says no.

If you ask them if they want all the provisions that are IN the bill - they say yes.

Propaganda, and people bought it.

The people never "bought" any of it. A Democrat House and Senate passed a bill they admitted they didn't know what was in it until it got implemented along straight party lines with little or no input from the "sheeple" or the opposition.

The reason was quite clear to even the most simple minded dullards; because Pelosi, Reid and Obama knew that once passed, it would be extremely difficult to rescind it and they counted on a Leftist media to do all they could to sell this koolaid to the sheeple.

Yet even after three years, it has proven difficult to sell even to the dullards who elected this inept inexperienced hyper partisan dumbass.

Speaking of dumbasses; this idiot Obama actually claimed that raising the debt limit had nothing to do with debt. Unreal!
I wonder if any ACA detractors would admit here if their premiums were lowered due to Obamacare.

My families premiums have skyrocketed and now we are being forced to give up a program we really liked to go into one that is not as good and where we will have to go to the County Hospital for care instead of the Community Hospital.

Higher premiums and reduced services. My son has been kept to less than 30 hours now because his employer cannot afford to provide full time employees health benefits and is forcing them into subsidized health exchanges.

This is a common thread with nearly everyone I come in contact with.
Don't the rest of the liberal pinheads get on your ass when you say "This is a Christian Nation" ?.....being one of them must be the reason they let
you get away with that......that typical of liberals....its the reason they worship Obama and believe he can do no deshlike.

He was trying to speak in your terms, to reach you on a basis you might understand. Apparently, you failed again.
As for teh ACA, the largest problem (especially for those who aren't BOOMERS) is the mandate.

Yeah. Funny thing is, how many votes did Obama get in the primaries and general election by contradicting Hillary and saying the mandate was unnecessary? She stuck to it in the debates, he ran from it. He won and implemented it.

Next up is the taxation of employer provided health care plans. Obama told John McCain it was unnecessary in their debates. Sound familiar?

Now the value of employer provided health care plans was added to the W2 for the first time ever for fiscal year 2012. There are actually some here on this forum who believe the IRS is just putting it there to provide us an interesting bit of trivia for our personal edification, even though it is coded and nobody except accountants know it's even there.

But no, there's nothing to worry about. They'd never tax it. Like the individual mandate, that would be totally unnecessary.

ohhhh brother.
My families premiums have skyrocketed and now we are being forced to give up a program we really liked to go into one that is not as good and where we will have to go to the County Hospital for care instead of the Community Hospital.

Higher premiums and reduced services. My son has been kept to less than 30 hours now because his employer cannot afford to provide full time employees health benefits and is forcing them into subsidized health exchanges. .

Wait a minute. We were told premiums would be lower, we'd be able to keep our doctors, and the health care plans we liked.

You must be a "lair".
Obviously. Finally some credibility for you.

Dude, some friendly advice, and not even meant in a partisan manner...

The internet -and I suppose by extension the written word itself- are not hospitable habitats for you to flourish in.