GOP babies

The question now becomes, how much is big money (insurance companies, etc.) willing to hurt the American people in order to prove their point that Obamacare is bad?

In a society where big business has so much clout it's next to impossible to make changes that will benefit the people and hurt their pocketbooks.

So even though it's likely that the ACA will finally bring about the changes that the US needs for it's people, it's a sure thing that it's going to be a very bitter fight.

The ironic thing about it is that the tea baggers will be the most vocal in fighting against their best interests.

And no, the rest of the world is not wrong. So have fun!
Why you're saving my quote.

Because when people like Ken, or others who voted for Obama complain about his civil rights abuses or his bombing of brown people, or his insatiable blood lust, or his ever growing autocratic administration, I can just remind them that they KNEW what they were voting for. And yet they still voted for it.
The question now becomes, how much is big money (insurance companies, etc.) willing to hurt the American people in order to prove their point that Obamacare is bad?

You haven't even the most rudimentary understanding of what's going on and have completely inverted the reality.

It's a matter of how willing the government is willing to hurt us to prove that private insurance companies can not carry the load of universal coverage and ultimately say "Hey, we gave the insurance companies a chance. Didn't work. Now we have to take over with a single payer system."
I don't think an increase of 112% is a drop but who knows anymore. Apparently wanting to stay out of war makes me a hawk.

It's too hard to discuss this because it involves people giving out personal info on the forum, i.e. all the info that relates to their particular policy.

Our insurance is changing as of January so I will post the new premium v. the old, once we learn what it is.
Another thing, I never bought insurance as an individual, just as part of corporate plans. And if the company decided to upgrade, downgrade, or keep insurance the the same, I stayed with the company because it was still cheaper than buying individual.
Dude, some friendly advice, and not even meant in a partisan manner...

The internet -and I suppose by extension the written word itself- are not hospitable habitats for you to flourish in.

Dude, this is a debate forum, not a complaint forum. When you are ready to debate let me know.

Until then, considered yourself completely owned by me on every level and in every thread we have met. Indeed, you are so stubbornly stupid, and considering the rash of trash which recently slithered under the door, you are likely none other than DY himself, Southern Man. He is the only other poster who is always so self assured yet so incorrect. Plus he had a thing for totally gay or inappropriate avatars.

In my opinion, you are at best a hack, at worst a banned troll who snuck back in here like the rest of your Cabal, Montessa and Mrs. Magoo.

You opinion is meaningless.

Just when you had finally earned some credibility.
Weak sauce. No link.

How hard can it be to find a link establishing that the GOP stood firm behind George Bush on immigration reform in 2006?

lol. Hard to find the non-existent.
My families premiums have skyrocketed and now we are being forced to give up a program we really liked to go into one that is not as good and where we will have to go to the County Hospital for care instead of the Community Hospital.

Higher premiums and reduced services. My son has been kept to less than 30 hours now because his employer cannot afford to provide full time employees health benefits and is forcing them into subsidized health exchanges.

This is a common thread with nearly everyone I come in contact with.

At the opposite end of spectrum, my 28 year old son had a plan where he works that gave him an $8k deductible for major medical, one 'wellness' check up per year covered, and a $10k deductible for care beyond that wellness check up.

There is a fitness room, including a walk/jogging/run track where 8 cycles=1mile. Workouts are recorded. The company also spotted $30 a month for approved health club memberships. It allowed him to deposit the difference between their 'best plan' and his choice into an account he could draw upon if needed. He paid 0 into the coverage, which his co-workers with families wouldn't do. His health care account was credited each time he tested neg for tobacco and drugs.

While that may not be the norm, he wasn't alone in having a background in running and weights. at his age with health and family history it was a smart choice. Gone now. A couple weeks ago the company notified the employees that they would now have to pick within the choices given. His costs have gone from $0 to $109 per month, the least expensive he could pick.


Maybe you're not aware of how American representative democracy works. Republicans don't have to have a "say." All that matters is that the duly elected representatives of the people have enough votes to pass something.

Like I said in the OP - you lost, get over it. I don't like Obamacare, but it passed. Now is NOT the time to try to revise history.

Using that logic libtards should have never fucked with the Bush tax rates. You lost get over it. But no they bitched for years.

Funny how that works.

Basically what you are saying is that you libtards are like five year Iola's and just want your way.

I wish every liberal in the country would get a brain eating amoeba disease and fucking die a painful death.