GOP: What Government Services are Still Government Services?

It is a government service and you have provided no coherent definition that excludes it.

Part of the budget had nothing to do with context. You are trying to retroactively redefine the context. You failed, just like first grade.
If you didn't know what government services were why did you bring them up in the first place......obviously SS and Medicare are not and have never been government services.....SS is determined by how much you pay into is not part of general revenue....

SS and medicare are not government services? My friend, you are a retard.
that works for me, though we should for the sake of this argument restrict it to services provided by the federal, in what way is SS a service? it to maintaining an inspection program for nuclear reactors, for example......or screening airplane passengers for explosive devices.......maintaining national parks, or printing currency....

stop and think of this for a you think there's a reason that the SS trust fund is considered a separate entity from the general revenue fund?.......

It provides income for senior citizens. "The government" is not defined by what's in the general revenue fund. There are plenty of states that break the budget into many parts, each funded by a different revenue source. That doesn't somehow make these parts not arms of the government.
SS isn't a service......its the retirement benefits you earn from the deposits you've made during your lifetime.....the benefits depend on the amount of money you deposit.....the government isn't doing it for you, you did it for yourself.....

You receive a set amount that's dependent upon what you paid in, but you receive that set amount no matter how long you live. It's security, it's a service provided by the government, no matter what fascists who think they do it all by themselves, and hate America, and hate society, and hate their countrymen think. Conservatives are traitors, universal traitors...
Education and critical thinking skills are apparently overrated if you are the example!

SS is determined by what you paid into it, they even send you a notification now and again, to let you know what your benefits will be. This is not funded from the General Budget, it never has been. This means it is NOT an entitlement program. You have FAILED, pinhead. This MUST be familiar to you by now! ...You know, like that warm lumpy feeling you sometimes get in the seat of your underwear?

Conservatives, if you hate America, if you hate your country so much, get the fuck out.

It is a government service and you have provided no coherent definition that excludes it.

Part of the budget had nothing to do with context. You are trying to retroactively redefine the context. You failed, just like first grade.


It's a RETARDED argument you are trying to claim "victory" for making... what is this, your own Special Olympics of Debate?

Congratulations, you WON IT! Now do your little retarded dance and wiggle your hands in the air laughing uncontrollably, and let's move on to something serious to discuss. Please?

It's a RETARDED argument you are trying to claim "victory" for making... what is this, your own Special Olympics of Debate?

Congratulations, you WON IT! Now do your little retarded dance and wiggle your hands in the air laughing uncontrollably, and let's move on to something serious to discuss. Please?

Dixie has admitted he was wrong. This is a historic occurrence.

I think EchoSackett should officially be declared the winner of JPP.
Dixie has admitted he was wrong. This is a historic occurrence.

I think EchoSackett should officially be declared the winner of JPP.

No one admitted any damn thing, goofball.

It amazes me that you people actually make it through life without some fate of your stupidity doing you in.

Winner of the gold in the JPP Special Olympics of Debate, where you took home the silver?
"It's a government service" is NOT a valid argument when ANYTHING the government does, and in fact, the very definition of what government is, IS A SERVICE! There is not one single solitary thing you can name that government does, that is not some kind of service. Go ahead, twirl that one around in your little pea brains a few minutes and let it sink in, because you're really in need of grasping some realities here. We are either going to have to define some context of "service" and what is meant by that, or we can just end the discussion with the fact that everything government does and is, constitutes a "service" to the people.

So now... what KIND of a service? Is it a service that is funded by the people through payroll deduction? Is it a service paid for out of the general budget? Or at the discretion of the administration or congress? Is it an 'essential' service, that we have no control over, like defense or servicing the national debt? Is the service a 'funded liability' or an 'unfunded liability'? Is the service a 'redundant service' we don't really need at the federal level, like the DoE or Obamacare? There are many nuances, and you first have to wrap your simple-minded twit brains around the fact that ALL things government does, are services, because that is precisely what government is.
If you didn't know what government services were why did you bring them up in the first place......obviously SS and Medicare are not and have never been government services.....SS is determined by how much you pay into is not part of general revenue....

Actually you are incorrect. Socialist inSecurity is part of general revenue. LBJ saw to that

It's a RETARDED argument you are trying to claim "victory" for making... what is this, your own Special Olympics of Debate?

Congratulations, you WON IT! Now do your little retarded dance and wiggle your hands in the air laughing uncontrollably, and let's move on to something serious to discuss. Please?

I was not the one trying to parse the word "service" or split hairs over its meaning. That's your boy pmp.

Great, let's move on. Let's do even better and NOT return to stupid semantic games where we quibble over the meaning of this word or that one. You think the labels are controlling. They are not.

Anyone on Social Security or Medicare benefits from GOVERNMENT SERVICES. I would not call them DEADBEATS based upon that any more or less than I would call some one in need of Welfare or Unemployment Insurance benefits, DEADBEATS. YOU, your party and your candidates DO call certain classes names.

I know what it is based on. I have seen it first hand. It is based on the same statistical science employed by Jeb Bush and Rick Scott to CLEAN the voting rolls. You target certain demographics in your propaganda concerning economics. You don't care one bit about the actual economics involved and you are oblivious to the damage done by your shell games.
Both sides share some blame, but Republicans are the worst because their base is more homogenous.

I am not going to sit by and watch you do this anymore. Either you will be consistent or I will out you as being the racists, mysoginist, lifestyle and youth bigoted pigs that you are. Your hate threatens to destroy our nation because you are at war with your neighbors and even your own children and grand children. We cannot have an honest discussion on economics because YOU poison the well. DIE ALREADY, DINOSAUR!

Once your stink is gone we can honestly discuss economics. Then the wealthy who have been STEALING from us all and using the culture wars to cover their crimes, will be forced to stop their obstructionist behavior. Economic mobility will return.
No one admitted any damn thing, goofball.

It amazes me that you people actually make it through life without some fate of your stupidity doing you in.

Winner of the gold in the JPP Special Olympics of Debate, where you took home the silver?

Are you serious? Did you not just say in the previous post they were all government services? Amazing.


What was that?
This is all a replay of 1/3s.

Remember, Dixie tried to cover his error by muddying the waters after he was thoroughly beaten. He would acknowledge that his opponents were right after all, then pretend he had never argued what he clearly had and had always agreed. Then he would go back into arguing the point again. He kept doing this same cycle until it became legend.
Conservatives, if you hate America, if you hate your country so much, get the fuck out.


I would if you would quit voting to take my money (against my will) so you can sit down in your basement collecting welfare for yourself and your 15 children which none are from the same father.
I was not the one trying to parse the word "service" or split hairs over its meaning. That's your boy pmp.

No, PMP is trying to have a grown-up debate with retarded children.

Great, let's move on. Let's do even better and NOT return to stupid semantic games where we quibble over the meaning of this word or that one. You think the labels are controlling. They are not.

No, I think labels are defining and important.

Anyone on Social Security or Medicare benefits from GOVERNMENT SERVICES.

No they don't. They benefit from a fund they contributed to along with others, government provides the service of administering those funds.

I would not call them DEADBEATS based upon that any more or less than I would call some one in need of Welfare or Unemployment Insurance benefits, DEADBEATS. YOU, your party and your candidates DO call certain classes names.

But your side has called them deadbeats, you've lumped them in with the moochers and parasites, and tried to claim this is what Republicans said. You're still claiming it here, but you can't find any evidence to support your lie, so you just keep repeating the lie. Saul Alinsky 101!

I know what it is based on. I have seen it first hand. It is based on the same statistical science employed by Jeb Bush and Rick Scott to CLEAN the voting rolls. You target certain demographics in your propaganda concerning economics. You don't care one bit about the actual economics involved and you are oblivious to the damage done by your shell games.
Both sides share some blame, but Republicans are the worst because their base is more homogenous.

What it's based on is the fact Obama has a dismal record as president and you can't run on that! Your entire campaign has been to divert and distract, attack and accuse, and hope that people don't notice Obama's dismal record.

I am not going to sit by and watch you do this anymore. Either you will be consistent or I will out you as being the racists, mysoginist, lifestyle and youth bigoted pigs that you are. Your hate threatens to destroy our nation because you are at war with your neighbors and even your own children and grand children. We cannot have an honest discussion on economics because YOU poison the well. DIE ALREADY, DINOSAUR!

Yes, I know, you are going to keep diverting and distracting, blustering and distorting, lying and manipulating, because you have nothing to actually run on except hate and divisiveness. We can't have an honest discussion on economics because you want to be a silly retard and have a two-day debate on "government services" instead of actually discussing details of what type.

Once your stink is gone we can honestly discuss economics. Then the wealthy who have been STEALING from us all and using the culture wars to cover their crimes, will be forced to stop their obstructionist behavior. Economic mobility will return.

I doubt you can "honestly discuss" your own mother, punk. You've forgotten how to "honestly discuss" any damn thing! If it can't be twisted and distorted into one of your ready-made lies or myths, you go on the attack and refuse to be reasonable. You don't want to have a debate or discussion, you want to have your way. If you can't have your way, you'll lay in the floor and have a fit, like spoiled little snot nose you've grown up to be.
Well, since I never argued services of government are not government services, then that's NOT me admitting I was wrong. Sorry.

You took up PMP's argument and claimed he was completely right. Maybe, in the future you will think for yourself and quit getting Santorum all over your nose.
No, PMP is trying to have a grown-up debate with retarded children.

No, I think labels are defining and important.

No they don't. They benefit from a fund they contributed to along with others, government provides the service of administering those funds.

But your side has called them deadbeats, you've lumped them in with the moochers and parasites, and tried to claim this is what Republicans said. You're still claiming it here, but you can't find any evidence to support your lie, so you just keep repeating the lie. Saul Alinsky 101!

What it's based on is the fact Obama has a dismal record as president and you can't run on that! Your entire campaign has been to divert and distract, attack and accuse, and hope that people don't notice Obama's dismal record.

Yes, I know, you are going to keep diverting and distracting, blustering and distorting, lying and manipulating, because you have nothing to actually run on except hate and divisiveness. We can't have an honest discussion on economics because you want to be a silly retard and have a two-day debate on "government services" instead of actually discussing details of what type.

I doubt you can "honestly discuss" your own mother, punk. You've forgotten how to "honestly discuss" any damn thing! If it can't be twisted and distorted into one of your ready-made lies or myths, you go on the attack and refuse to be reasonable. You don't want to have a debate or discussion, you want to have your way. If you can't have your way, you'll lay in the floor and have a fit, like spoiled little snot nose you've grown up to be.

Look who has to parse everything to find some little point of contention and remove context.

I know you think labels are defining and important. That is your problem.

I have given you numerous sources to back my position and you just continue in your ignorance. Every time I ask you for a source you get mad and make new errors by assuming I have disagreed with you or claimed to have refuted you. You are the one engaged in vulgar sophistry. I am in search of REAL truth and consider all options and angles.

It is clear to anyone that is above your third grade level of thought and debate. You stopped learning there or have not grown much from there. You are a complete waste of my time but you serve as a useful teaching mechanism to show others what not to do.
You took up PMP's argument and claimed he was completely right. Maybe, in the future you will think for yourself and quit getting Santorum all over your nose.

I think, in context, he is right. I think you've taken him out of context in order to make him 'wrong' by grasping at a semantics argument. If the government takes a shit, it is a 'service' of government. Doesn't mean it's good, bad, essential, non-essential, wasteful, useful, or anything else... you've not discussed that aspect, you're hung up on an out-of-context semantics argument, like a retard.
I think, in context, he is right. I think you've taken him out of context in order to make him 'wrong' by grasping at a semantics argument. If the government takes a shit, it is a 'service' of government. Doesn't mean it's good, bad, essential, non-essential, wasteful, useful, or anything else... you've not discussed that aspect, you're hung up on an out-of-context semantics argument, like a retard.

Nonsense. He was purposefully vague to avoid context. It is a tactic he uses repeatedly. I pushed him to supply context until he could not avoid tripping over himself repeatedly.