got pulled over by the pigs today

You ever get tired of sucking your own father's cock?

Let me guess.. you are 31 years old, you have no job or working part time making minimum wage, live with mommy, daddy left after you were born, your room is in the basement, never been laid or out on a date, 120lbs overweight, dropped out of high school and when you are not on this forum you are jacking off into your mothers panties.
Let me guess.. you are 31 years old, you have no job or working part time making minimum wage, live with mommy, daddy left after you were born, your room is in the basement, never been laid or out on a date, 120lbs overweight, dropped out of high school and when you are not on this forum you are jacking off into your mothers panties.

LOL! Someone's clearly been wounded gravely.

Sober up and try again, Tinkerbell.
Wow. So you fucked your own dad to death?

At least he died with a smile on his face.

I will also die with a smile on my face, you taught your father well. How is your mother and siblings.
I now realize how you got your intellect. Your father is also your uncle. At least your parents kept it all in the family.
I will also die with a smile on my face, you taught your father well. How is your mother and siblings.
I now realize how you got your intellect. Your father is also your uncle. At least your parents kept it all in the family.

Sad that you hate yourself for loving the taste of your own shit mingled with your dad's cum.
I beg to differ. You are a retard. Why do you categorize a police officer as a pig.
How about in your profession or job people classify you as a dumb mother fucker. I don’t believe everyone in your profession should be classified as a dumb mother fucker so stop classifying police as pigs. It’s not nice. Are you reliving the 60’s man, got pulled over by a pig.

You are the retard, retard.
i support and love police, as should be very clear by my posting on JPP. I liked trolling in my thread title, and a butthurt loser by the name of tkaffen got offended by it. cry more bitch.
as for being over the speedlimit, I think it might have been a speed trap cause I was coming up a hill and the speed limit probably just changed. There was no way I was like blazing down the road or anything like that. The officer must have realized his case was shotty because there is no way usually you get a warning for being 11 mph over.

I tend to find that the slower the speed limit, the less latitude they give people. Going 41 in a 30 seems to draw more attention than going 56 in a 45, or 85 in a 70.

Also, if you are speeding in a 30 zone, the people who are going to be watching are municipal cops, who are less tolerant of traffic infractions. Once you are in a zone of 40+, you are more likely dealing with deputies and highway patrol, who are less phased by that sort of thing.
I tend to find that the slower the speed limit, the less latitude they give people. Going 41 in a 30 seems to draw more attention than going 56 in a 45, or 85 in a 70.

Also, if you are speeding in a 30 zone, the people who are going to be watching are municipal cops, who are less tolerant of traffic infractions. Once you are in a zone of 40+, you are more likely dealing with deputies and highway patrol, who are less phased by that sort of thing.

Duh. Stay within 10% over and you'll never be pulled over. Do you need help with the math?
i just looked up the mass law. I was warned for a 90/17... which means that in theory not only should I have been fined, but I should have been fined double. I'm telling you... something weird happened. maybe he thought I was sus for another reason and then realized all he had was fake news :thinking:

I also think, in addendum to my above post, that since municipal cops are more concerned about matters less mundane than traffic enforcement, you are more likely to receive a warning from them. I got pulled over last year in Redmond by a cop, and he let me off because of my military status. I got pulled over 9 years ago in Olympia by a state patrolman, and all he was willing to do was downgrade the fine, because, his job is literally just to enforce traffic, scan plates for outstanding warrants, and respond to anything else before handing it off to some other law enforcement entity.
redmond was my home town 3d.

you probably drove past lots of my old stomping grounds

that's pretty cool.
I would report this guy. No way in H E double hockey sticks do you get a warning for 11 miles over. However, this could open a can of shite you don't want opened.

The only time I reported a cop was in the 11th grade. The fucker hit me in the chest and then threatened me with all sorts of hell.

Then he actually came up to me and literally apologized for his actions. I actually thought he was going to arrest me....he literally said: I am sorry for my actions. I acted inappropriately. I will never forget it.
I would have shot you. ;)