got pulled over by the pigs today

my son got a ticket for going 135 in a 55 on his motorcycle.......
I almost got a ticket for doing sixty in a 35 mph zone...on my bicycle.

Was descending Clingman’s Dome in TN with a friend and got pulled over by a Ranger at the botttof the mountain. Pulled out his ticket book and started to write us one but the he saw the look on our faces and the prick changed his mind and gave us a warning.
yes I know, but sometimes you can try to finesse your situation. my solution doesn't admit guilt, while also coming off amicable. You don't have to play in the middle of the lines like me because you are a woman and can just flirt or cry and you are golden. Us guys have to use more creative means.
True. I got out of a ticket once when the officer asked me if I knew how fast I was going by saying to the officer “I need to poop real bad.”.

He just gave me a weird look and told me to go.
I have got out of every traffic ticket,I took to court
The cops rarely show up for court if it's a traffic ticket.
I’ve known a number of people who played amateur lawyer with speeding tickets and got them tossed...until the one time the officer did show up and the judge found them guilty and sentenced them to a month in the count slam.
as for being over the speedlimit, I think it might have been a speed trap cause I was coming up a hill and the speed limit probably just changed. There was no way I was like blazing down the road or anything like that. The officer must have realized his case was shotty because there is no way usually you get a warning for being 11 mph over.

It's called White Privilege!

Had you been a minority- you would have been shot or went to jail! LOL!