got pulled over by the pigs today

I don't think you have it tough as black people. my personal opinion

I don't know what your condition is, but don't be a victim. but good luck to you on that front

Keep repeating what you said there. You don't think I have it as tough as black people. I still manage to keep afloat, despite it all, and the luck wished is appreciated.
I have got out of every traffic ticket,I took to court
The cops rarely show up for court if it's a traffic ticket.

A story for every occasion!!

Owl must be so proud of you. :good4u:

ok so usually when I have been pulled over, sometimes I know I fucked up, other times I thinking I'm not guilty but understand why I was pulled over. This was the first time in my life where I was legit like "wtf?"

and the cop didn't even explain why I was pulled over initially. He was also pissed because I thought I was so innocent I didn't even pull over right away.. like I legit thought there was no way I was getting pulled over, that's how innocent I thought I was. So it took me a minute to be like "oh... he actually wants me to pull over"

So I am just sitting in my car wondering why the fuck I was pulled. When the cop came up to my window he was pretty mad, yelling at me for not pulling over initially, I was very calm, cool, collected, and explained my reasoning, always being polite and addressing him as officer and sir. Once I did that, he chilled out a bit and realized it was a misunderstanding.

Then after all that, pulling me over, yelling at me, making me sweat for 10 minutes, he gives me only a warning. On the warning he has me going 41 in a 30.

I can only think that's complete bullshit because usually there is no way you are getting out of a ticket if you went 11 miles over. I think he was just in a bad mood?

So the moral of this thread is... if I was a retarded like most police haters, I could have just started going off on the officer, yelling, calling him names, arguing etc... but I am not a retard. I apologized, acted like a fine upstanding citizen, and in return I was treated like a fine upstanding citizen. if you respect police, they will respect you back.

So in conclusion, I was supposedly 11 miles over the speed limit. No ticket. I rule.

In the state of Florida if you are pulled over by the FHP for speeding 99.9% of time you are going to get a ticket. Well we were driving down the interstate and I was speeding I saw the Trooper coming up the on ramp so I slowed and he pulled in right behind me. I pulled off the road before he even got his lights on. I had a perfect driving record no tickets in over 30 yrs. The Trooper came back and gave me a warning ticket for 85 in a 70. I was amazed. This was in Dec and I let my white beard grow to play Santa at Christmas, so I figured he didn't want to ticket Santa. :laugh:
My sister had a friend pulled over ,after a long night of partying.
The cop walks up to the window,the guy says, "was I speeding officer",the cop says "you were clocked going 6 mph",on the interstate.
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gotta be cool with cops.
I have been holding so many times and kept my shit together and walked

Other then that they can shoot you, so best not to get all snarky
My sister had a friend pulled over ,after a long night of partying.
The cop walks up to the window,the guy says, "was I speeding officer",the cop says "you were clocked going 6 mph",on the interstate.

My mother God rest her soul got a ticket for driving to slow on a city street.
ok so usually when I have been pulled over, sometimes I know I fucked up, other times I thinking I'm not guilty but understand why I was pulled over. This was the first time in my life where I was legit like "wtf?"

and the cop didn't even explain why I was pulled over initially. He was also pissed because I thought I was so innocent I didn't even pull over right away.. like I legit thought there was no way I was getting pulled over, that's how innocent I thought I was. So it took me a minute to be like "oh... he actually wants me to pull over"

So I am just sitting in my car wondering why the fuck I was pulled. When the cop came up to my window he was pretty mad, yelling at me for not pulling over initially, I was very calm, cool, collected, and explained my reasoning, always being polite and addressing him as officer and sir. Once I did that, he chilled out a bit and realized it was a misunderstanding.

Then after all that, pulling me over, yelling at me, making me sweat for 10 minutes, he gives me only a warning. On the warning he has me going 41 in a 30.

I can only think that's complete bullshit because usually there is no way you are getting out of a ticket if you went 11 miles over. I think he was just in a bad mood?

So the moral of this thread is... if I was a retarded like most police haters, I could have just started going off on the officer, yelling, calling him names, arguing etc... but I am not a retard. I apologized, acted like a fine upstanding citizen, and in return I was treated like a fine upstanding citizen. if you respect police, they will respect you back.

So in conclusion, I was supposedly 11 miles over the speed limit. No ticket. I rule.

I beg to differ. You are a retard. Why do you categorize a police officer as a pig.
How about in your profession or job people classify you as a dumb mother fucker. I don’t believe everyone in your profession should be classified as a dumb mother fucker so stop classifying police as pigs. It’s not nice. Are you reliving the 60’s man, got pulled over by a pig.
You are weak for getting pulled over like that.

I have had two speeding tickets (1980 in Alaska, 2011 in Louisiana), and I speed like crazy.

In Lamoni, Iowa, a horse drawn carriage at oh dark thirty before dawn was plugging down main street in 2013, the road was dark, and I had that horse and driver crapping in their pants when I pulled out and went by.

11 over? Please. No war story there.

Can’t wait for you to hit someone traveling at a high rate of speed. Let’s see who will be crapping their pants.
I’ve seen enough serious accidents caused by idiots like you.
i know a guy that was going 15 over through virginia, he has no record, didn't matter. Immediately arrested, he ended up in jail for 60 days. And that was after a plea deal. The south doesn't play.

This sounds like total bull shit. My guess he had a pending warrant.