GOP: What Government Services are Still Government Services?

I would if you would quit voting to take my money (against my will) so you can sit down in your basement collecting welfare for yourself and your 15 children which none are from the same father.

Oh, Liberty, please don't tell me you belief the welfare myths! Remember, the conservatives overhauled the system so the welfare queens died!
Nonsense. He was purposefully vague to avoid context. It is a tactic he uses repeatedly. I pushed him to supply context until he could not avoid tripping over himself repeatedly.

dude, you only think you have an argument because you're shallow......answer me this.....if there is no difference between SS and everything else the federal government does, why do we have two separate funds....the SS trust fund and general revenue.....payroll taxes go in one, income taxes go in the other....because they are different, get it?.....
Nonsense. He was purposefully vague to avoid context. It is a tactic he uses repeatedly. I pushed him to supply context until he could not avoid tripping over himself repeatedly.

I don't think you have a clue what "vague" and "context" even mean. You're parroting what I'm saying, trying to sound like you know what the hell you're talking about. PMP's context of "government services" are the same as most normal rational people, and there is nothing vague about it, he's talking about things the government provides as a service versus something we provide for ourselves, like payroll deductions pay for our Social Security and Medicare. YOU are attempting to introduce 'vagueness' by running to the dictionary and proclaiming SS a "service" of government because they administer the funds... and technically speaking, everything our government does is a "service" or they wouldn't be doing it. That's what governments do, they provide service to the citizenry. The discussion is about Social Security, and whether or not it is something the government provides as a service, like the post office or EPA, or whether it's NOT a service (in that context) and is funded specifically by the individual taxpayers. You're far too bullheaded to admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so you continue to prattle on and on, with no resolve. Until you can stop being a little retard boy, and adhere to the reasonable and rational context as PMP has presented, all we're doing is entertaining the retarded. I got better stuff to do, to be completely honest.
Yeah, Dixie tell us about the "context" of equal 1/3s again and how you have used nothing but "vague" nonsense to backpedal from your epic mistake. It's what you ALWAYS do.

I don't need a book by some "eurotrash socialist" (I missed what you were saying there but then it clicked what you meant) anymore than I need the Bible or BOL to recall it's passages. I read them all, carefully, and they are in my head. As another "eurotrash socialist" put it, "We stand on the shoulder's of Giants."

The plagiarism charges are wearing thin. It won't work anymore. This is an era of mashups and genre mixing recreations. YOU DON'T OWN THE WORDS or the ideas they represent. You cannot rest on the work your ancestors enslaved others to do and you don't deserve credit for anything but being an obstrustion to progress.

I can run circles around you in every conceivable way. All you can do is suck wind and blow chunks.
dude, you only think you have an argument because you're shallow......answer me this.....if there is no difference between SS and everything else the federal government does, why do we have two separate funds....the SS trust fund and general revenue.....payroll taxes go in one, income taxes go in the other....because they are different, get it?.....

It's either too keep idiots like you in the dark or so that crooks like you can embezzle from it without being found out.

It's governmental accounting. The shell game. That's your proof?

Again, SS expenditures are NOW higher than revenues minus interest. The interest is paid from the general fund. In other words, the general fund is already being tapped to cover benefits. It's going to get far worse VERY shortly.
Yeah, Dixie tell us about the "context" of equal 1/3s again

You want to change the subject and talk about "1/3" again? That's fine with me, I have no problem adding to the record setting 5000+ posts on the subject, it just strengthens my legendary status and makes that achievement a little harder to accomplish. One, divided by three, produces a remainder... unless you are a fucktarded and retarded pinhead, then there is no remainder! For all of those who don't know this or weren't aware, one sure fire way to know you are debating a pinhead, is to ask them if one can be divided evenly by three, and if they think it can be, you know for certain you are arguing with a pinheaded moron. But be aware, they will continue to bring this up and attempt to 'ridicule' you for pointing this fact out, for as long as you live! So it's both a blessing and a curse.

and how you have used nothing but "vague" nonsense to backpedal from your epic mistake. It's what you ALWAYS do.

There's been nothing vague about what I have said, I haven't backpedaled from anything, and there has been no mistake made.

I don't need a book by some "eurotrash socialist" (I missed what you were saying there but then it clicked what you meant) anymore than I need the Bible or BOL to recall it's passages. I read them all, carefully, and they are in my head. As another "eurotrash socialist" put it, "We stand on the shoulder's of Giants."

LOL... I don't need a book, I've read them all, I don't need the Bible, but I know it by heart... I'm not a Eurotrash Socialist, but I can quote them all day long!

The plagiarism charges are wearing thin. It won't work anymore. This is an era of mashups and genre mixing recreations. YOU DON'T OWN THE WORDS or the ideas they represent. You cannot rest on the work your ancestors enslaved others to do and you don't deserve credit for anything but being an obstrustion to progress.

Not even sure what your unhinged ass is trying to articulate here... obviously, you need a Prozac!

I can run circles around you in every conceivable way. All you can do is suck wind and blow chunks.

You're running circles around me trying to spin your way to victory and failing. You look really goofy doing it too!
You want to change the subject and talk about "1/3" again? That's fine with me, I have no problem adding to the record setting 5000+ posts on the subject, it just strengthens my legendary status and makes that achievement a little harder to accomplish. One, divided by three, produces a remainder... unless you are a fucktarded and retarded pinhead, then there is no remainder! For all of those who don't know this or weren't aware, one sure fire way to know you are debating a pinhead, is to ask them if one can be divided evenly by three, and if they think it can be, you know for certain you are arguing with a pinheaded moron. But be aware, they will continue to bring this up and attempt to 'ridicule' you for pointing this fact out, for as long as you live! So it's both a blessing and a curse.

There's been nothing vague about what I have said, I haven't backpedaled from anything, and there has been no mistake made.

LOL... I don't need a book, I've read them all, I don't need the Bible, but I know it by heart... I'm not a Eurotrash Socialist, but I can quote them all day long!

Not even sure what your unhinged ass is trying to articulate here... obviously, you need a Prozac!

You're running circles around me trying to spin your way to victory and failing. You look really goofy doing it too!

It's the same subject. You are a retard that does not understand the language. Any language.

Base 10 is not controlling. Yes, it can be divided equally.

You read nothing but spam and it fools you every time.
Fractions are for pinheads and somehow less real than !


It's been proven to you a billion times and in a billion ways.

1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1
1/3 of a Foot = 4 inches (remember he said one would have to be 3.9999 inches lol)
1 divided 3 in base 12 = .4

or we can just say
1/3 = .3333333e and be done with it.

The symbols we choose has no bearing on the existents described.

If we wanted to we could change our symbols and I could say "middle finger to you... your number A."
Wow, Einstein would probably find this relatively amazing.

I doubt it.

I am pretty sure that he knew that eine Rose von einem anderen Namen würde so süß riechen.

Care to explain yourself or are you gonna just bleibt zu vage und stumpf für den Rest Ihres Lebens feigen.
GOP: What Government Services are Still Government Services?

You want to talk about the thread topic, or continue to divert and distract from it?

That's already been settled. PMP was just ducking for his life and everything the government does is propely termed as a government service.