GOP: What Government Services are Still Government Services?


New member
Now I know how you guys intend to cut them. Redefinition.

PMP and other idiots claim that SS is not a government service. Apparently, the definition is about what you paid into.

So then what is left to cut in government services?

Social Security... no that is their point
Medicare... no
ObamaCare... no we will pay into that.
Unemployment Insurance... no
Student Loans... no that is to be repaid

So what is left.

Now I know how you guys intend to cut them. Redefinition.

PMP and other idiots claim that SS is not a government service. Apparently, the definition is about what you paid into.

So then what is left to cut in government services?

Social Security... no that is their point
Medicare... no
ObamaCare... no we will pay into that.
Unemployment Insurance... no
Student Loans... no that is to be repaid

So what is left.


If you didn't know what government services were why did you bring them up in the first place......obviously SS and Medicare are not and have never been government services.....SS is determined by how much you pay into is not part of general revenue....
If you didn't know what government services were why did you bring them up in the first place......

Can you answer the question?

I know what government services are, my definition is clear and they include Social Security. Spit out your foot or swallow hard... Your choice.
A service provided by the government or public sector as oposed to one provided by a business or the private sector.

Now quit being such a vague and evasive little chickshit and answer the question or provide your definition.
A service provided by the government or public sector as oposed to one provided by a business or the private sector.

Now quit being such a vague and evasive little chickshit and answer the question or provide your definition.

that works for me, though we should for the sake of this argument restrict it to services provided by the federal, in what way is SS a service? it to maintaining an inspection program for nuclear reactors, for example......or screening airplane passengers for explosive devices.......maintaining national parks, or printing currency....

stop and think of this for a you think there's a reason that the SS trust fund is considered a separate entity from the general revenue fund?.......
It is provided by the federal government. Just like the others mentioned. So back to the original question.

Are any of those things government services?

The FAA is financed through fees charged to passengers.

National parks, as you pointed out in another thread, are financed through user fees.

The feds services are financed through fees charged to banks and interest earned on debt they hold.

I am guessing nuclear inspections are financed through fees paid by the owners, but not sure.
Are any of those things government services?

The FAA is financed through fees charged to passengers.

National parks, as you pointed out in another thread, are financed through user fees.

The feds services are financed through fees charged to banks and interest earned on debt they hold.

I am guessing nuclear inspections are financed through fees paid by the owners, but not sure.

the things I mentioned are government tie it back to your original question, do you think the revenue raised by those fees are significant compared to the revenue raised by income taxes?.....
I have no clue how you think SS is different than the OTHER government services you mention. You tell me?

SS isn't a service......its the retirement benefits you earn from the deposits you've made during your lifetime.....the benefits depend on the amount of money you deposit.....the government isn't doing it for you, you did it for yourself.....
You have not. I have answered you clearly and straightforwardly. You have done nothing but evade.

What is the difference between SS and these OTHER government services you mention.
You have not. I have answered you clearly and straightforwardly. You have done nothing but evade.

What is the difference between SS and these OTHER government services you mention.

lol....SS is not a government service......I've explained about you explain why you think it IS a service....
The benefits are paid through a government service/program. Misdirection and ignorance is all you offer.

Service - in economics, is defined as an intagible commodity.

Apparently you think you are clever. But you are nothing but a fool. So, now welfare benefits are not a government service so we should not count that as part of what income taxes pay. I mean, what is your ignorant point?